best woodworking tools for beginners
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all right so five woodworking tools I think power tools that I think every woodworker beginner order should start with basically is kind of the premise and when we get to number four and five I’m probably gonna need your help but first and foremost I think if you’re going to start with working or when you’re starting out the first thing you need are combo or cordless a drill at a minimum and a circular saw now I prefer or steer people to combo kits because especially this time of year you can score some excellent deals on combo kits I put some links in the description below of this YouTube video if you want to check that out to see the tools that I’ve got listed but basically Home Depot Lowe’s any of these major places are going to have really good deals so like if you’re just starting out you’re on a big budget or a small budget then check out the Ryobi kit the OnePlus kit you can get six of these tools with the two batteries has everything you need to get started I literally started with as a lot of people know a drill two drills and a circular saw all really old stuff old stuff so it doesn’t have to be super fancy stuff if you’re just getting started there’s really no reason for you to feel like you have to go spend the top dollar on the top of the line tools so you don’t have to go get Milwaukee Tools if you like them and you got the budget and you want to do that that’s perfectly fine so whatever you want to do but I if you don’t if you’re just getting started you can literally take 200 bucks and go buy everything you need to get started a drill and a saw and you got everything you need and you just start and start building things I did I went to Walmart I think and bought a 25 sander when I first started and and then it’s tore up into like a month and a half so I would highly recommend spending about 80 or 90 on a sander and the one that I actually bought this is Number Two by the way number two now the one that I actually bought was this one right here check that fella out who’s that guy doesn’t even look like you anymore who is that guy so this is the very first video that ever got posted I think is this the very first video I have no idea no no no this is like the third or fourth view but it’s very early on this is the Walt Sanders they still make this sander I still have a sander like this this one on this video actually tore up after about four years of very heavy use but this is like 80 bucks for the sander extremely good sander just starting out like it’s just hook and loop paper you don’t really need much other than that it’s just a it’s a nice sander but you are going to need a sander so I think after your drill driver and circular saw the second tool you should buy is the DeWalt I kind of lumped the drill driver and Circa saw in one because a lot of times you pick those up as a combo kit so that’s one there’s two you look so young there I was younger so uh right now Amazon has that one for eighty four dollars on Amazon so it’s a really good price it’s a variable speed uh five inch sander you can’t I mean you can’t ask for much more than that I mean it’s a really good deal Bosch also makes a good sander if you’re just getting started you want to just get a basic sander like that but for me old trusty here dewalts way to go all right number three on the list if you already have a drill you already have a driver an impact driver you already have the circular saw and you now you have the sander the the third tool I’m getting confused third tool that I actually think you should buy I think you should buy a router because you can do so much with routers that no other tool can do but like a uh this is the one I actually recommend I got videos on this on the channel uh you could just start 731 router or look in the description this is a Dewalt Router it’s got plenty of power to you know route right down the middle of boards like that a dovetail Groove it’s also has a plunge base and a fixed base all for about um 200-ish dollars this goes on sale from time to time but typically it stays around that 200 Mark and it’s just excellent it’s just an excellent little router I think this is one of my favorite routers that I’ve gotten and I’ve got a Bosch router that’s in the router table but as far as just working with a router outside of a router table I think that dewalt’s just a good value especially because you get both those bases and if I’m not mistaken it comes with the uh Edge guide maybe right well if you got those then number four number five is where I kind of start which one should you go with first that’s why I need your help so you got to tell me in the comments which one would you pick first after you have those tools the number four tool I think personally is this table saw now whatever table saw you buy is going to be basically dependent on uh you know your budget but this is my pick for a beginner budget saw I reviewed this on the channel just a few weeks ago or maybe a couple of months ago but this is a skill 10 inch saw I like it because it’s a full 10 inches it cuts right through anything I threw at it leopard wood Pine Spruce Maple plywood this is an excellent little saw and it just it just works so good I was very impressed by that little saw and I think it’s only about uh 369 dollars so less it was I think 349 is what I paid for it so it’s up just a little bit but at 349 or less like that’s just a super good deal for a table saw so obviously if you have the table saw what else could you get you know so my thinking is there’s two different things you can do right you can either go with a miter saw number five or you can get a planer number five because it just depends on what you’re building if you’re doing more cutting boards and things like that I would highly recommend getting a planer so you can get everything the same thickness if you’re building more furniture and that’s more more furniture type stuff where you’re cutting more angles then obviously the miter saw I think would be a better pick but I just reviewed a benchtop planer on the channel the Craftsman bench top laner and that thing is really nice like for 3.99 I actually got it on sale for 2.99 I highly expect this will go on sale again before Christmas for 2.99 just a hunch I have no inside information on this one but I think it’ll go back down however it’s still at 3.99 it’s a decent deal or um Harbor Freight has the Bauer brand they’re almost identical like they probably come out of the same Factory and you can get those a couple of weeks ago for 329 but right now it’s still like I think it’s 379. so that might be a good option too for a planer but uh if you’re going with a miter saw I would strongly strongly encourage you not to cheap out on the miter saw because you don’t want to get into the the play in it so it throws the angles off anything that’s going to