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website secure boredom part 71 did you know if you go to this website you can play a game where you can draw a track for this guy on a bike and then you can actually ride on it oh get some air you can also play on tracks built by others let’s get it oh that was sick website secure boredom part 72. did you know if you go to this website it’ll give you a screenshot from video games and you have to guess the game in six tries and if you guessed the game wrong it’ll give you hints and easier screenshots this has got to be Paper Mario let’s go website secure boredom part 73 did you have to go to this website you can play a game where you have to guess what your certain events happen just drag the slider this has got to be like in the 30s and the further you are the more lives get taken away Windows 98 has to be 95. websites to your boredom part 74. did you know if you search for this and click on the first link and then you can type in a prompt I’m going to create a new game Fallout 5 price and then hit generate and the AI will generate pictures based on that prompt can’t wait to play website secure boredom 475 did you know if you go to this website you can play a game you have to beat waves of falling words by typing them as fast as you can before they reach the bottom fall agree topic got it website secure boredom part 76. did you know if you go to this website you can launch asteroids anywhere on this map let’s go to mayama then pick the kind of asteroid that you want let’s add some speed and hit launch that’s not too bad website secure boredom part 77 did you know if you go to this website you can play a game you have to guess which movie costs more to make I’m going to say Pinocchio is less than Spider-Man yep I mean Avengers has to be way more than Pinocchio yeah website secure boredom part 78 did you know if you go to this website you can move your mouse anywhere on the screen and the website will find a picture on the internet that points to it like it’s crazy like if I move it over here there it is pointing at it again what is at the point of this website pun intended website secure boredom part 79 did you know if you go to this website and pick any of these games I’m going to go with valorant it’ll show you a clip of someone’s gameplay and you have to guess their rank we got the sheriff out pushing up got one pick can you get more two three oh no four five I mean that was all right he’s probably like diamond I’m better I was wrong website secure boredom part 80. did you know if you go to this website you can play a game we have to guess the price that a house recently sold for so I think this is 315 000 nope and if you’re wrong it’ll give you a hint and tell you if your next guess should be higher lower 400 000 385 000 to live in Ohio nah …