Cure Tooth Decay & Cavities 1 of 3 –

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hi my name is Ramy Nagel and this is a three-part series on curing tooth decay it is store food that has given us store teeth the primary cause of tooth decay is not bacteria but a deficiency in nutrients just as an important disclaimer I’m not a dentist and I’m not a medical doctor I do not sell treatments for tooth decay I came to begin researching tooth decay because at the age of one my daughter teeth begin to Decay and the reason why this was a problem is because there is not a good treatment available for tooth decay for children meanwhile I was watching my daughter’s teeth Decay I didn’t know what to do about it I was afraid that she’d get a tooth infection and there just wasn’t a solution a dentist is a doctor of dental surgery what they what a dentist does is treat the symptom of your tooth decay and ignore the cause of the tooth decay so when you go to a dentist you’re not getting the problem cured you’re getting the problem treated this uh series is going to talk about curing tooth decay not treating tooth decay the current theory of tooth decay that we’ve been told is not really the full truth it’s a half Truth at best it’s more likely a false truth so on the Ada website if you look at the cause of tooth decay it says tooth decay occurs when foods containing carbohydrates like sugars and starches such as milk pop raisins cakes and candy are frequently left on the teeth bacteria in our mouth thrive on these Foods producing acids as a result over a period of time these acids destroy tooth enamel resulting in tooth decay sounds pretty reasonable that is until you look a little more carefully at what this theory is really telling us now on the sugar association’s website it talks about one of the important purposes of white sugar and it says sugar incapacitates any microorganisms by its ability to attract water what that means is that if you put sugar on your teeth a bacteria cannot eat that Sugar because the bacteria will become incapacitated by the sugar in fact the two primary foods that cause tooth decay light flour and white sugar have been designed by IM industry and commerce to prevent bacterias from eating them because they didn’t want those foods to spoil so this leaves us with a dilemma how is it that a food designed specifically to prevent bacterias from from eating the food how is it that bacteria eat that food in our mouth another aspect promoted about tooth decay is saying that tooth decay is an infectious disease however if tooth decay was an infectious disease it has a lot of curious properties for example uh you don’t get over it you don’t develop antibodies to the Infectious Disease they don’t behave like a cold or a flu it doesn’t behave like what we would think uh infectious disease would behave like when tooth decay is active in our bodies we have in our mouth a large amount of a bacteria called lactobacilus acidophilus now lactobacillus acidophilus that’s in yogurt that’s the bacteria that’s in our gut we need it’s a probiotic bacteria we need to be healthy now strangely uh in order to prevent tooth decay nobody tells you avoid lactobacillus avoid yogurt avoid fermented foods nobody is recommending that so it seems a little curious that these bacterias could actually cause Su Decay when in the rest of our body they’re are probiotic what Wesson price did is he traveled all over the world and did field studies is he saw that people who lived on their native diet sometimes had a 100% immunity to tooth decay and he comments on the current theory of bacteria causing tooth decay by saying that among the difficulties in applying this interpretation is the physical impossibility of keeping teeth bacteria bacteriologically clean in the environment of the mouth another difficulty is the fact that many primitive races have their teeth smeared with starchy Foods almost constantly and make no effort whatsoever to clean their teeth in spite of this they have no tooth decay so if you and I are to believe the bacterial theory of tooth decay then it doesn’t make sense that people would be living on the planet that have starch all over their teeth never brush their teeth and would be immune to tooth decay if the bacterial theory was true then these people would have significant tooth decay because they have food on their teeth all the time and they don’t brush in fact this doesn’t happen so what does that mean about the current theory the current theory is false what you’ve been told is a lie a more accurate definition would be odonto porosis which means a decrease in tooth density causing tooth weakness and odonto clasia which is the absorption and destruction of tooth enamel Dentin and tooth tissue i’ like to tell you uh give you example of what a normal dentist does when you get to go to get treated for tooth decay let’s say I leave this lemon out for a couple days it’ll get moldy you go to the dentist and the dentist this is like a tooth and the dentist looks at your tooth and he says oh there’s a moldy spot there’s Decay I’ll take care of it for you don’t worry he takes his drill cuts a hole there’s a nice hole there take some filling material fills it up color it make sure it looks good all right and he says look I’ve cured your tooth decay so after you cut the moldy spot out of the lemon it’s not decaying anymore but you leave the lemon out for a couple more weeks and the case with our teeth it usually takes a couple more years and lo and behold there’s another moldy SP couple years go by you don’t have much of a tooth left and then it says wow this mold just like in the lemon is it’s penetrated to the core of the lemon I’m going to have to uh do a root canal cut off the top remove all the pulp fill it with glue put a cover back on you now have a pulpless tooth and they say look I’ve cured your tooth decay you don’t have to worry about this tooth anymore it will never Decay again and of course it won’t Decay again because it’s dead and when the tooth is dead it can become a breeding ground for harmful bacterias so root canals can be dangerous not everyone’s root canal becomes infected but a lot of root canals can become affected infected so it’s actually quite a harmful treatment if you want to read more about Dr mining’s work then he wrote a book called the root canal coverup there’s a great need to prevent a root canal rather than to have a root canal and the only sane way to do that is with proper nutrition another thing some dentists promote is fluoride treatments fluoride is poisonous and I don’t want you to be drinking floridated floridated water or use fluoride treatments fluoride does not for immunity to tooth decay and fluoride is not an essential vitamin and mineral the Environmental Protection agency’s own employees union consisting of approximately 1500 scientists lawyers and Engineers came out against water fluoridation because a lack of scientific literature scientific documentation showing that fluoride exposure is too high in floridated water a lack of benefit to dental health and the health hazards from ingestion of fluoride several large Studies have been done in fluoridated water communities and these Studies have shown that over a period of time fluoride does not increase immunity to tooth decay and in fact might decrease immunity to tooth decay for more information on the harms of fluoride I suggest you go to the fluide Action Network while Dental treatments temporarily stop the presence of Decay they are not a cure fluoride is a poison it is not a cure for tooth decay either tooth decay happens when we diverge from Nature’s fundamental laws in part two of this video series I will show you the evidence of Weston Price that shows us how our bodies degenerate by a certain type of incorrect nutrition and in part three of this series I’m going to show you what proper nutrition is and give you a protocol for reversing halting and preventing tooth decay I also encourage you to go to my website and click on healing teeth I have both a free resource of information that I presented to you and I’m also selling an ebook to help give you a very clear and precise and detailed explanation of why Keith decay …