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folks in this episode today we’re showing you an easy way to make your own bacon right at home it’s gonna save you time it’s gonna save you money and they ain’t no artificial ingredients I thank y’all for stopping by for another episode of cowboy cooking and whoo-whee I think maybe so you can see some smoke drift in there in the background what are we talking about folks home cured bacon uh-huh and if you’re a new viewer right now for we go any further reach up there and hit that subscribe button and the big need on bail cuz I don’t want you to miss out on none of this stuff that we have going on from grill into Dutch oven cook into Dutch oven care in the house outside down by the river all around the world what we’re gonna do even a happy dance I mean it is a great day above the grass and we’re so glad to have you each and every one hi and before we go any further hey it is 2020 the cookbook comes out March 17th that’s Chen’s day that’s st. Patrick’s Day for the little Irish girl you see you’re back there I can see her she sure is cute what is it big booked her all around let me see can i name the cities and see if i have studied you see this Sears is a really pretty piece of hog meat also cold what anybody know you last rode down by the corner in the pecan tree yep that is right pork belly so when you go to looking for one of these you’re not just going in there to the grocery store and said hey I need some bacon I’m gonna cook my own no no you want a pork belly now I could remember growing up I was fortunate enough to be around them old-timers on the coldest day of the year what would happen a lot of y’all know it was hog killing day I mean people will be bringing hogs never work they put up the the hams they put up the bacon they cured it all as an old man once told me son we use everything even the squeal when we get through with him he’ll know what’s in there so I wanted to bring back them flavors the flavor and the aroma of that bacon that I could smell in that old smokehouse and hey it was either dry salt cured or smoked cured where I come from and I sure do prefer the smoke method more than I do the salt just salt dry cured cause salt sure it brings all the moisture out and we’re gonna mix a marinade that has some salt in it but I really like this smoked cured I’m making her own hey it’s gonna last if you freeze it 4 to 6 months I never had a piece of bacon last that long in my life Duke and the Beagle can go through this slab and maybe two meals but this is a quicker way yeah easier way we’re bringing out all of them delicious flavors that you need to know and they no artificial ingredients here folks we’re just making it quick simple and no so good now there’s all kinds of curing methods that you could find you can look at them on that google deal and it’ll take you to a bunch of them and a lot of them are going to tell you you’re gonna need this pink nitrate powder well folks that’s for long preserve curing a night for sure what’s all in that you know what them old timers used a lot down there when I was little I’d hear them put it in there at here and say somebody bring the sale result you know what sale result has any folks it has some nitrate powders in it so hey I didn’t put none in it because it ain’t gonna last that long he right there afraid of it I promise but let’s let’s talk about pork belly and where does it come from yeah I’m talking like right here both these little sides not not getting up in the ribs but the belly that wraps around here and them good hugs I mean mmm now when you get these they’re gonna have a big old layer of fat on the bottom side of this but even more than what that is and their skin on and skin off now back there and they’re in hog killing days when they’d take that skin and peel it off er how many people know what it was for huh I’m talking homemade cracklins they just cut him throwing that Oh hot lord over dip them things out they was good eating but I trimmed this one even the fat I got it it is a skinless it doesn’t have any skin on it and you can order them both ways I just went ahead and got this without the skin or the rind as I call it and then I just trimmed it out now if you won’t leave a little more fat than I did sure you can do that I’m okay with that but I like my bacon a little leaner I’m sort of watching my figure and got to be looking good all the time so I trimmed it really good oh we’re gonna make us a marinade to put on there and let this little piece of hog sit for three days so we got kosher salt and then we got some apple sauce some brown sugar and I like me some maple syrup uh-huh I mean not a whole bunch but I’m gonna put me some in there coarse ground black pepper don’t think you can use that other stuff I don’t want you to I want you to get the big coarse ground black pepper tablespoons of Red River Ranch mesquite seasoning with that ancho chili powder in there if you ain’t got it hey I will tell you you can use salt pepper smoked paprika and some dried ancho chili powder and mix that in there oh well now when you get all this stuff in there and it’s gonna be a gooey thick and sticky add you about 1/2 cup of warm water in there stir that really well got it on that flat baking sheet just pour half of it over the top take your spatula if you got some gloves on just rub it in everywhere turn it over pour the other half on there seal it up good set it in icebox now we’re gonna stay three days in there but after the first day and a half want you to go out there turn this meat over and make sure that both sides are equally laying in the love that’s what we’re gonna do now folks at the end of that three days when you bring that bacon out of that icebox get it in there on the counter I want you to go ahead and walk rinse all that stuff over with some warm water now I’m not talking about scrubbing it I’m just giving it a good rinsing now you say why are you getting rid of all that flavor Kent well folks you try to leave that on there now sure it would work just fine if we were like that pork belly video we did where we were smoking and curing the whole pork belly till it’s plumb done but no this is bacon we leave that on there and then we go to curing it out and then we try to fry that bacon with all that sweetness that have stayed on there and caramelized to that when we cook it longer it’s gonna be burnt get your wire rack put it back on that baking sheet lay your bacon on top of there and let it sit 45 minutes till it warms up and then we’ll bring it out here and slap it on some smoke it took me about two really big handfuls a mesquite hardwood lump set it on the far end of this grill let it get good and why added me about five or six pieces a good chunky Applewood now we’re gonna try to run this at about a hundred and seventy degrees internal temp and that’s when we’re going to pull it now let’s when we mention this mesquite wood and Applewood now I have had hickory and Apple or just straight Hickory but to me folks