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forward head rounded shoulders and a Donald Duck Butt look familiar do this five minute routine daily and you’ll fix this in no time step one loosen up your tight chest and Shoulders by using a band towel or broomstick and doing over and backs narrow your grip over time for a deeper stretch step two to pull you up right strengthen your weak mid back muscles by standing against the wall and sliding your hands up and down engage your core to keep your low back flat and move your feet further from the wall to make it easier add in a chin nod each rep will also strengthen your neck flexors to help pull your head back step 3 to release your tight hip flexors kneel down engage your core tilt your pelvis back and then lean forward to deepen the stretch and step four strengthen your weakened glutes with glute Bridges keep your back straight squeeze your butt hard and progress to single leg once you’re ready screenshot this routine and get started today good luck …