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the record was apparently a bit late or was he was delayed he was expected at some point and then he was a bit late can you uh so of course on the internet you’ve got friends going crazy about all sorts of story maybe you would like to take some time to explain exactly what happened and how come you were late and what is the situation now because a lot of people are wondering in fact it was logistical wisely really lots lots of things been asked of of us you know and um Robert also wanted to make it put his most into it and so we’d rather hold back and come up with something that everyone loves than and we’ve recorded a lot of songs there’s a hell of a lot of songs so in order to get them finished it just took more work than I think we anticipated and that was it So eventually eventually you worked on how many songs roughly just to to have an idea 27 and about five instrumental ones I think it’s about 36. no one had a name exactly and you were just like playing to find exactly the right ones or did you finish them all and then choose which one we’re going to be used later um we tried to keep everything live so most of um most of the 36 songs that a life takes and then they’ve been just worked on in small amounts but so you can leave it till the last minute before you and the arrangements and things like that some of the arrangements have changed yeah what’s tended to happen in the past is we’ve demoed songs and when we’ve recorded them for real we tend to think that the demos had a better energy with Paul coming back there’s obviously a higher level of proficiency there and we we wanted to keep that the way it sounded and that that life feel and you know the the the actual backing tracks of the 36 song Whatever was done you know it was done in just just a few weeks um but obviously with that amount of songs there has to be a large amount of subject matter that Robert has to then find to write about but you know it so is that is a problem in itself once you had that many songs you said to yourself okay we’re going to make a double CD and how did you put that these songs on one record and others on the other yeah I think I mean there’s a lot of different styles of songs there and I think it was a question if you’re gonna have a double album with all of them on or just the single with you know a good um track listing and then kind of building stuff because not many people I suppose listen to to albums like that as you know put it on from track one right the way through to track 15 or whatever but that’s I think what you know Robert’s trying to do is to get it so it has a sort of flow so it was difficult with so many different sort of styles there’s some quite slow ones and then there’s all up poppy one so did you split the record did you split the new double into like a quiet and uh upset or still hasn’t been decided they are it’s the idea is to do something like that but [Music] …