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hey guys Dan Ryder here and if you’re watching my video you are looking into how to get free solar panels from the government and I can relate um I had a similar request we wanted to go solar and we heard you could essentially do this for free by leveraging government incentives um that that’s what we’re talking about here so we got excited about that idea because we necessarily didn’t want to spend the 25,000 uh that the average person pays to to go solar so we started our quest for all these incentives and we quickly hit a brick wall you know it was really difficult to find this information and we spent hours literally hours um it was it was really painful but the good news that I’m going to share with you is that we eventually found this awesome resource uh it’s it’s a database actually and and if you know how to use it and I’m going to show you how you can quickly get a listing of every government incentive that exists to go solar so um what I did was I put together a free guide you can grab a copy at sunny and literally you just follow this guide step by step it’s a couple pages with with screenshots and I’m going to show you how to access this tool and literally in minutes or less you know you’ll get every single tax credit every single rebate every single Grant and more that is available in in your area cuz it’s by you know it’s based on where you live you’re going to be able to leverage these government incentives and that is essentially how you can get uh solar panels for free from the government now um it could be free it it might not be free depending on the size of the system you need and you know again depending on what’s available in your area so just in case um you still kind of run into a wall with with the cost I actually found I have good news because I found another way to go solar which I wasn’t anticipating um I I discovered it by accident while I was looking into all these incentives and I thought it was really interesting because you can essentially get solar panels um for pretty much nothing in a in a totally different way so um when you go ahead and grab this free report at Sunny I’m going to share another video with you that will get into all the details I’m not going to get into that here we’re trying to keep this video nice and short so you’ll be able to get a list of all your incentives uh using this report and then also check out this video that I’m going to share with you and you know learn about this new way to go solar I think a lot of people are doing it this way cuz it’s it’s pretty easy um it looked PR assle free the more I looked at it and really made me think about how I was going to go solar so I think no matter where you live and you know how much money you have to put into solar uh with one of these options you’ll be good to go so go to Sunny that’s probably a link or button below and grab the info that you need to do this the right way take care …