Every single reason men have walked away from relationships in one video.

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Think I missed something? Let me know below! 0:00 Intro 05:37 The wasted women 08:07 Women have a weight and drinking …

[Music] guys welcome to the program before we even get started let’s check in with the ladies and see how they’re doing I’m here I’m here I know you’re scared and know you don’t know what to do that girl said her spit on that thing that’s boring I’m farting on it mhm exactly speak to him toothless I’m farting on it would you date a guy that makes 75k a year no that’s so cute no no no a a 5 attitude 5 in Attitude what is 88 + 22 no not this again 8 9 10 11 75 75 oh wow yeah thank you so much for your time I appreciate it yeah how the hell she get 75 guys welcome uh you know this is one of the things that I often get asked especially when I do content like this is people will say why do you hate women it’s not that we hate women and you guys know this as well as I do it’s just right now they’re really struggling in just about every aspect of life and they’ve become virtually undatable because all the issues that they’ve had throughout history they normally kept on the down low if she was a greedy woman she kept it to herself if she was a woman that was likely to cheat she’d keep it to herself but this generation is so enamored with social media that they feel they need to come out and brag about all their worst qualities and it’s never made it easier in the history of mankind to know what a woman’s thinking because they’re coming right out and telling you how awful they are now I will give the usual prerequisite this doesn’t mean all women it doesn’t mean it doesn’t it doesn’t mean that they’re NE necessarily bad people but there’s a whole lot of them especially the younger generations and the ones in the dating age that are outing themselves as not such great people I have a ton of articles I have a ton of videos to go through today this will probably be a long one so sit back relax we’ll have a little bit of fun um so we’re going to start right off off the Top If you guys in that little intro that I did the girl that was uh let me grab that image real quick or that video real quick the the video in question is this one let me just drop it here into my browser said uh this is what I’m a perfect example of what I’m talking about this girl wants to be I don’t know the next Hawk Tua girl the next girl going viral for saying something completely gross in public I’m going to play this again and then we’re specifically going to talk about her and haw Tu a girl to start up this whole mess that girl said H spit on that thing that’s boring I’m farting on on it mhm exactly speak to him toothless I’m farting on it that girl said I saw this I saw this video and I said that’s it I’m off the internet forever I’m done I’m off the because I actually paused the video and when she spit made that spitting noise you can see there’s white spittle on her lip she legit she spit on her own dashboard and her own windshield to make make this video and this just encapsulates everything with women today in this one video because social media has engineered and designed them that if no matter like if the worse they are and and the more gross they are the the more they want to go viral and get attention and that’s what this girl is doing and I continue on my work of looking for things to talk about today and then this from Rolling Stone which is fishlyn says we had breakfast with a hawk to a girl the national hero we need we live in such a clown world right now she went viral for a sex joke but Haley Welsh is much more a Charming jenz Dolly Parton who’s rightfully becoming America’s sweetheart that’s right Haw Tua girl and if you guys don’t know Haw Tua I’ll maybe maybe I’ll dig up a video and post it here because you’ve been living in a cave apparently for the last I don’t know month or so what’s one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time oh you got to give him that hwk too and spit on that thing you get me I I don’t get you I think you got to uh demonstrate hwk to on it but now she’s the and I’m not going to read through the whole thing but she got hired to judge a bikini competition and she got paid $30,000 for it now you can say men are the ones enabling this stuff and I really can’t argue with you because I don’t know but but it doesn’t seem that really it’s it’s guys that are like that are into this thing it just what what where are we I’m so confused by this generation of women I’m not even going to read down through this because we’d all lose uh we’d all lose brain cells in extremely quick quick um fashion from Fox News gen Z is shaping itself into the wasted generation they’re quiet quitters they’re doing the bare minimum they don’t want to work and and and yes you can say well that’s guys too but all the videos are of women it’s all the women the entitled ones that are my day in the life of like Facebook and they show themselves eating food all day getting fat here’s a day in the life working at Google as an account strategist in La soon as I walked in I grabbed my breakfast for today which is going to be this iced coffee and a banana then I decided to walk over to the nap room which yes Google has nap rooms I got back to work for a few more hours and then decided to walk over to lunch yes all of these snacks and drinks and food are free which is amazing and then after work we had a team dinner so we just headed over to this Mexican restaurant down the street the drinks and the food were 10 out of 10 and that’s it for today so follow for more living the lavish lifestyle while doing zero work this and and putting it on social media now of course they’ve all been fired but the point is they’re bragging about doing nothing and these companies are paying for it so maybe we can say we we just live in the worst generation in history and we’re all part of it because the entitlement of people today is just off the the graphs at this point I don’t know what to say but I can tell you right now the women at least when it comes to that now maybe the guys are just as undatable I don’t know but I cuz I don’t see them being shared on the internet being idiots nearly to the same level the women are so here’s here’s a good list for you guys and I’m going to go down some through some data points and some video here are the reasons why these modern women and this generation is the worst in history to try to date currently most young women are overweight uh I’ve during my extensive travels of the world when I was in Southeast Asia when I was in Eastern Europe uh like in Ukraine in uh along the border of Russia Romania some of these other countries they were spelt they were petite they were thin they were attractive they put on makeup when they were anywhere in public they looked beautiful like they actually cared about their beauty but now today women are overweight they’re told it’s big and beautiful to be overweight and maybe you’re the one of the guys that says hey I’m a bit of a chubby chaser I like bigger girls that’s fine but they’re not carrying it where guys like which is the hips and the ass and the chest instead they’re carrying it on their