Learn Spanish: Lessons for Beginners 001 (Free Online Course)

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hi my name’s josh and this is the course if you want to learn spanish as quickly and simply as possible you’re going to be speaking and understanding full spanish sentences from the very beginning without you even realizing it you already know thousands of words in spanish because of knowing english and this is going to fast track your learning you’re going to be learning together with my old friend whose name is also josh josh has no prior knowledge of spanish or any other second language so together with him i’m going to guide you to fluency in spanish so josh are you feeling relaxed and ready yep i’m ready good okay so let’s get underway the first word we’re gonna learn is the word it’s and in spanish that’s s s now that word can also just mean is so can you say that for me s s good to say important in spanish it’s important important the e only ever has one sound and that’s an e just like in s so importante can you say that for me perfect how would you say it’s important good the word for not is not this word can also mean no now that o only ever has one sound in fact all the syllables in spanish a e i o u only ever have one sound and that’s the sound o just like the o in not so not not not can you say that for me no perfect now if we want to say it’s not important the no for not comes before the s so not s so how would you say it’s not important excellent perfect to say this it’s esto esto so we have those two sounds we have the e e and the o o esto esto can you say that for me how would you say this is important how would you say this is not important [Music] perfect okay the last word that we’re going to learn today whether you’re probably familiar with and that’s the word for yes which is c c now you’ll notice above the eye there isn’t a dot but there’s an accent mark now why there is an accent mark will become clearer later on in the course but just to let you know the i like all the other vowels only ever has one sound and that sound is e so as in c i see so can you say it for me c c good how would you say yes it’s important good so now we’re going to learn how to form questions in spanish now it’s actually a lot easier than it is in english because in english the word order has to change to to mark a question so for example as a statement we say it is important but when we want to ask a question we change the it and the is the other way around so is it important now in spanish the word order never changes it doesn’t change from when it’s a statement to a question so how do we make it sound like a question then how do we know we have to add intonation into our voice we have to make it sound like a question so we would do something like this is it important is it important so how do you think you would say is it important in spanish you rise up on that question word s is it that’s great so a question for you then when i ask you a question i want you to respond in a full sentence not just yes or no good now to answer no it’s a little bit more tricky the word no the word not sorry means both not and no so we have to say the word twice so once to say no to answer no and then the second time we use it to say the word not so can you answer me and i’ll ask you the question again can you answer me with a negative using the word not twice important it’s not important brilliant so well done i’m sure you enjoyed today’s lesson new lessons are being added every week so make sure to subscribe so that you can easily find us again to follow this free course if you enjoyed this video today make sure to give us a thumbs up and also i would appreciate your comments uh so leave them down below on how you found today’s lessons and i’ll be really impressed if you can use some of the vocabulary that we’ve learnt today i’ll see you in the next one …