How to Train Puppy | First Day of Training – Goldendoodle | Professional Dog Training

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Develops your Dog’s “Hidden Intelligence”Click Here 👈

hey folks welcome back to another exciting episode of adventures in dog training with american standard dog training and american overwatch canine services and check this out this is rufus four and a half month old golden doodle and he’s full of piss and vinegar he’s a wild man he’s a sweetheart he’s just crazy he’s here because he jumps on everyone he puppy bites really bad pees and poops in his crate barks like a maniac in his crate pulls on the leash doesn’t listen hey he’s a typical puppy folks but in this episode we’re gonna show you what day one training looks like with a little wild man like this and we’re here just to introduce you to him so you can see what he is now having said all that if you have a puppy at home or you’re thinking about getting a puppy and you want to learn some of the tips and tricks that we’re going to show you here make sure to click the link in the description below and we’re going to send you over to our website where we have a ton more information on how you can train your puppy to be the perfect puppy we’ll see in the episode what do you need to train your puppy in the first day of training you need a hungry puppy you need some food a clicker or some type of marker and placeboard is always a good thing and i have a little chair there because i like to save my back because we do this all day long so first thing i’m going to do i just want to work on some engagement what’s engagement hey if you come to me i want him to know i’m the money man so let’s check it out so we’re doing something called charging the mark we click this and pay within a half second would be ideal this is literally his very first moments of training i have no idea how this is going to go because i’m not even sure if he likes this food and you’ll ask hey what treats are you using folks i’m using kibble puppy kibble stop training your dog with treats you don’t need to i mean you can but use that for the bonus this is his breakfast good job buddy the purpose of our training today is just to get a baseline build some engagement engagement charge the mark see what he’s good at see what he’s bad at and really run over a touch of everything meaning i’d like to get sits downs recall place board on and off the place board just get an idea what he’s capable of and start building oh look at that we gotta sit now we’ll try that down we’ll try it let’s see how oh my god that’s crazy never had a dog go down that easy nice nice again zero training we’re just getting lucky i’ll take it though just teach him to follow my hand oh yeah i like this dog cool we’ll do healing next too let’s see how he does with that man you would think i was training this dog for a week or two he’s just crushing it let’s see if i can get his very first recall in ruth is here good job buddy here’s that healing i was hoping for does this dog know how to heal no but we’re starting to paint that picture for him you see i was checking out this dog might be used to eating free food off the ground but we don’t drop that’s rule number one don’t drop food on the ground rule number two never drop food on the ground your first session shouldn’t be more than three maybe five minutes leave on a high note basically leave the dog wanting to play this game more you okay buddy rufus here you’ll hear me double click sometimes letting him know hey i really like that does he know that no no he doesn’t you’ll notice too we also have a long line on hey that’s because we’re actually outside but you can do this in your kitchen your garage your driveway wherever you want we have the long line on for instances of him maybe like you saw there picking up a a branch a little twig he’s choking on the food a little bit he’s inhaling he’s not quite chewing it so i’m making a note of that maybe on the next session i’ll put a little bit of water in his food and so it’s a little softer and faster for him to chew you can see he’s a little distracted yeah buddy now we’ll do a touch of free shaping and see how he does with it just want to see what the dog naturally wants to do on his own i’ll take it he’s sitting in front of me he’s looking at me i definitely want to pay for that i’m interested if he’ll go on that place board on his own now mind you my movement brought him on there i’m very aware of that but i’m trying to do as little as possible as much as needed to see what kind of behaviors i can get out of him every dog has their strength and weakness right now i would say his weakness is he gets distracted like most puppies see my wife’s off screen over there we don’t pay for that but watch this reshape as soon as he sits i’ll pay him we’re going to ignore all that i’m going to step on the leash so he can’t get too far but you see what happens if i’m too boring he’s going to find something else to to entertain him he should do it here soon is he self-corrected there oh yeah and then i’m going to give him a whole bunch of pieces that’s free shaping in a nutshell man if i sit in front of this guy as opposed to jumping on him uh maybe he’ll pay me in fact pay him again for maintaining that duration he’s getting big payments there three four five six seven pieces now let’s generalize that over here what happens if i go over here he’ll probably jump on me let’s see oh that’s a smart puppy learning quickly i dropped a piece of food i’m gonna pick it up let’s try it again right dropped it again come over here look how quickly puppies learn and you’ll say oh garrett how come you’re not saying sit down blah blah because you don’t name anything until you love it and nothing’s wonderful yet so there’s nothing to name the only thing i named so far is the recall and i’m only naming it if i’m about 99 sure he’s going to come to me you really shouldn’t do it you’re 100 sure but we’ll take a little risk rufus here might as well start building up the recall which is to me the most important command ever rufus here we want to charge everything up but boy i’d like to charge that up here’s some more healing for you and i’m sure it feels like we’re getting towards the end of the session you just ate a leaf can we not eat leaves there it is came out look at this sit i’m looking for in oh my goodness i didn’t click but i’m still going to pay you buddy he’s getting a big payment for that look how quickly oh man this dog is what we call in it to win it folks i’m going to print up some t-shirts for that he said i manipulated him into a competition style down i’m not looking for those sloppy downs we can do better we’re just building in some muscle memory and pictures what’s the picture man when i stand next to this guy i get paid when i let me just switch it up here oh man i just yoked him on the leash i’m sorry buddy and that’s probably where we’re going to end it i’ll end it on a jackpot and what’s what do i mean by that he’s been getting one to five pieces at a time now he’s gonna get the mother lode he’s gonna get a lot more than what you see here but we’re gonna end on guess what something super powerful and that’s him coming to me i want this dog to think i am like the most awesome vending machine or toy he’s ever played with and we ended on a high note right so he’s still in it to win i’m not going to end it when he’s starting to check out and being bored look at him already he’s like man i know if i just sit here and stare at this guy something good is going to happen rufus here buddy you’re a winner you’re a winner and i know he said don’t drop food on the ground but this is different this is placing it right there and now one of the tips we teach you here let the dog know i’m not taking the food from them food comes from my hand i can pet you i can touch you anywhere and i’m not here i’m putting my fingers right there in his mouth this is not a game you want to play when your dog’s already two three years old you do it while they’re puppies because even if they have a little bit of dominance issues or issues around food they’re not going to kill you at this age you know they won’t take your hand off so there are some puppies that already at this age are super possessive over food and so we’re just getting to know the dog this is wonderful now stay tuned for some more because he’s already you can tell he’s a winner and he’s just going to be phenomenal but typical puppy issues and i think that about ends it make sure to like share subscribe and again if you want to learn more about how to train your puppy or dog to be the perfect companion then click the link in the description below and send you on over for some more free content so you can just have the most amazing dog and stay tuned for some more with my friend rufus here because he is a winner look at him go love this pup see y’all in the next video [Music] …

Develops your Dog’s “Hidden Intelligence”Click Here 👈