gut and they have the the very alluring attractive shape of an apple and the I went and looked for um I went and looked for the average weight for women and from data as of 2018 the average weight of women was 100 uh where is it from the CDC uh at 20 years old the average weight was 170.88 4 in tall oh and here’s a good example right in Asia considered having overweight percentage 24% in North America 73% in Oceana 63 I don’t see any updated IM uh information so you know this being from what they say 2018 how much things have gotten in the last 6 years you know it’s really really bad in the last 6 years so women are are they’re not dressing up they’re not taking care of themselves they’re covered in tattoos they’re overweight they come out in sweat sweatpants or yoga pants and and a sweatshirt instead of dressing you know pretty like they used to in all the other Generations you can even see in this photo which is a completely different story she got her arms covered in all strange tattoos and a lot of guys aren’t into that number two this generation of women have horrible attitudes and they have a drinking problem and it’s not just to the point of oh I like to have a couple out when I’m about on town it’s that some of them are actively drinking bottles of wine in the evening this from NPR women now drink as much as men not so much for pleasure but to cope if you’re with a woman that’s got to drink all the time that’s that’s problematic they say for nearly a century women have been closing the Gap in alcohol consumption binge drinking and uh alcohol use disorder what was previous iously a 3:1 ratio for risky drinking habits in men versus women is now closer to 1:1 globally a a 2016 analysis of several dozen studies suggested and the latest us data from 2019 shows that women in their teens and early 20s reported drinking and getting drunk at higher rates than their male peers in some cases for the first time since researchers began measuring such Behavior the trend parallels the rise in mental health concerns around Young women and researchers worry that the long-term effects of etc etc so women are not doing well which I’ve talked about in other videos women are having more mental issues than ever which also doesn’t bode well for dating women are drinking more than ever to deal with those things self-medicating that’s not doing well and as guys there’s a lot of guys out there that aren’t into that and women are exponentially Measuring Up To Men And even surpassing them in the youngest generation this is a problem and I don’t know too many men that want to date women like that then on top of that you can hear women and and this is a a video I have from a gal that put in her applications she put her applications in for a bunch of jobs and she didn’t get any applications but I want you to hear what she thinks the criteria is for getting her resume selected that’s the part that blew me away about this whole thing take a listen I don’t know it would be nice to get like one email back that’s like we we loved your resume we loved the font you picked um the color scheme Gorge hello anyway so if you’re hiring right now um I make a good scramble and I’m getting my Master’s in business Master’s in business and she said why don’t they contact me because they’re like the font and the color is gorgeous they have no idea no idea and this is why they’re stressing out this is why they can’t cope you’re and and she’s putting it on social social media what good does that do in getting her a job zero it’s all for validation another problem that we’re having is that uh women of this generation no longer look to men to be providers they deem men is offering nothing necess Neary they’d rather have fun with guys and like a toy and discard them which you know for a lot of guys that’s fine but for a lot of men that would like a girlfriend and a and a serious relationship and something traditional forget about it me out the amount of chronically single girlfriends that I know either approaching their 30s or already in their 30s that are like wanting to settle down and have a family but can’t is an epidemic at this point and we’re talking about women that are financially stable have educations are beautiful have their fathers in their lives like come from nice families so I’ll have conversations with my friends and they’ll say things like oh like you know I wanted to make like at least $200,000 a year like at minimum he has to be in shape like I really like a guy with a six-pack I love a guy who’s like 6’2 I need to go with like a full head of hair like I can’t do bald guys every single time time you throw a new specification into what you desire the only person that fits within the parameters of what you are looking for exists in your dreams no I’ve had girlfriends tell me like oh my God no he’s great this and that like but I can’t do a short King so you’re telling me you found a guy that’s like not badl looking has a great job with benefits like financially stable comes from a great family and you can’t do it cuz his legs aren’t long enough like you are out of your minds they’re selfish they want only want Pleasures in life and they’re avoiding marriage and having fewer children from CNN why more women are choosing not to have kids and they they go down through here and they say women basically they want to be childree they’re worried about the environment doomers basically and they say not she says even here in this interview not having children gives this woman a sense of Freedom that her friends who aren’t parents don’t have or who our parents don’t have now that they’ve got the jab she and her husband have been able to eat at restaurants attend concerts and travel without worrying about risking the kid they can work toward retiring early a goal that would otherwise be unattainable in a city as expensive as theirs in their day-to-day life they have plenty of time for themselves VC is one of the growing number of women in the US who are opting to live a child-free lifestyle part of the trend that has been underway for more than a decade now you can say men like myself well you don’t have any kids a lot of us guys don’t have any kids what’s the difference I bet if I did a poll right now and said fellas if you could find a woman that wouldn’t cheat on you wouldn’t divorce you and take half your stuff that would be supportive maybe be a stay-at-home mom with the understanding you’re not going to live a lavish lifestyle and she would maybe educate your kids in the home and raise and have a good family and cook for you and you would just do the 9 to5 and come home and have the Little House on a hill with a picket fence would you have kids and have a family I don’t know of too many men that would say no the vast majority of them would say like yeah I’m kind of all in on that so you guys would like the family it it it’s other external forces that are keeping you from having it where women most women are saying no as a matter of fact there was a woman that worked for Porsche she was a an executive I don’t have the story pulled up she was an executive but you can look it up executive at Porsche hid the fact that she she was with child and after she had it she threw it outside of the window like threw it