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Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈
[Music] all right you guys first and foremost i’m excited about this trip this is something we’ve never done before i remember starting my youtube channel and getting a hundred subscribers and then a thousand subscribers and like wow we’re really helping some dogs and now we just hit seven hundred thousand so thank you thank you thank you i’m heading to a shelter to help dogs that need help the most these are the dogs that are sitting on the hard floor uh waiting for an angel waiting for a savior waiting for a beacon of light to come in and save them from the position that they’re in but first we have to stop at my facility to grab an impact crate so we can help them out with some of the crate training stuff because that’s going to be important when transitioning these shelter dogs into a new home i want to show you guys the new mural come check this out but here’s the impact let’s go save some dogs so the reason why i say like it gives me anxiety and stress and stuff is because like when i go in there i know that i can help these dogs i know that i can be that beacon of light for them i know that i can help them and so it’s just very overwhelming for me and i get really sidetracked so i’m just kind of pushing everything aside and i’m like i’m going to go in there and help these dogs today but first i got to go to snack because i eat way too much and i’m really hungry and that’s going to panera let’s go [Music] are there any dogs that have been here for too long yes okay there’s one in particular uh below he’s the great pit bull and he has been here a year now um we had him adopted out like within the year he was in a home for three months but now he’s back and he develops more objects hey big guy [Music] dog’s been here for a year dog is i can hear him right now he’s reacting to everybody uh that was most people that walks by and every dog so if we can get him to not react to people when they walk by his kennel as well as not react to other dogs maybe out for a walk in this little parking lot that’ll be good some of the things that we’re going to be bringing out the dog the tom davis dogtra 280c i’m going to bring like a whole toolbox out um we got some slip collars we got some leashes the thing about working with sheltered dogs these dogs are in you know not so great environments and situations and they don’t they don’t know what to do a lot of times and so you got to have a big toolbox because you never know the projects you’re going to end up with and for me if i have a limited box that’s just gonna limit the dog’s opportunities to be successful that’s why over the years of working with dogs for the last 14 years i’ve accumulated different tools and different styles to ultimately help the dogs that we’re working with especially in situations like this where these guys desperately need a home they’re in these little you know it just breaks my heart breaks my heart uh what do you guys normally use with him as far as the front collar right here okay cool all right i’m going to get you a better one he would look good and curry again okay let’s go for a walk with him because i just want to get to know him a little bit before we tell him what he can’t do so i’ve worked him like in the middle of that yard with all the dogs out before and i’ve got him up to the kennels sitting laying down next to the kennels with the dogs barking um when i try inside it’s just too much inside close quarters he wants to lunch to every kettle and bark but he’s actually he has gotten better we work on heel with the prong collar keeping him in a heel i use my body my legs and knees to kind of block him from the other dogs and block him into his kennel so he doesn’t react okay i tried to work on like one-on-one with a dog in a kennel inside with walking past with him with leave it um and he’s good he’s good and then when he wants to go he’ll just go and i haven’t been able to like correct him or bring him back from it it’s like have you felt anything have you tried the remote collar we haven’t tried that on the dogs here i know our board has been against it in the past like if you use the vibrate i think that might be able to bring him down it has in the past for me and that’s something i’m not entirely well experienced on yeah properly it’s literally the same you’re replacing the collar correction with the button so typically what we do is like you’re out in a heel you’re using your leash to manage you know he’s a big blockheady dog so he’s going to be you know he’s tough he’s strong right so you’re healing him and then as soon as he goes from you would leave it and then that usually gives you enough time to kind of deter the behavior from happening and disrupt it and then it gives you an opportunity for the dog to think he’s either gonna stop barking and we’re gonna be like great or he’s not gonna give a that’s worst case scenario best case scenario that’s it so right now we’re going in uh with the tom davis doctor 280c and like you guys have seen in countless videos of mine of being successful by discouraging the reactivity with the vibrate the vibrate only with the remote collar we’re going to see if we can kind of pull some of that reactivity down and be able to get him to think it’s going to be easier for him to show to potential adoptees ultimately