Become A Dog Trainer Online – Dog Training Careers

learn to be a dog trainer online

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[Music] hello I’m Sharon bolt and I’m the founder of good dogs I’m a dog expert who has been featured in more than 35 different newspapers magazines TV and radio stations and I’m regularly featured on BBC Radio Sussex and Su or give advice to the numerous listeners dilemas now I’ve created a series of videos for people who want to become professional dog trainers which includes tips on how to become a dog trainer what to do and where to start how to calculate your potential dog trainer salary how to become a certified dog trainer how to select the best dog trainer courses and how to have a successful dog training career [Music] becoming a dog trainer is certainly a great choice for people who’d like to work with animals it’s estimated that one in four households in the UK have a dog and there are around 18 million dogs living in households in the US now with the increased number of dog attacks dog bites and dog owners at their wits end with their dogs unwitted Behavior there is certainly a demand for more professional dog trainers and an opening for the right people to have successful dog training careers now are you thinking of becoming a dog trainer but not sure what to do or where to start well learning how to become a dog trainer online is a very popular option that people take when they want to embark on a dog training career it gives you the flexibility to learn at home and at your own pace it’s also usually the most cost effective option so the next step is to find the right dog trainer online course for you in order to help you I’m going to explain right now seven points to consider when choosing the best dog trainer online course course number one the course must teach dog training methods that are kind and Humane which means no shouting or hitting the dog and that the company’s ethics and methods resonate with you number two dogs and humans speak two different languages it’s so much easier for us to learn their language rather than they having to learn hours so dog trainer courses that focus on empowering and educating the dog owner as well as training the dog are key factors to look for number three it’s imperative that the online dog trainer course includes both Theory and stepbystep video demonstrations showing exactly how to do the dog training methods that are taught it needs to include how to understand a dog’s mind and how to read what they are communicating as well as how to resolve the main unwanted behaviors we see in dogs today such as pulling on the lead barking aggression jumping up and separation anxiety number four make sure that the online dog trainer course offers both dog training tuition and in-depth information on how to set up and run a successful dog trainer business number five look for a dog trainer online course that includes advice on how to build your confidence and positive mindset as having these qualities are vital to your success now number six there are no official governing bodies that regulate dog trainers or dog trainer courses in the UK and the us at the time of this recording which means that no doct trainer certification is required in order to practice in this profession with this in mind it’s crucial that the online dog trainer course that you choose has glowing reviews is credible and well established choosing a dog trainer course that offers certification after you have successfully complet completed the course naturally is preferable and number seven that there is ongoing support offered with the course in order to help you with your dog training career it really is the best feeling getting up in the morning and actually looking forward to going to work being a dog trainer offers a great job satisfaction and is very rewarding for people who like working with animals it’s joyful to see how dogs and owners become calm and balanced before your eyes as a direct result of the dog training methods that you teach them with growth expected in the pet industry demand for professional dog Trends will continue to increase which means it’s possible for you to get a job working with dogs and ultimately have a fulfilling dog training training career in order to help you with your dog trainer career I’ve written an ebook that you can download for free which is called three simple steps to becoming a successful dog trainer now these steps consist of number one the vital part your mindset beliefs and expectations playing becoming a successful dog trainer number two the essential part dog training knowledge plays in becoming a successful dog trainer and number three The crucial part that business and marketing strategies play in becoming a successful dog trainer now during the book I explain about these three areas and give you tips on how to get on the right dog trainer path I also feel the secrets on on how I first became a professional dog trainer I hope you’re not too shocked now you can get the ebook Now by clicking on the link if it shows on the screen or in the description box below …

Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