away because she was worried it would interfere with her career at Porsche these women have have shunned marriage uh here’s another story I have uh regarding that too why why are women opting out of marriage around the world because feminism has gone around the world and getting women into the workforce women women would rather if a woman was to stay home and work around the house and do things for her family she’s told that that you know she’s that she’s being repressed because she’s working for the man that loves her but if she goes into the work world and makes her own money and works for a boss that likely hates her uh then then somehow that’s empowering because she has her own money but they’re not doing well they’re not doing well with it um news headlines such as why are more women are choosing to stay single now craving Freedom Japan’s women opt out of marriage nearly half of Canadians feel marriage is simply not necessary and Chileans are marrying less and later would make it seem marriage is at risk of survival all around the world the numbers back up that assertion in the United States the median age of first marriage has risen from a 1956 low of 20% of for women and 22 or excuse me age median age of marriage was 20 for women 22 22 for men to now 27 for women and 29 for men women are are waiting close to almost 30 to get married and that puts some them on risk of not even being able to have kids some I think one statistic and you’ll have to fact check me on this because I’m I’m just trying to remember this off the top of my head but something like at the age of 30 or 35 somewhere around there women have 90% less eggs and ability to have children than they did it 20 or whatever the number was this is part of the reason things are falling off a cliff so we’re not doing it well and then when you when you look at like these women this is a this is a medical clinic women are more concerned about poisoning their body with Botox and and you can look it up it is I think it’s a bacterial strain or something but it’s meant to basically paralyze the muscles and the muscles in your face so that your muscles relax completely and you kind of get this Frozen face where you can’t move it and the wrinkles will disappear within a week or two because your skin there’s no muscles moving it anymore and then you can exfoliate and scrub your skin and as it kind of regenerates new tissue um I’m I’m sure I’m getting this somewhat wrong there’s probably doctors that can explain it to me but your your face will smooth out that’s what the these Hollywood celebrities are doing that makes their faces look so weird and then they’re getting these lip injections and they look horrible listen to the number of of Jabs these women take poisoning themselves and there’s no wonder that women can look good in a photograph and you say wow she’s she’s still pretty good-look then you meet them in person and they look horrible they’re they’re not doing what’s healthy and what’s good for them they’re chasing vanity and materialis is M Emma how old are you 22 how many units of Botox do you have 32 22 years old and she’s got what what did you say 32 units see you look at this this photo of this woman it looks for me it looks like the uncanny valley where you look at them and you go they don’t quite look human she looks like she’s got doll eyes to me it’s it’s just for me it makes me a little uncomfortable looking at her cuz it doesn’t look natural and human Cody how old are you 55 55 years old not a wrinkle on her face how much poison in her face did it take her to get that way how many units of Botox do you have 64 64 now I’m going to fast forward through the rest this woman had 10 and something I think she said uh I’ll just let listen to that one then there’s one last one I want you to hear Lauren how old are you 24 and how many units of Botox do you have I have 104 I 24 and she has 104 units now I don’t know if that’s individual but that’s a lot of units for 24 years old and if you were to ask me like how old she looks I would have guessed like probably I don’t know maybe in her early 30s she doesn’t look any better because of it this is the craziest one that I wanted to show you is right uh here this one right here how old do you think this gal is cuz this is not a good look let’s be honest with it she’s got the lip injection she’s got the the foreheads all back and everything else listen to listen to her age and how much she’s already had done at this age deonie how old are you 23 and how many units of Botox you have 60 23 and she’s had 60 units of crap just put in her face they they chase vanity they chase youth they chase Beauty and it’s not so they can find the man of their dreams it’s not so they can become a state like try to get the best man that’s the most attractive and the has the most money because she doesn’t have an engagement ring on it’s it’s to stay youthful in Beauty so they can chase narcissism and materialistic things and and uh have all the fun with the guys at the clubs it’s just unbelievable and when we talk about you know women are not they’re not looking for providers and Men they’re not being traditional uh they’re not offering anything uh or they don’t need the man to offer anything other than being a Playboy and a little bit of fun and then they move on this woman put together a skit and I think it pretty accurately explains everything we’re talking about when a woman says well why can’t I find a guy why can’t I find a man and I want a traditional man but all the things a traditional man offers women don’t want in reality because they would have to let the man lead and they can’t do that because of feminism and pride uh this is about a minute long but she she explains it very well the D the the dichotomy of their belief system why is it so hard to find a high value man what do you mean by that like all I want is a good guy that takes care of me but there’s plenty of good guys out there what do you mean by take care of you I don’t know like make me feel safe take away my stress take charge for once oh I get it to a man you could submit to e what a man who’s bigger and stronger than you yeah a man who can financially support the two of you preferably a man who takes the lead on things sure right A Man Superior to you oh why are you saying it like that like what Superior submit like all these words are disgusting just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean that men are superior to me and I’m a strong woman I don’t submit to anyone but you want to huh how can a man lead if you don’t want to submit to that lead how can a man make you feel safe if he isn’t physically Superior to you how can a man support you financially and take away your stress if you don’t allow him to you say that you want all of these things but the moment a man with those qualities comes around you feel your in independent slipping away and you panic so how about you submit for once and let one of those good men give you what you want I’ll never submit and you’ll never find a man very accurate she’s making fun of it but she is correct this is the the problem that women are having today is they want the traditional man but they will not be the traditional woman and when a man says a man of my caliber