2. Adobe Analytics
Page traffic report in Adobe Analytics
What it is: Adobe Analytics is a traffic analytics and multichannel data collection tool, designed for advanced users and enterprise companies.
What you can track: business intelligence (BI) and traffic data from websites, emails, and apps, including pageviews, unique visitors, purchases, order attribution, segmentation, and customer journey analytics.
Price: on request.
3. Matomo (formerly Piwik)
Matomo dashboard
What it is: Matomo is an open-source web traffic analytics tool.
What you can track: unsampled traffic metrics, ecommerce and event tracking, custom dimensions, goals, and segments.
Price: free (self-hosted).
4. Clicky
Clicky analytics dashboard
What it is: Clicky is a real-time website traffic analytics tool.
What you can track: real-time data, including visitors, pageviews, and events.
Price: from free for 3,000 pageviews/day.
5. Fathom
Fathom’s one-page traffic dashboard
What it is: Fathom is a simple, privacy-focused analytics tool.
What you can track: site views, unique views, average time on site, bounce rate, goal completions, referrers, country, user device, and browser type.
Price: from $14/month for 100,000 pageviews.
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