How To Close 300 Solar Deals – The Baby Goat – Door to Door Sales

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hey guys we’ve got an extremely valuable video for y’all today I got to sit down with none other than the baby goat himself Adrian hisiado this man is going to tell us exactly how he got 300 transactions in just two years as a 19 year old he truly is the baby goat so now let’s get into this million dollar presentation hey what’s up how are you doing today good you I’m doing pretty good thanks for asking so uh my name is Adrian husiano you know I’m with home nerds uh we’re basically in the area just trying to find a few more Model Homes to qualify for the redirection program um so are you the homeowner here yeah but like I’m super busy no I totally understand that boss that’s usually with the last five people tell me so what I’m doing is a little bit different um you know did you notice what happened in the last week you know with the Public Utilities Commission raising the rates 50 percent no okay perfect so what we’re doing is we’re literally just picking out a few more houses to qualify for this program I understand you’re busy I was literally just leaving the neighborhood five minutes ago but I saw your house I saw how much sun you guys got so I just decided to give you guys this information um a lot of people think that there’s some sort of commitment or you know that comes attached to this what we literally do is just give people the information um you know I pride myself in just showing people what it’ll look like if they’re qualifying or what it’ll look like if they don’t um so roughly roughly what would you say your average utility bill is um it’s like 300 bucks we’re not interested it’s like 300 bucks awesome dude I got a girlfriend I’m not interested either so what I’m doing is actually a little bit different um so that 300 utility bill can we both agree that if I could get that down to 150 would be a better situation for you yeah but like we’re not going solar oh dude I never mentioned anything about so they’re just a little bit different right some people get the windmills some people get the solar panels some people get the ground mounts I don’t even know what you qualify for yet right I’m just an application submitter um so here’s a proposition I’ll do for both of us right I have my engineer he’s only going to be in the area for another 72 hours I can pull some strings for you I can get him to stop by at this exact time tomorrow and if the presentation shows us at least 50 savings I’m gonna come back and show it to you if it doesn’t I’m not even going to waste your time right but can we both agree that if I can get your bill from 300 to 150 it’ll be a better situation for you and your family you get a business card we can call you it’s a little bit different boss I don’t do business cards I literally gave one to a few of your neighbors a few weeks ago they threw them on the street so then the the the um the city guy called my manager and they said dude how are you a renewable energy company but you guys don’t even recycle the paper so I can leave you my E-Business card but what we do is a little bit different um so what are you usually you’re usually available around this time yeah all right perfect so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna pull some strings again for you I’m gonna have my engineer come around tomorrow around this time and then um you know that electric bill you get in the mail through email uh email email all right perfect so what I’m going to do is write that old ABS meter that’s on the side of your house Super Chinese I’m gonna make sure you got the new updated one um while I do that just go inside and get me your electric bill and then when I come out I can send that to my engineer we’ll put everything together that sounds good yes I don’t want to wasting your time yeah I hate the way it looks yeah of course dude listen I mean it literally comes down to perception right the best I could do for you is put them all in the back we’re kind of jumping the gun here right we don’t even know if you qualify for this right what I want to do is show you so you wouldn’t again only two out of ten homes qualify for this a lot of that information is above my pay grade I don’t want to jump the gun here right I want to give you the preliminary information first if we could get past step one right then we could focus on step two we could both agree right yeah all right awesome so what I’m gonna do is right what’s a good form of contact 401 yeah 401 five two one five two one nine two four nine two four five all right perfect so I’m gonna stop by tomorrow at the same exact time with my engineer if you don’t see me tomorrow because we couldn’t save you at least 50 sound good all right perfect see you tomorrow …