wants a traditional woman they get angry they get frustrated at this is why I think like you look at someone like Henry caval right Henry and and I use him quite often but he’s a good-look guy he’s popular everybody knows who he is he’s at 32 years old and he decides to date a 19-year-old model and the women came out in droves screaming that they’re angry about that it’s a 10-year Gap it’s not that big my parents had a 10-year Gap my grandparents had a 10year gap it’s not I mean so for a 100 years 10-year Gap is actually small if you go back far enough right now they’re angry about it but Henry caval is athletic he’s good-look he’s career-driven he’s intelligent he’s a gamer geek you know he likes Warhammer 40K in video games and he’s dating a model why are they angry because she’s 19 because she’s a model she got Henry the 30-year-old women that are angry with him got overlooked he didn’t choose someone his own age and that freaks a lot of women out because they realize oh I’d like a guy like that why would he go with a young model I’m pretty I’m successful I have my own house and my own car and they go down this list of things that men don’t care about because they’re very intimidated by that this is a great example that the men that they really want will never ever select them because they’re not the type of woman that he wants to be with um something else uh this this women of generation are the hardest to work with as bosses and co-workers often times they’re described as overusing their power and beinging be and being very vindictive if you cross them and ironically they’re worse these female bosses are worse with the women than they are with the men so let’s start here right college educated um and so college educated women and black women are more likely to out earn their husbands so now again they’re more likely to out earn their husbands they’ve surpassed them when it comes to income now this actually is more in relation to not needing men as providers so I may have gotten this out of order a little bit but it’s a good example that women are are now out earning men but they still want the man that they choose and select to be the one that makes more money and provides for them when it comes to marriage and relationships so women want to make more money than men and be more powerful than men until they get in a relationship then they want the man to have more money and be more powerful even if they don’t want him to be more powerful they want him to have more money so if 60% of women or let let’s even say 50% of women 50% of men that you know the the income’s relatively the same half of women out earn half of men vice versa okay so it’s about we’ll say the income disparity so is about the same then that means 50% of men are invisible to half half of the women they don’t even look at them and and then when you’ve got all these women that are sharing the same percentages of men that make more than them well the more that they are successful women means there’s less successful men in comparison which means 60% of women are now looking at 40% of men or in some cases 60% of women are really chasing after the top 10 to 20% of men there’s not enough men to go around that’s why women are giving up on relationships in many cases CU they can’t find the man for their forever man so they just decide to get a bunch of of Jabs like these women do so they look good and then you know just have fun with guys another great example and this has to do with the the income and the traditional um I’ll just play this very quickly my last relationship we broke up because he asked me to marry him but then he asked me to sign a prenuptial agreement and I said absolutely not I think that’s bogus I’m not going to sign a piece of paper that says that if you leave me I get nothing like no I think that I should have half of everything that you’ve worked your entire life for I think you should I should get half of everything you worked your entire life for and then the last part she says that’s fair this is and the man asked her to marry the man asked her to marry he said I want you to be my what now he’s stupid he should have known this about her for quite a while but he said you know what what hey you’re just not and was the prup you leave with absolutely nothing I very doubtful maybe and and this is an argument that a lot of guys will have is say hey you know what these hanging there in California for three years or five years till you can get a payout and bounce is way too popular and I’m not giving up I mean a man that works and makes a hundred million do if he decides to give you a lifestyle that is good and easy and you can go down to I don’t know Beverly Hills and shop and buy $40,000 purses or whatever else the the arrangement is he’s going to give you the lavish lifestyle while you are with him that is part of the reason to stay with him you stay beautiful and young and give him access to the bedroom and the deal for that is I will give you the money to live a comfortable lifestyle but women along the line decided Well I don’t want that I want the I just want the money and the lifestyle I don’t want the man that’s not how any of this works but if if you go to enough you know lawyers in California they’ll tell you that’s not the fact they want traditional but then they yell and scream against traditional anyway the the point about the generation of women is the hardest to work for this is from Forbes uh and this is just this is good dating back almost it is more than a decade 12 years ago so it’s this isn’t a new thing this isn’t like Boss B all of of a sudden decided they say women can be nastier bullies than men at the workplace what’s the best way to deal a woman says uh I didn’t expect bullying to be so prevalent in the workplace adults are facing it pretty tough with women on women um fights basically On The Rise 35% of Americans reported being bullied at work according to a 2010 survey women make much nastier office bullies than men said psychologist Dr Gary Nami co-founder of The Institute they say work workplace bullying is four times more common than um men harassing women and and race discrimination they found the same they they found that in the same study girls are taught to be critical about each other from adolescence and it’s particularly vicious among women working women from playing favorites to badmouthing colleagues common careers where women face them face this issue law Finance or any other job where women feel the need to be Hy aggressive to get ahead in a male dominated environment well now those male dominated environments here we are 14 years later and those male dominated environments are slowly going away and that’s for for bosses and co-workers because you know this one here uh they’re the worst kind of work bullies that’s not being the boss that’s just working with women what about women being bosses well this is from elizabeta gol a woman published just uh well this is still nine years ago when women are bad bosses are they the worst she says um uh nonetheless being a person who loves pondering over problems I could not help but thinking about this topic to find a decent way out of the gender biased nonsense I realized the scientific method may be appropriate