Dating and Relationships : How to Date a Rich Woman

dating rich women

hi I’m Sally Landau I’m a relationship coach in Los Angeles and my company is dating can be fun how do you date a rich woman well first of all rich rich is a relative term some people might ask rich compared to what compared to whom but let’s say for example you’ve made this assumption and you’re sure that you’re right that your net worth is substantially less than this woman that you want to date or perhaps are dating let’s just say that’s true you don’t know just because you’re making some assumptions that this woman has more money what that means you don’t know what their money issues are you think you love money issues everybody as money issues you don’t know if this person is generous with their family or with charities you don’t know if their cheapskate you don’t know if they’re spendthrift you really don’t know you’ve just given them the label rich person so dating someone who has substantially more money than you can have its advantages and it can also have its challenges let’s talk about the challenges it’s possible that the rich person wants to do things that are out of your budget and are difficult for you so you’re constantly counting the cash and your wallet to see if you can make it through the month it’s also possible that this person’s money has allowed them to do social activities that you’ve never even dreamed of being invited to and now that you are at these events because they’ve invited you you feel socially awkward it’s possible that this person has a wardrobe that looks like it came out of a Paris Couture salon and you shop at a great big block size discount store so you’ve recognized all these things about this person being so different from you may be elevated from you they noticed you I’m not dating you because you shop in Paris they’re dating you because they leather sole because they love something very sweet about you but if this is an issue for you this is probably more of an issue for you than they then it’s time to talk about it you talk about what you can’t afford in which you can’t afford and by the way there are all kinds of great activities that you can do the don’t cost much money you could cook the person dinner you could make them a simple picnic of peanut butter and jelly and and serve it after a great and beautiful hike you can go to art galleries and look at the look of the displays you can take a walk in the park you can go to a pet store and pet the puppies there’s millions of things that you can do by discount play tickets I could go on and on and on but if the money thing is becoming an uncomfortable situation between you and maybe let’s say the rich person isn’t really that thrill about pulling out the plastic all the time you could have an arrangement you could know ahead of time about what percentage you can afford and what they’re willing to pay and if your relationship has gotten to someplace where you feel comfortable and it’s substantial you could have a joint credit card and whoever wants to could pull out that credit card and pretend to pay and then later you decide how you divide the money it’s all just about communicating and really in the meantime just loving each other I’m Sally Landau I’m your relationship coach and my company is dating can be fun …