The “Place” Command (Dog Training)

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[Music] hey guys see over a 5 k9 dog training here today I wanted to talk about the place command so a place command is a great thing to teach your dog to learn how to calm down how to stay in one position this is a great tool because you can bring this anywhere if you’re going over to a friend’s house if you have a vacation home working on this outside if you’re trying to take your dog to be comfortable around other people other dogs that they’re scary noises this is something that stays consistent in those environments and you can take it with you I definitely do recommend using an elevated bed like the one that I have here today because if you are working outside or if you’re working in different locations it’s something that the dog is consistent with this one here is just something that I got up in one it’s pretty simple I would say probably to the range of 20 to 35 dollars depending on the size of your dog I’ll definitely leave a link in the description for you guys to check one out really if you are someone that uses a clicker for your dog that’s great you can use a clicker to mark the behaviors that we’re teaching today so that sound effects sound that your dog knows means food it’s been charged that way you charged your marker great use that personally I use yes something up my dog knows well so that’s what I’m going to be doing just the basics of the mechanics of this cue is what we’re going to be talking about today you can always add distance and duration to this which I might talk about but the basic mechanics of this is leading and luring your dog onto the platform marking them that that’s the place that you want them to be and then rewarding them for the exact positioning that you want okay so that’s what we’re doing in this video today if you haven’t watched the food luring video that we’ve done definitely check that out our trainer Jose Moreno made that video so I’ll leave a link to the description of that food luring is going to be really important to hear some knowing how to do it correctly will be a good way to kind of go check that out let’s go over here and make a little bit more sense when I’m talking about so I’m going to the mechanics show you this without the dog first and then show you it with a dog basically how do I take my food and just lure the dog onto the mat itself once they’re on the mat all floors are other than that yes and then let them walk off one really important thing is that we’re not asking too much to begin with we’re just asking that they get out there and they get off they get up they get off pick it up and we mark it when all fours are on the bed make it fun and make it playful make it exciting it because dogs might be able to weird it out by an elevated platform so you don’t want them to focus on the weirdness or try to make them do a long stay or calm down right away you want to get into those things later so right now the mechanics are just going to be about up and off up and off up and off and then the second part will be lowering the dog onto the bed and then asking them to go into the down position now what’s really important about this is that it’s not to command it is just placed and free so a release Q and a star Q the star Q being place blue your dog yes with your marker and free to come off of it so that’s the sequence you can rewind you miss multiple times to watch that but a little more time it’s going to be the cute place lure mark your dog when the ruler in position with yes or when your clicker and then freedom okay it’s a really important thing to remember here is that we’re not asking for multiple commands out of the place you like sit or stay down it’s going to be implied you come to this bed you lie down on it when I save place until otherwise notified essentially until we release you with the free okay so all of those things are implied otherwise your dog is looking for a secondary cue once they’re on that bed the idea is that they go to the bed they lay there and they stay there until they’re released now you obviously you increase distance and duration later on right now these are just the basics okay so I’m going to go ahead and bring my dog in and show you a couple examples of this I’m also going to show you some examples of it I did a little bit of filming outside the weather has been beautiful luckily so I was able to get some shots out there to this bed that I’m using in here today is very small for me but it fits in this camera frame so hopefully he can kind of figure out this miniature size bed for himself but I do recommend getting something that is the size of your dog or size that your dog will grow into okay so I have my dog over with me he’s ready to go on this he definitely understands this cue already so I’m gonna try and slow it down for you guys so you can see the mechanics again we’re just looking for that basic coming and standing on it walking over it okay stand on it all four paws are on it mark with yes so I’m going to try to do this with him for free [Music] so big thing here is that I’m just learning I’m not actually putting the name to it yet your lorry is more important initially than the work eventually when you have the dog comfortable standing on the bed you can then start to use the word like six this yes so here I’m out of your word in make you a little bit easier for the dog understand that it is if you please yes now the second part of this let me do this a few times and get definitely what you got to be comfortable on this matter general I’m going to do it now to have them come into the down position Thanks so lower your body down remember to hold the food in your hands and wait them out yes be patient with your dog you guys I’m saying the word free okay good barking him hey guys could be with your finger I’m going to help them out here if you notice he’s struggling yes and stand to the length wide of the bed this is easier for him because he’s a long dog free almond please [Music] so you notice I withheld the reward there because I want to make sure that I’m marking that offer down position free Thanks yes good if your dog keeps going for your treat like mine does put it behind your back okay just hold your food in a place where they can’t see it yes so now I’m just gonna do a few repetitions for you guys so you can see this place yes [Music] please yes gonna forgive that foot falling off I’m going to try to line myself look better that’s my fault I’m not giving him the best possible position great see how when we fix our position or dog is a little bit more successful obviously you guys are going to be using a bit at home that fits your doing Oh [Music] now actually you take a little bit your body language out of this you’re going to show after they’ve done it multiple times you’ve lured them you shape the behavior it’s looking good start to take a little bit of your body language out of it see if the dog can figure it out and what I mean by that is you’re just going to kind of walk up toward that leaving uncle all the way to it all the way in this down position see if the dog will offer it be patient don’t repeat yourself those things really important don’t just say in place nicely placed otherwise the dog thinks that’s the cue as opposed to once a man if your dog is stuck if your dog is having trouble finding where they’re supposed to go then still lure them it just means you’re doing quite ready to offer you that behavior yet keep repeating the simple stuff a little bit and then try to take some of body language out oh yes you see there I’m not using any body language me I’m not walking up to the bed and showing them where it should be I’m taking that out because eventually I want to be able to have my dog do this from far away looking except the place command if you guys have any questions on how this works or if you have or if you’re having any trouble feel free to reach out to us message us leave something in the comments you can always go to our website as we fight hammering that home and write to us thanks so much for watching this video we look forward to seeing you in the next one take care [Music] please okay guys that’s the place man if you have any questions make sure to let us know reach out to anyone bus put some comments in this …

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