she said let’s put down some facts a recent survey of 5,000 British workers indicated that 45% of female boss could be classified as bullies and 71% of the people that they bullied were women it’s been observed that women are in senior positions May alienate other women women are often times trapped in the tough task of forcing themselves to be unemotional to gain the respect of male colleagues while remaining likable but the the results are not being perceived as genuine that’s I think the difference is because when a man says Hey we’ve got a guideline to meet guys this is what we need to get done here’s our time frame to do it so let’s get to it women are not able to pull off the emotionless thing very well because men are men are naturally more objectoriented women are naturally more social more emotional oriented guys can pretty naturally say hey this is the math of the situation women can’t so they have to pretend to be emotionless and that’s perceived as not being genuine another recent survey conducted in the UK has revealed that a third of women women would rather have a male boss to a female one the reason for that is men seem to be more predictable than women so when you when you step back and look at everything women are overweight they don’t dress up they don’t put on makeup they’re entitled they’re gross I.E see Miss thing over here spitting at the camera on her own Dash and saying she’s going to fart on it like a child right they have bad attitudes toward men they’re unappreciative they use men they’re entitled they don’t look at men as providers but they still want men to be providers they want a traditional man but they don’t want to be traditional women they’re hard to work with they’re argumentative they fight all the time they want to argue over who has control of the relationship and the household and the finances and no man wants to have like an alpha battle every time he comes home with a woman I want my woman to be peaceful and sweet and kind and helpful and supportive I don’t want to have to try to wrestle control of the relationship and the household and the finance and the decisions and all the things and have this battle every time it comes to something it’s tiring and a lot of guys feel that that that exhaustion is a reason why women are so hard to date um from another study and this is the next point is about those traditional women they don’t cook they don’t take care of the households anymore I I didn’t look this up but I can’t tell you how many photos or videos you see of women on social media where their house is trashed just crap all over the place guys if you’ve ever been in a relationship or you’ve been married or you are married you know you can go in the bathroom you’ll have like your shaving gel and maybe a razor but a bar of soap and a washcloth that’s pretty much what guys need maybe a bottle of shampoo and conditioner like five things look at the woman side there’s curling irons and flat irons and there shaving and the perfumes and the 17 different this and 14 different that women are just messy guys aren’t so men usually keep a neater home than women do and on top of that now women don’t cook from The Daily Mail what’s cooking good-looking nothing women who admit they can’t boil an egg and once again I pulled this up I’m and I’m specifically pulling up these old articles this is from 14 13 years ago we’re going back over a decade and women weren’t cooking then is it getting better or worse now it’s worse they said women who admit they can’t boil an egg one in six British women struggle to crack the art of cooking a survey revealed more than half said their husband husband is a better cook so the guy’s got to be the traditional earner he’s got to be the traditional man but he also has to come home and clean and fix the car and take care of the yard and take out the trash and cook I’m not saying that women aren’t pulling their fair share that’s not what I’m saying but women are always complaining because they say well men don’t take care of enough of sharing the chores I don’t remember too many women fighting and arguing over who gets to mow the lawn that’s a man’s chore who fixes the flat tire or takes care of the vehicle that’s the man yard work man roof man paint on the exterior or or outside usually the man so then when it’s like well the interior stuff then you should take the majority over nope you got to do half that too and then so guys finally say okay we’ll take half of that as well and then women say never mind more than half said their husband is a better cook the poll of 2,000 men and women commission by The Good Food Channel found that typical female can only cook seven dishes from scratch more than one in five women struggles with basic Curry 1 in six can’t bake a cake 1 in 10 is never cooked a roast one in 20 even messes up boiling an egg or preparing a cooked break breakfast here’s what it takes to boil an egg turn on water boil it drop said egg in water usually weight depending on how you like your egg anywhere between 3 4 and up to 11 minutes turn off the heat take the egg out let it cool done that’s literally just water and one egg and heat and they can’t get that right from the Washington Post and this is as of eight years ago why so many men are cooking today at home chefs are more likely to cook with an iPhone instead of a recipe po they’re more likely to draw their Inspirations from a Facebook video uh one one big change they’re more likely to be men a higher proportion of American men 43% are cooking these days than any point in the last 30 years meanwhile they’re spending more time than ever before 49 minutes a day doing so those are up from 38% and 40 minutes two decades ago by contrast 70% of women cook these days a bump from the 67% that cooked two decades ago so they say more women are cooking and more men are cooking well how can that both be possible at once because with the women are single and so are the men and they’re cooking for themselves and you can say well that’s a good thing like it’s great that more men are cooking but again go back to the other one most women more than more than half say their husband is the better cook how is that traditional in any way shape or form my father knew how to make let’s see what could my father make my father would regularly cook himself a hamburger that’s it or and and he’d put cheese on it and make a cheeseburger that was my father’s go-to meal when my mother wasn’t around to cook or he ordered a pizza like from pizza or something or other he W he did not know anything about cooking my mother would make Thanksgiving dinners and bake chocolate cakes and make all these amazing recipes and very rarely did she have to go open her little cookbook and she had a like a file card system where when she from her gr from my grandmother her mother that passed it to her that actually I have now in a Cupboard because my sister didn’t want it I did because I wanted to be able to cook the meals the same way my mom made them for me so ironically I am the cook that was the way it’s been for Generations so women want their traditional men but they’re not traditional still how is this a benefit to men this generation of women are offering less and less and less but expecting