when you’ve got some bacon in there and I want to draw some more flavor to it more than any else I want a fruit would in there I’ve used some apricot I’ve used some peach but you can start out with any other hardwood beside that or you can just do solely fruit wood I ain’t got no problem with that so whatever you want to do but just make sure you combine them both wait till your hardwood lump or whatever wood you’re using it’s good and hot then put your fruit wood on there cuz we don’t want to use it up right at the first we want it to last during the duration to slip that smoke just love all the way around that piece of hold meat well we got our own hasty bake fired up here we do and you see me remember now put all in coals to one end that’s where we’re keeping them and it don’t take much because folks we’re trying to get that temperature to where the internal is 170 so it ain’t gonna take a whole lot to do that outside temperature today about 45 so we have got us some smoke cool rolling in there today and all the fire is on Miss iam down here so I’m gonna set this piece and hug me right there on this in got her hog on there and I even heard him what is it yeah I heard him squeal right there to last so just like that old-timers say it we got all of it in there now takes about anywhere from like I say two to three hours to get that internal temperature up there and we’ll put a probe in from down there on one end usually the thickest one so just keep an eye on it come out here and about an hour and a half we’ll check it because we are gonna turn it over and let it have equal smoking time on both sides now down there on the end that has the bacon I have one side of them little vents open on this other one I just barely got her cracked I just want to get a little airflow to work running that smoke right down there to it we’ll keep an eye on the temp but we’ll always keep an eye on the time [Music] [Music] well at an hour and a half a dozen snuck out here what nobody watching but me and then opened it up flip the bacon over adding me just a few more little pieces Applewood and crank the grill up half is much more I mean that’s all the heat we started out with but I wanted to raise them cold up to where I had a little more heat now if you’re cooking this on something that you can maintain that constant heat you won’t have to raise that grill or get your heat unlevel one way or the other but we’re gonna let it go a total of three hours and that’s what it went folks and we’re gonna check that internal temp I’m looking from somewhere 140 to 150 so I have a probe let’s see what happens oh and ain’t it a pretty looking little hog in there so right down here in the thickest part of this right in the middle let’s go ahead and see what happens look here we at 140 warms so folks at that time we have smoked cured this bacon now remember the salt mixture that we had in there to start out with helped get some of that moisture out of there but the smoke and that other flavors that went ahead and got in there look at that I mean I could just bite on into that right now and have breakfast remember that wire rack we had start out with we’re gonna put that bacon on there take it in there to the house and let it cool for at least an hour and then I’m gonna put me a little wrapping over it place it in the icebox and I like to let it sit for at least four hours but I prefer overnight seems like you get some more of that penetration of that smoke down in there and it slices a whole lot better cold and it does work well it chilled for hours it did I prefer to go overnight but the beagle and all the pups is hungry and we’re gonna see now I want you to look the grain of this is running in that direction right so we always slice against the grain but I’m gonna go ahead and square this up and don’t thank folks that this is gonna go to waste if I was to stew have me some pot of beans or green beans or something like that that I need is a piece of big old piece of bacon in there hey em chunks will fit right in there they will but today folks seeing as I’ve had this really good help come on helpers biggest first there’s the Duke and we babysitting Waylon today so we got extra help she’s over chewing on a leather glove she’d rather have had his bacon but I will go ahead and just square this end up looks like hog meat to me big it looks like the best piece of bacon I ever seen come out a package or a story and we done made it at home and y’all can – it is that simple just make sure you let it cool at least four but if you want added flavor let it sit overnight it makes a big difference but ain’t but one way to find out how this is and let’s throw it in this field skillet right over here that’s been heating up I love to hear that sound of bacon frying anytime today bacon it is praise the Lord pass the biscuits I’m gonna put 12 pound of bacon on each one it makes me do the wavy bacon dancer does folks that is better than any store-bought bacon you can find hmm so easy to do and so good and I’ve got all these participants hey easy now wait my turn and another turn and and that’s it get lost we hope you enjoyed this episode on making some bacon because we sure did and it’s easy folks you can do it all you got to do is pick up one of them pork bellies and get after you as always we thank you so much for watching and I tip my hat to all our servicemen and women and veterans who have kept this old country safe in that flagged line wherever mentions that god bless you each and every one to the rest of y’all hey and everybody else keep an eye out on that community tab you didn’t know we had warned ya you just scroll over hit the community to have any some stuff there because the new book is coming out remember but we’re gonna do a five feature where we’re gonna have a cook alone yep I’m gonna give you all some grocery list y’all gonna get to go bite and we’re gonna cook together Oh whoo it is gonna be a party time it is remember everything you need to know we’ll be down there in the little description and the link below be sure you like share and subscribe the videos to have a shout out and I get a lot of y’all and I am so proud of our EMTs firemen’s paramedics policemen everybody that keeps us safe and these folks are from the Madison Township Fire Department station 31 thank you all for watching these videos and we hope you like our cooking and folks we’ve had a fellow that’s been watching for a long time and he’s going through some difficult times with cancer and I’ll lift him up to you and ask you to pray for him and that is my friend Craig Lee he’s been a long time watcher so lift them folks up be proud of everybody you got in your community and let’s bring it all in here for a hug and I’ll see you then I’m making bacon tree Hey quiet on the set well we hope you enjoyed this episode on how we be making up I mean bacon is a fighting word here folks you don’t never get enough okay there’s some brown sugar in there I can’t remember what you knew that you got the paper [Music] …