Guests Coming Over – Never Pay A Trainer Again

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Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everybody so today I’m gonna show you how to train your dog to not jump and be crazy when people come over so your guests can have a peaceful experience coming your house so in society right now I have seen that it is becoming it is seemingly becoming okay for dogs to be wild when guests come over but it’s not okay actually I have kids I go to people’s homes and when they’re dr. a while that’s actually a dangerous thing people generally don’t want to be jumped on kids never want to be gentleman’s but people will sometimes say it’s okay okay but it’s really not okay alright so I think it’s very important to train your dog not to jump on guests there’s a few ways to do this maybe the best way and the way that we’re going to show you today is to go to the bed method okay so what we’re gonna do in a minute is we’re gonna bring ginger out she’s a border train that’s working on this behavior and we’re gonna show you how to train the bed then we’re gonna have my wife come out and actually be a guest and she has seen my wife but she really doesn’t know my wife so it really is a real guest like experience coming over and she’s gonna probably get up and we’re gonna show you exactly every step of the way now the key to this behavior of your dog not jumping and being nutty around the guests coming over the key to this behavior is to do the work when guests before guests ever come over that is the key to everything all right so we need to train the bad to stay then we need to approximate and act like somebody’s at the door by opening the door we need to add knocks we need to have all kinds of things and then we’re gonna get bring the guests in later and that’s exactly what doesn’t it do – all right for the so for the first step in your in having a peaceful guest experience coming to your house is to train the dog a bed stay alright bed stays aren’t that tough and I’m gonna show you how to do it then we need to add knocks you leaving the bed to get to get the door and then eventually a human being coming in and your dog still stay all right so we’ve got ginger here and you can use the lease for this behavior if the dog bent out of its mind because the leashes help them not be able to leave you Ginger’s been here for a few days so she knows some a lot of these behaviors so first thing we do you do need treats this is good behavior treats I don’t like treats for everything but treats are good for this so all I’m gonna do is take the treat and I’m gonna lure the dog ginger bad now as you can see ginger already knows with behavior all right I’m an act like ginger doesn’t okay so that you guys know sock like this is your daughter so just take a treat lure save bed give it okay then you can really cigar alright that’s pretty straightforward now what we’re gonna do is do a bed stay ginger girl ready and I’m gonna sort of approximate follow through I’m gonna approximate myself bed stay okay so once you’ve done mo bit of work on the bed now you’re gonna be at this point stay go towards the door don’t go to the door maybe your dogs not ready for that tell me you’re just gonna go back reinforce the stay are you gonna release the dog no we still got more to work on stay send stayed right yeah yeah I’m gonna go a little more towards the door now she can handle this but your new dog might not be able to so I’m act like this is a brand-new dog go back to the dog hey that’s repeat them cute stay don’t just not stay stay and expect your six-month-old dog to totally know what you’re asking I’m gonna okay so let’s do a little practice ginger you so now we’re gonna do the second step of introducing a family member so many who’s my beautiful wife Liz she’s gonna be the family member now liz has it met ginger so this is gonna be kind of like kind of a new person coming over to your house so remember the second step we already trained the bed stay while you go to the door and no one’s at the door and you knock on the door but no one’s there okay now the second step is a family member coming to the door the reason this is an important step is because you can just slam the door on your family member and they’re not gonna get offended whereas a guest you’re not gonna trust me I’ve done this with a lot of clients no one wants to close the door on a guest and say give me two minutes while I train my dog all right so you have to be able to close the drawer on your guests go back put your dog back on the bed and move on and then go and open the door again so we’re gonna show you the steps of Liz you’re gonna be the guest sound good okay come on in we’ve got ginger red oh we’ve got ginger in here this is the house we’ve got the guest outside our family member ready to knock on the door she’s doing a pretty good bed stay so we’re ready to just add that knock and then I want to get her and we’ll see how it goes ginger come on dad stay I’m gonna always keep an eye on her because if she gets up the key to this behavior you have to say I’m and put her back on the bed so even when I’m talking to the family member and then remember if you do this with guests it’s gonna be hard to go back so you have to keep an eye on her and keep an eye on your family and your guests hi how are you one of the triggers for the dog getting up is the guest speaking so the minute say again hi how are you hi she even perked up but she didn’t get up and can’t see all right now if that’s okay but she didn’t get up okay now the nut or the other trigger for the the dog getting up which if they get up you gotta come right back where they are is her seeing the guests ah good so I marked the behavior I said uh uh and actually I moved into her and she chose to go back on the bed so that’s fine it was a mistake animals and people learned the mistakes so that’s okay hi how are you you got to go through this talk with the family member that you’re gonna do with with it with a real guest okay come on in now I got to keep my eye on the dog this in a minute the dog sees a family member the kids come on in this is my dog but she’s not getting up so we’ve avoided the craziness at the door when our family member the approximation of our family member coming over now we’re gonna do she’s still on the bed stay remind the dog to say now we’re gonna let someone come in that she doesn’t know so this is your next step allowing your when your friends come over okay so you’re gonna put your dog on a bed stack so we’re gonna really ascertain a way to start all over again my son is gonna help us with this so release we’re gonna release the dog in almost out let’s even act like it’s just a normal situation where we’re just hanging out and someone shows up ginger okay okay so she’s released she’s cruising around so we’re just hanging out hanging hanging hanging and call crews knocked on the door please she’s being calm it’s cuz we’re in the middle and your dog is gonna be like crazy crazy crazy ginger get your dog use a treaty bed stay she doesn’t know this young man here do you find your dog your dog always keeps an eye on your dog come on in good to see you again how are you good so now the dog is still on the bed stay your guest has come over the dog has not gotten up yet she perked up she’s ready to get out of Athens maybe because she’s so good for you’re like the first time a new guest comes over maybe you drop over and give her a treat repeat the stay and we want her to be able to say hi to our new guest and we’re gonna release her okay ginger I’m gonna say hi to our new guest that she doesn’t know and this is a fine meeting we’re gonna check out our jumpin videos to be able to AH to be able to handle the jump when it happens with this method alone will often solve the jumping all together because we avoided all the nuttiness here once the dog is released to say hi to the guests they just don’t feel like jumping anymore …

Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here ๐Ÿ‘ˆ