more and more and more from the men and now generation of women were taught to hate literally hate men and especially conservative men women are drifting more left leaning and men more right leaning it because of the feminism and the rest of the stuff they say uh this is why dating is so rough right now a global political divide is emerging between young men and women and to be honest that explains a lot they say if you’re feeling like dating has really been the bad place right now you’re not alone research is here to back you up new research suggests that a global ideological divide is forming where young women are more Progressive and young men are more conservative how is this possible you might ask more women are getting into feminism and more men are pushing back against it because it’s not just yay women because women are ahead 60% of college graduates of upper degrees are women 40% of men women are winning the battle on the college front do you hear any movements to help men catch up no you look at this graph here and it’s very small for you but men are trending much more conservative and women are cons are much more liberal the only place in the UK uh plus 20 points for liberalism for men plus 50 points for women so even women are outracing men in the UK to the left Germany men are trending more conservative the US men men are trending more conservative and South Korea men are trending way way more conservative but in all cases women are moving left the left includes girl power no kids no marriage women making money and men are moving to the point of okay well good for you but I want a traditional woman and the two are not meeting and so you’ve got this huge political divide and men are not going this is something I think that strong men weak men weak men might give up their their belief system and they might give up their values to get a woman weak men will do that strong men will not if a strong man is asked to change for to get his dream woman a guy might say well I’ll be nice and I’ll do a couple things for her but I I still got my goals my path my things that I’m working on I’m not going to change my life weak men will weak men traditionally left and if you if that for some reason upsets you which ones right now are all in on the government which ones are right in now for all the L ghd TV movement which ones right now are yay girl power that’s not holding strong that’s giving up your position that’s bending to the will of the left and of feminism and weakening men and not strengthening it a stoic strong man will not say things he doesn’t believe are real and a lot of men don’t believe that men are women and women are men but there’s a lot of weak men that will because they want to gain favor and Curry up to women and that’s not helping so everybody’s drifting apart um they say historically young people have mostly been spread roughly equal between liberal and conservative views but now research is pointing to a departure from the trend and the US Gallop data shows that women aged 18 to 30 are are 30 percentage points more liberal than their male counterparts with a gap opening in the past 6 years what’s happened in the last 6 years social media putting this stuff online so that is a drift men do not want a headstrong most men strong men conservative men do not want a headstrong liberal woman that’s going to tell them what to do um they continue we’ll continue on women now have an infatuation with the bad boys now they have for a long time but now women are just coming right out and saying it they say why do women go for bad boys now this is an old Trope I’m just lightly touching on this because if you’ve watched my channel more than 15 minutes we’ve kind of beaten this like a dead horse U some people who experience guilt are attracted to those who do not display guilt or shame a psychopath’s lack of moral compass may make them dangerous Partners business colleagues and political leaders guilt prone people feel trapped though they hope to learn to be less guilt and shame prone and um people need to get help for this stuff basically it’s what they’re saying these people are often times in politics they’re actors they’re very alluring they they they don’t seem to really care what you think they just live in their own world and they want you to be a part of it and more women are going for this and it is there is science behind it and and the longer that it goes the more women that do not have a strong male figure in the household because about 50% of of young people today are raised without a father you get these women that have daddy issues and are kind of weird and they end up dating men that are much older because they’re stable and they’re stoic and they can’t be persuaded and they have their own path in life and women find that attractive and a lot of times women chase after these guys that are kind of you know narcissist I istic and and self-entitled and love themselves these are the same women that break or these are the same men that break those women’s Hearts over and over until women say men suck I don’t want to ever talk to men and men are awful and and then they get their cats um right now women are cheating and lying more than any other generation from the New York Post Power Trip why more women than ever are cheating on their husbands and this is from last year I may have even done a video on this I don’t know I don’t remember they said that it’s empowering it’s exciting it’s it’s uh that that the butterflies they need it they need that chase they need that adrenaline they need that dopamine dump and it’s being praised by the media it’s being praised by social media I don’t know where and how I’m going to cut in all the videos I have because I have tons of them but they’re but because of social media and because of the likes and the yes girl you get it and go slay Queen they’re getting more attention than ever and so they’re sharing these horrible stories more than ever this is on a podcast and they’re just coming right out and saying like I am a horrible person but also I’m still going to do it I swear to God I would have boyfriends and never post them once like I was like I will hide you till the day I die because I didn’t want to share that I had a boyfriend cuz I like wanted to still like see if there was other options out there for me I know this is like toxic and horrible to say everyone keep on moving [Music] on I’m a horrible and toxic person yeah I’m still going to do it though she didn’t want to share that she had a boyfriend on social media so she keeps her options open and women will do this they brag about it I’m keeping my options open he’s great but I’m still keeping my options open I’m married but I’m still keeping my options open I’m married with kids but I’m still keeping my options open it’s the drive and the need for always more something more something better and it and it is very detrimental to the men in their lives because at no point can you rest in many of these relationships at no point can you rest thinking I’m in a relationship I got a girlfriend we’re going to fall in love and then someday we’ll get married and have a family when women are willing to pull the rug out from underneath a guy any moment moment because of