mess with your accuracy so that’s one of the first major it was the first major power tool we bought was the miter saw and I saved up for quite a while to get it it was the DeWalt DW s779 still have it still in the shop and uh just that’s just a good you’re so excited when you got it I was very excited to get that song and Christmas and it is less nailed than what I paid for it at Home Depot I went ahead and linked it in the description but you can just go to Home Depot as well and check this out but it’s 399 dollars right now it’s the regular 600 this is an excellent saw and you get a free stand with it if you don’t have a miter station or a miter stand you get a free stand right now at Home Depot I don’t know how long this deal goes on so if you are in the market for a miter saw now maybe the time that’s kind of the basic five tools I think beginner Woodworkers should should start buying the four and five place I think is kind of uh depending on what you’re getting scruffy Santa says been using my Ryobi tools for years and I’ve had great luck with them less expensive and still work great I wear a lot of good stuff about Riley and then James Jenkins says new woodworker here table salts which one is better one might or Slaughter two uh two if you can get them with two I mean the more the merrier right because like when you’re building a table saw sled or other type jigs you got two things to reference off of to miter slots you can reference in to put those miter runners in there so yeah if I could get to them get to 203 disarmed says I have the Ryobi kid absolutely love it I used it to make your dog kennel table oh that’s cool yep that’s cool maybe I need to buy the Ryobi maybe I need to grab that Ryobi kit that’s 200 bucks and just see how it is and just do a like a video on or something Tony Lee started with a driver an impact and a circular saw from Walmart four years in I’ve graduated and given them away but definitely got my money’s worth oh yeah that’s that’s what I’m saying like it doesn’t take like a lot of people when especially because of YouTube right you look at YouTube my shop anybody else shop that’s been doing it for a while you’re like holy cow but literally you don’t need that stuff starting out and I when I watched so I watched Jay Bates when I was starting out and he had a Shop full of tools I never ever saw that I just saw what he was building I was like oh yeah I can build that with circular saw and a drill and so I think a lot of people get lost in that but really you can take some very simple tools and make some really cool stuff hard work woodwork says Palm router or plunge router question mark um as a first router I would buy the I would buy actually I recommended that on that video I showed earlier I recommend getting that DeWalt fixed and plunge router as your first router and because it’ll do everything a palm router will do and you get the the benefits of having the bigger router it’s a little bit heavier yeah but it’ll still do everything it’ll still do your edge profiles but you can also do dados you can do dovetail grooves like everything plunge everything you want to do with it that’s the one I would absolutely go with and then once you get your business going or once you start making products and things then you can buy a little palm router or or if you’re on the budget uh Bosch almost every time there’s a sale or a holiday like Black Friday and all that stuff those always go on a really good sale the Bosch Colt router little one horsepower router excellent router I would assume most likely it’ll be on sale my bonus pick is actually a beginner woodworker to save you a ton of time is a paint sprayer oh my gosh yes this thing will say we painted our cabinets with one of these uh this is a home right finish Max sprayer it’s only like 100 bucks and for a paint sprayer that’s cheap but it works so well like you can adjust the flow to from fine to heavy uh I just spray like just spray good quality Paints in it no problem I’m afraid stains with it I sprayed clear coats with it super easy to just take apart clean like it’s just a it’s a very inexpensive but still a good paint sprayer so it’s basically when you’re looking at trying to cut down your time on things because I was painting stuff by him when I first started it would take forever but that thing will cut out a ton of time it’s so easy even miss 731 can use it there’s a video on that too I’ll put a link in description to that full video if you want to check that out Tom Fritch says what are your thoughts on the Ryobi HP line I already have most of the Ryobi cordless tools and thinking of upgrading my hammer drill and impact to the Ryobi HP or Makita lxt I mean if you’re going if you want so makitas are more uh professional grade tools you know so if you’re it just depends on what you’re doing with them but the route we line is perfectly fine like there’s tons of people scruffy sanding in here has ryobi’s and is perfectly happy with them there’s nothing wrong with Roby like or I’ll be Ridgid they’re they’re Milwaukee they’re all owned by the same parent company TTI so kind of and they not that they they’re the same but there’s nothing wrong with Robbie well Tom you’re happy with them it says can’t do Ryobi at all I use my tools every day and they just don’t hold up yeah so it just depends like yeah I’ve heard that too A lot of people who are hardcore contractors or just Woodworkers every day they don’t hold up as long but if you’re adult woodwork but maybe on the weekends or once a month then I don’t know Santa says had very good luck with my Roby tools very happy with him but you also you can go to um you can go to like uh you can do just search Milwaukee reviews and you’ll see good stuff about Milwaukee you’ll see bad stuff about walking so it just really depends on the person that use it or just get a bad draw exactly sometimes I think you just get a bad tool yeah you know hourly day Justin Jensen says what’s a good set of affordable chisels he don’t know because he spent fifteen hundred dollars on something he’ll know what affordable is nerix get you some narex chisels if you’ll wait a couple days and stay tuned to the channel I gotta I got something coming with chisels couple days just hang on a couple days yeah I’m gonna put you back in the shade take my garage back yeah I’m about to build another dog house running also just be sure to keep up uh on I post all the tool deals that I find on my website tools Dash deals or you can just go to click the little menu button tool deals bookmark that page I post there daily daily I’m posting tool deals there uh I put links down there to all the videos that I’ve done on any of the tools we talked about tonight so some of them I’ve already previously done a video if you want to check that out after the show …
“+10,000 Step By Step Plans …even if you don’t have a large workshop or expensive tools!“ Download Today! 👈