finding him his forever home that he deserves and that he needs to get out of you know his pen here in the outside world so that’s what we’re about to do let’s do it so that so he’s building there um do you think he’ll be okay with me handling him okay so he’s already building a little bit see his tail is already baloo good job come leave it leave it good boy come on good boy good i just use the little pager there just a little good boy follow come leave it leave it pager good job you’re good good job good boy so you hear that terrier screech start to come out now you see how the pager discouraged that and kind of like he went from here and then he’s like and that’s what we were talking about and that dog is picking up what balloon’s putting down leave it leave it that’s the pager there leave it good and that’s just the vibrate it’s much like your cell phone good oh sit good man heel so brick so teaching him what was inappropriate there good job balu leave it leave it yes good boy nice decision a little bit of pager work very good good ah sit nice work so nice calm behavior now which is nice good man good boy good engages interest right now doesn’t care about the other dog little little belt yes good boy a little bit of leash pressure good boy good job balu it’s nice right yeah very nice didn’t take much doesn’t take much break this is you know this is our project dog this is the dog that uh has been giving them the hardest time he’s the dog has been here the longest so we had great success out by the field with the other dog and now the next step is the final step or close to the final step of getting inside in the kennels because that’s where they really have a hard time with them so if we can get him inside with the kennels with another dog without reacting we are going to know that this dog is fully capable of being a nice calm relaxed dog he’s very sweet the more i get to know him so that’s what we’re doing now good so i’m just gonna let him chill for a second because he came in he was like already you know we got to break that down and say hey man it’s chill good avoidance perfect he’s he doesn’t want anything to do with that dog nothing he’s like that’s i don’t want anything to do with that which is good come here big guy it’s all avoidance which is good just tells you that like he doesn’t doesn’t want anything to do with those dogs at all he just doesn’t know how to handle situations so i’ll talk to you later so my buddy mike jones shout out to mike jones over in primal k9 just sent me uh you could tell his voice by how deep it is yeah shout out to mike jones for always being a good dude and always being one of my homies in the dog training industry go follow him on instagram we’re in stop and shop we’re only in massachusetts there’s only like an hour from new york what the hell is that we gotta go check it out excuse me what is this yeah it doesn’t much just see something before like that is so not efficient [Music] gift certificate good treats all right we’re back where’s my buddy there he is why don’t you just work with them can’t mess it up that’s the pager everything else don’t worry about anything else it’s just a pager has no levels it’s just one vibrate thing nice good decision all right so now we’re gonna have it realistic so seeing another dog out on a walk and just seeing how they handle it something they haven’t been able to do before so see how it goes i think he’s going to do great because he’s already showing us he’s like all right i get it i don’t even want to do this anyway so again it’s just an opportunity for you guys to see remy who’s also available for adoption looking for home such a sweet girl good job buddy good decision he’s air scenting a bit so he’s smelling her good give him a little break i’m gonna grab you another one [Music] if you look at him after his situation he’s a complete avoidance he wants he’s like i don’t want anything to do with these dogs which is good so he’s a sweet dog and yeah anyway i know that he was kind of like the problem in the beginning but now he’s like looking more towards the easiest dog honestly but you guys are doing things you guys have lives and kids and partners and you guys have you know lives to do and you’re here volunteering your time so you hats off to you guys what can i do to help other than what i’ve done i mean do you guys need anything like okay i’ll um i’ll leave you with a couple of them i’d like to donate that crate sure if that’s cool and then i also got you guys a hundred dollar gift card to uh tractor supply i’ll give you one of my e-collars too yeah you’re welcome no problem all right you guys so we’re wrapping up here thank you so much for watching obviously all these dogs are beautiful and capable of being in a home and uh like i said before we’re gonna offer free training for these guys locally if anybody wants to adopt these dogs out of the town we would accommodate via facetime thanks for the shelter for trusting me and opening their doors for me to come in here and and do this because it means everything to me this is why i do what i do share this around let’s get these guys adopted and if we do this successfully let’s just keep doing it cody gotta give me love what’s up buddy what are you guys doing happy birthday enjoy the cakes [Music] good job somebody got some confidence good job puppy …
Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