hypergamy and they can move on to something new no man can relax in a relationship and because of this after a guy gets burned once twice three times Allah half of three4 90% of Hollywood what is it uh 50 60% of men where women file 80% of the time a man can never rest on his Laurels and then women say well I got bored you need to entertain me you know we we need to keep things fresh and exciting a man cannot do that forever you can only work your way up to the best restaurant in town you can only work your way to the most amazing vacation in the world you can only work your way up so many times and then once she’s got you figured out and once she understands how you think and what makes you tick and you’re not a mystery anymore she’s bored and then they move on and on and on until they run out of options here’s another one I got for you this is a Swedish woman I have one friend who’s seeing maybe like four guys right now the one thing I don’t like about Swedish girls here I no this for a fact that you could be dating a Swedish gu she could have 10 guys in rotation I agree that it’s okay to do that now let me pause and and just say say this number one she’s got a tattoo on the inside of her arm here this woman looks to be a professional like she works in a professional career or at least she’s dressed very nicely but she does look to be upper 30s I would say maybe even young 40s just based on looks like the number of fillings she has based on her skin based on the out outfit she’s wearing if women are like this in their late 30s and 40s even in Sweden which again you can say well it’s different in this country and that country yes but this is a general growing Trend she could have a boyfriend and she says she has friends with four on rotation he says I know some women that have 10 and then she says I agree with that it’s a minute long 15 clip I don’t even have to P play the whole thing you get the idea they will argue it out and she says well if I’m sleeping with a guy I don’t sleep with the other men but I still go on the dates what’s the point then to the other men I’ll I’ll play that part and then we’ll discuss that too uh the depending on like the circumstances and stuff like that as well if I’m dating you and I’ve slept with you I might still date other guys but I wouldn’t sleep with other guys if that makes sense you wouldn’t no but what’s the point of dating him because we’re not it’s we’re not but if you were dating other guys you wouldn’t sleep with them if i’ because if I’ve slept with someone then it’s I mean I it could happen could it could so now she’s going back on her own rules if I’m sleeping with you I’m not sleeping with another guy even though we I may be dating other men he said so you won’t well it could happen what are we doing then what are we do you just you just contradicted what you said 10 seconds ago see the truth is if the other guy’s attractive enough or he Sparks the butterflies enough and it’s been you know a week or so since she was with the guy she slept with well you know oopsie could happen it could happen it depends how often we’re seeing each other I would say what once a week if we see each other once a week then I’m not going to be sleeping with someone else seeing like once every two weeks uh one week more yes one week more then then maybe maybe not sleep with someone else but date someone else when you talk your girlfriends is dating multiple guys at one play yeah they maybe might do a bit more than what I do so they might do more than she does at what at what what age are you safe oh well this woman looks to be 30s or 40s no she’s still going to date other men what are the other men getting out of it let’s say that this woman this woman the blonde here sleeps with the the Asian dude they go out on a date she sleeps with him and then you’ve got a date with her later in the week but you’re not you’re definitely not going to sleep with her because she’s sleeping with some other guy but you don’t know that so you take her out to a fancy dinner in a restaurant because you know she looks nice she’s a little bit older a little bit more mature woman you want to take her to a nice fancy restaurant you think she’s attractive she’s beautiful you’d like to get to know her and in her head she’s like well I’m sleeping with some other dude so I’m not going to sleep with this guy don’t you kind of feel used at that point like well are you just using me for dinners and conversation because you’re bored what am I getting out of it yeah I’m getting dinner and conversation but let’s be honest guys date because they want to you know they want to get in there right have a little bit of fun as well and maybe they’re attracted to her what if a guy goes on a couple dates with her and start is is starting to actually feel attracted to her that’s out of the equation for her because she’s sleeping with the other guy but what if the new guy is very he takes her out several times and she says wow he’s really great I’m attracted to him and she sleeps with that guy does he know that maybe she slept with this other guy a day or two ago does the guy that she slept with know she’s out on another date and getting ready to sleep with this guy and before you know it you have like community soup that is this woman guys and and because this is going on the internet and and you know women used to have to go to websites like Ashley Madison and oo be discreet and hide it that was I don’t know what a decade ago now women are like I want an open relationship I’m going to sleep with other people and if you don’t like it I’m going to leave you and take half your crap like the the the gates have been flung wide open and women just show no shame they’re true they’ve probably are always been like this to some degree but now there’s no shame to it and now they’re proud of it and now they’re just out and guys are seeing this probably for the first time and there’s a lot of men that maybe were raised from a traditional family they said hey meet meet a great girl and date her and marry her and you’ll have a traditional life that’s what their father maybe taught them or their grandfather or whatever and now they’re coming out there and like hell no I’m not going to do this and the ones that do the ones that do like this woman said hey he proposed to me but he wanted the pr up and she’s like hell no I want half your crap like they’re not even hiding it anymore this from NBC News these women aren’t looking for a man in finance but wouldn’t mind their date grabbing the bill this is from the there was a a Tik Tock video that said it went around going I’m looking for a man in finance six uh 62 something or other I don’t remember what they said I’m not even going to read this because oh right here I’m looking for a man in finance with a trust fund 65 blue eyes the lyrics go so it’s not just enough that you make a good job it’s and this went viral because this is what women were repeating saying that they wanted so now you have to be in finance 5center with a trust fund top 1.1 perer 65.1% and blue eyes this and why I’m not going to read this article this all goes down through women are becoming more and more like I want a man that’s going to give me he’s going to be beautiful good-looking