Download 50 Free Woodworking Plans & DIY Projects

totally free woodworking plans

“+10,000 Step By Step Plans …even if you don’t have a large workshop or expensive tools!“ Click Here 👈

hi my name is Ted McGrath and today I’m going to show you how you can build whatever DIY project you want without spending days or months looking for a plan or spending a fortune hiring someone to do it for you it might sound crazy but you’ll see for yourself how you can build anything out of wood easily without a large workshop or expensive tools in just a few short minutes you’ll get access to the world’s largest collection of woodworking plans for every type of project imaginable so this may be the only time you’re ever able to access this so stop whatever you’re doing right now and pay close attention if you’ve worked on any project you’re most likely aware of the time and effort required for it and it can get frustrating I’m talking about times when you have to wing it or follow free plans you found online the truth is most plans on the internet and magazines are garbage here’s why most of the plans are not detailed enough they have missing steps or inaccurate measurements and the pictures don’t match what they’re telling you their instructions leave out vital information assuming that you are experienced enough to fill in the blanks even worse many plans for magazines assume you’re a master craftsman with access to expensive tools no wonder woodworking seems so hard the truth is I have spent lots of time and money buying magazines and plans most of them just left me with more questions than answers I decided to change all that so to solve the problem I’ve spent the last 20 years putting together a resource that is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before it is my personal library of over 16,000 plans for every project you can imagine there are thousands of projects in this package years of work all compiled into the single largest woodworking database in the world yet you’re not just receiving the tedswoodworking package today just for watching this entire presentation I’d like to give you free of charge these value add bonuses to help you with your projects first you’ll get the award-winning DWG and CAD plan viewer with this you don’t have to pay for the high priced CAD software this will allow you to edit modify or even create your own plans it’s normally valued at 47 dollars yours free today second you’ll get full access to over 150 premium woodworking video lessons covering a wide selection of topics all hosted by professional woodworkers get access to my extensive collection of detailed video tutorials and learn techniques and tips that the professionals use in their workshops this will soon be sold separately with the price tag of $77 but today it’s yours absolutely free third you’re going to get a book entitled how to start a woodworking business I will give you a step-by-step guide on how to make money selling your custom wood work from home with this guide you’ll learn how to start quickly and operate successfully learn how to turn your passion into profits and finally you’re also getting a complete collection of online woodworking guides with over 200 pages of woodworking tips and tricks with detailed drawings diagrams and photos think of this as the foundation for your woodworking plans there’s no fluff here it’s 200 pages of solid step-by-step and straightforward advice that sets you up for your projects this is valued at $37 yours free when you order today now you can see why the Ted’s Woodworking package is valued at $197 even without the bonuses this is a steal and if you bought the bonuses by themselves your total investment today would be over $380 however just for watching this presentation today I have a much better deal coming your way just keep watching as it won’t last much longer of course you could choose to just continue on the path you’re on right now and that isn’t what I want for you so let’s make this a really easy decision I know times are tough for a lot of good hard-working people in our country right now and the plans in this package can save folks a lot of money which is why there’s absolutely no way I could ask you to pay $197 for Ted’s Woodworking or even just $99 because my conscience simply won’t allow it so if you act right now and only if this special website is still up that you are on which may not be for long you can get the full Ted’s Woodworking package with over 16,000 plans for all types of projects plus all the bonuses and everything else for just a small one-time investment of just $67 you …

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