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[Music] hey guys i’m patrick humphrey the director sales at zam solar i’m here at the outside van booth where they’re showing off some of their awesome products that actually showcases a lot of the different solar panel options that we have to offer and there’s three different vans here and each van has a different solar setup and the solar setups on each of these vans is really designed to help power the lights as well as the refrigerators in an off-grid situation on this van over here which is the newest van that product has three of our 45 watt obsidian panels this product right here has two of our 45 watt obsidian panels and then this one right here has a 130 watt legacy panel that’s installed at the front of the van a portable option as you can see here these are two of our 45 watt panels and what you’ll notice is on the back of them is we can actually daisy chain them together and depending on the charge controller that comes with the unit you can add up to 300 or even up to 600 watts of additional portable solar uh if you’re going to be off-grid for an extended period of time or like i said if you wanted to run a microwave or even potentially an ac just to give you some extra solar power to power the lithium-ion batteries that are in these products the other nice thing about it is outside van and on all of their units has an actual solar plug so as you can see here it’s plugged directly into the battery and then it’s running right out here and it has a 15 foot lead to basically connect all of these various solar panels together these panels are our obsidian version uh solar panels this is the smallest panel we make it’s a 45 watt panel and we also make a larger 100 watt panel here this 45 and this 45 by daisy chaining them together you actually make this truly 90 watts and as you can see you can point this directly at the sun so depending on the time of the day you can really maximize the solar potential with one of these portable units the other nice thing about these units is in terms of its portability they essentially deploy very similar to an ipad so the carrying case and everything is all included in the portable unit and it’s roughly two inches wide and it’s just the dimension of the the panel itself what’s nice about this especially bands like this is these are really easy to store so if you have an area of space you can put many of these and like i said this allows you to deploy this whenever necessary to give you some some extra solar potential [Music] you …