and I want to sleep with him or I want him to be overwhelmingly rich and successful so he can give me a lavish lifestyle but those two men aren’t necessarily the same ones and that’s the point that’s thrown all of this off for everybody CU we all know women would marry the rich tall good-looking handsome doctor we all know women would sleep with good-looking men but now women are saying if I can’t find it in one I won’t settle for either guy I’m not going to settle for a man that can’t give me a lavish lifestyle but he’s super hot I desire him and I want to sleep with him but I don’t want to marry him he can’t give me anything and then the other half is well he’s a doctor and he’s super successful and my kids and I will have a lavish lifestyle but he’s not super hot like I don’t desire him I need both this doesn’t exist but this generation of women from the ages of 18 through 50 this is their expectations and uh I have two things here I’ll finish it up with again I’m not going to read the whole things because we’re going a little long but you guys are getting the theme here this is from a meline um meline a figure PhD why emotional intelligence is in Decline now we can say there’s real IQ intelligence and emotional intelligence which is EQ I’m not really into that stuff but there is something that is important about it and that she says here emotional intelligence consists of four factors well-being self-control emotional uh emotionality and sociability and they say the three facets of emotional intelligence have declined well-being self-control and emotionality but so sociability is on the climb what’s happening women are on social media women are sharing their lives women are inter interacting with everybody right and and you know I have seen Tik Tok videos I have seen the Instagram stuff of men on there and you know what I find a lot of those guys are not exactly straight they they have a little bit of that lisp and they’re check out my wonderful stuff guys that’s a lot of the men on social media that are putting out videos and being crazy it’s not the stoic strong men that are working with their hands and have things to do so they’re saying well-being is falling off that that correlates with everything I’ve been talking about self-control that’s off that’s been relating to everything I’ve been talking about emotionality and and and having healthy emotions that’s falling off a cliff like everything else we’ve been talking about it’s all in Decline except for sociability and that’s because everybody’s sharing just how stupid they are on the internet and so women are not thinking logically right now and and I’m going to very very lightly dust on politics cuz I don’t want to get into the politics but right now the left is screaming with emotion we need to do this and rights for these people and and all the things that make you feel good and make you angry and get frustrated and that’s why you need to vote for us and the other side saying hey things are broken we’re going to run out of money we’re going to run out of places to live food prices are going to get under affordable they’re not they’re not trying to push buttons on emotions they’re trying to say things are falling apart by the way and then when you look at the polls the people that are angry about everything and also think that life is unfair and they deserve everything and that they’re being treated poorly and the system just needs to give and give and give are about the same number of people that are saying everything’s broken and we’re going to fall apart and everything will financially collapse and are you ready for it those two things are equal that’s not good it’s because people are not thinking with their head they’re thinking with their hearts and right now women are not thinking with their heads they’re thinking with their hearts and the nether regions they’re not being rational about things and as men see this it is freaking them out and they’re deciding this isn’t such a great idea and I’ll I’ll sum it all up this is a story I didn’t want to do a standalone video on this I’m just going to read the even just the headline women stole money from her boyfriend’s bank account for a Beyonce concert when he had the money saved for his his child’s heart surgery and down here she had a quote and this quote basically when I read it was like oh that’s women today let me see if I can find it um when he confronted her the man was highly upset because she knew he had his money saved up for the child’s heart operation clearly the woman knew this and she told him she didn’t care in addition she countered his argument saying he knew how badly she wanted Beyonce concert tickets so because the man didn’t get them she stole the heart operation money this is thinking with emotion I want these tickets okay yeah but this money is for my daughter’s heart surgery okay but I want Beyonce tickets well I understand that but I don’t have the money for it right now I’m saving for my child’s heart surgery okay but I’m going to take the money I took the money I went to the concert I need that money for my CH I don’t care it was Beyonce tickets if that doesn’t sum up how so many people granted some young men do too but the vast majority of women are today I don’t care I want it I don’t want to work and and this is going back up to this original article the wasted generation they boast about quiet quitting and bare minimum Mondays I I know I haven’t had any experience in the work world and I’m new to this job I want more money okay well you have to earn it you have to you have to participate you have to show you’re a valued member of the team yeah okay but I want more money okay well give it time and well I just going to work less then I just I’m not going to do as much okay well then you’re not going to get more money and you’ll probably get laid off well that’s not fair you need to give me what I you know what it reminds me of Idiocracy it reminds me of Idiocracy idiocracy is now a documentary it didn’t take us ironically it didn’t take us 500 years to get there it took us about five maybe 10 with the Advent of the iPhone and social media and Facebook and all the rest of us and we’re here how bad things get how quickly they get is very evident if you look at you know the riots in France and all the other things that are going on where people are sharing stories and they’re they’re basing their lives and everything off of feelings there is no more logic to anything there is no more reason there is no more sanity and because of that I think a lot of men who do not think with their hearts but rather think with their heads and try to find their way through the world today realize that many of these women are a bad gamble they’re highrisk low reward opportunity and in many cases that’s why this generation of women is the worst for dating guys thank you very much for joining me if you’re here on Rumble if you’re here on uh YouTube make sure to join me on better bachelor. locals.com movie night Saturday nights become a supporter today it’s five bucks a month you help uh let me do the work that I love and uh and continue to do what I do and I appreciate that very much thank you for joining me today and we will see you in the next one [Music] …