HOW TO Teach The 'OUT' COMMAND! Very FIRST Session!

out and about dog Training

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what is up everyone Andy Krueger here today’s video I’m teaching a one-year-old German Shepherd how to out AKA let go of her toy on command now this clip’s actually taken from one of my patreon videos Andy Krueger for all the behind the scenes full-length unedited training videos of course you gotta pay to play there but this clip was too good not to share so sit back relax watch me train the out very first session and if you like this video give your boy a subscribe let’s go [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] see if I can exchange a little bit of food I’m kind of out but so I want you guys to see that this dog for a couple pieces of kibble is not willing to exchange the toy right there we gotta crawl before we walk should have had a little more food on me ideally in my perfect world I like to be able to exchange the dog some of it’s kibble for the toy then give them the toy right back so that’s going to be something that I work towards just taking my time since I’m out of food I’m gonna see if I can encourage her to let go and get another bite so I just slip one of my fingers under the prong just so I don’t have to hold the leash I’m not correcting her I just don’t want her to pull back and back up so I just kind of grab her collar right here now I’m going to grab the toy toy is totally dead out with some dogs if you wait five ten seconds out yes yes remember she doesn’t have any clue what Out means so I am saying it and I’m waiting I’m reading the dog I want to see if this tug goes dead for 5 10 15 seconds will she let go and if she does the more she understands the game over a couple weeks I can shave that time down down and down until she lets go right away out out yes whoa yeah that’s what I’m talking about girl it is not the most glamorous thing that you will ever see but for just having a tug here come on re-grip that re-grip it but I think she’s gonna get it fairly quickly this way as long I when I say out I don’t want her to be able to pull pull pull pull so that’s why I’m down here holding this if I’m trying to teach out like this look remember what I said in the last video I’m all the way up there out she’s getting it biggest mistake people make when they’re teaching me out is that when the dog finally does let go they don’t give him the toy back enough fast back fast enough they’re out okay now wait now sit now give it to them right when they let go stop waiting that’s my baby on all fours prong in hand out oh yeah oh yeah teaching me out gosh whoa that’s a girl yeah oh yeah do not work on too many things at once I’m working on her Letting Go period I don’t care if she’s pulling I don’t care if she’s thrashing I don’t care about obedience in between the bites I can isolate all that and work on that later I want to say out I want her mouth to open all I care about I won’t encourage the other things but I’m not going to try to fix them out yes come on see a big mistake people make is with this technique they go like this o u t and look when I said oh oh oh that’s the mistake they make look the tugging stops I hold the object it’s dead out and when I hold on to the collar the correct way when she tries to oh I’m Gonna Keep tugging I block so she’s learning okay jerking back in this situation doesn’t pay I’m blocking the behavior I’m not correcting I’m blocking the difference is I’m proactive rather than reactive oh she’s pulling oh no don’t do that [Applause] [Music] a good one so then I come down very good no pulling grab it out very nice yes oh yeah oh nice out this on all fours dog up on all fours of the toy out how about that how about that out oh yeah nice job foreign and we have the beginning stages of and out I’m gonna let her take the toy away for this one session so she can walk away oh she’s being so she can walk away feeling accomplished okay I got my toy I let my toy go a bunch of times in this guy’s hand he always gave it right back and then he let me leave with it so huh outing is kind of a good thing you want some water look and then she’s gas she just walks away from it perfect all right y’all there you have it first session training the out now keep in mind there’s a million ways you could train this Behavior this exact technique is not for any and every dog but this specific dog her character where she is in her training it was perfect so always keep that in mind you need to adjust different techniques to where you and your dog are at hope you guys enjoyed give it a subscribe if you like it Andy Krueger hit the merch get you a cool shirt GO train your dog dog peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] …

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