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hi all it’s andy from solar reviews here again and this review we’re making is of jinko solar panels it’s our 2021 update to our expert review for jinko one of the largest solar manufacturers in the world for those of you who don’t know or haven’t watched any of our other solar panel manufacturers reviews videos we rank solar panel manufacturers on a score out of 50 using a number of different criteria that we think are important uh in terms of evaluating the overall bankability of a solar panel manufacturer and that aren’t always obvious to consumers so in relation to jinco as i said in terms of volume one of the biggest manufacturers in the world i think their volume in 2020 was somewhere in the range of sort of 14 to 17 gigawatts to give you an idea market leader sun power in america i think had a volume of something like two to three gigawatts so you know these very large chinese tier one companies like jinko and longy and trina and canadian solar they are the largest manufacturers of solar panels in the world very high quality very uh highly automated robotic controlled manufacturing so um the the impression that we sometimes have that chinese gear is all junk in relation to some other things inverters you know perhaps i think that’s a might be a fair statement sometimes but in relation to these tier one chinese manufacturers they actually are very high quality manufacturers and very very good companies so turning now to our rating score for jinko solar in terms of module quality we looked at their eagle module their 370 watt module which is a fairly standard residential size of 60 cell module you’re talking a efficiency of around 20.4 so that puts it you know a couple of percent below the very market leader uh in terms of sun power which is around 22.8 so you know they only scored 7 out of 10 for the module quality the other thing we measure is temperature coefficient in working out that module quality ranking and theirs at around 0.35 again is sort of good it’s okay but it’s it lags behind the market leaders uh sun power minus 0.27 and lg at minus 0.29 so um credible but not outstanding in terms of financial visibility jinko scored quite well there we scored them 10 out of 10. now the reason being is they’ve been listed on the new york stock exchange since 2010 so we’ve got a long history of visibility their revenues are really quite large we’re talking 5.38 billion dollars in revenue in u.s dollars their profit was pretty slim in 2020 but nonetheless they were still profitable they made a small profit of around 35 million so that you know suggests to me that you know there as far as solar company goes there they’re pretty stable we probably would have liked to see a little more profit and in previous years they have made much larger uh profits and i think it was more some accounting adjustments that really skewed that number down for 2020 so we did still score them at 10 out of 10 for financial strength and visibility based on the size of the company in terms of usa investment jinko solar have a factory in jacksonville florida 400 megawatt a year factory so it’s a pretty significant size factory so we scored them four out of five uh for usa brand investment dealer network they scored a little lower um than some other companies three out of five they don’t have the depth or quality of the dealers uh at this stage um but again i i expect over time that these chinese these tier one chinese brands and there’s a very big difference in my mind between these four or five very good tier one brands of chinese companies and a whole raft of second-tier brands which i wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot pole so but at this point they don’t have the the depth and the quality of the local installers selling these as what brands like sun power and lg and panasonic and some others have so um they scored a little bit lower at 3 out of 5 for that where they do score very well is on value we allow 15 points out of the 50 for a value rating so in terms of the wholesale level you probably can pick these up you know in container sort of volumes if you’re a reasonable size dealer for probably around that you know 45 to 50 cents a watt mark substantially cheaper than those biggest brands of best um you know more highly rated and sort of known solar panels in in america such as lg and sun power and panasonic so so score highly they scored 12 out of 15 for value which was pretty good um not the cheapest of the tier one chinese panels but fairly good in terms of warranty they also scored three out of five they have a linear warranty which is means that they guarantee 98 output of their panels from the first year then their output falls only 0.55 each year out to 25 years which means at the end of 25 years they are still guaranteeing that 84.25 of the initial um rating power of the panel will still be produced by the panel so overall 39 out of 50 puts it in the excellent category puts us puts them forth on our list of solar panel brands for 2021 very respectable effort only one point away from the elite category um so this year only lg q cells and longi met the elite category but very very close and may well reach it next year also on our site is our solar calculator so if you want to jump on and work out how much the cost of a solar system that will suit your home will be how much it will save what you’re likely payback period and all that sort of stuff will be there’s an open solar calculator you can use without putting any personal details in stick your bill and your location in there and it will work it all out for you and then you can push through and find dealers of jinko and other brands panels if you choose to want to do so hope that’s helpful if you’re looking at jinko panels to hear our views on it and good luck with your solo shopping experience …