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what’s up my piano friends Zack if it’s here today I’m going to teach you four simple chords that you can use to play hundreds of famous songs on piano and at the same time work on your improv skills now this lesson is going to be the super-easy beginners piano lesson I don’t care if you’ve never touched a piano in your life you can learn this in less than a week most beginners take as little as three days to learn this so this video is gonna be a three part video first I’m gonna show you the exact notes of the chords then step two I’m gonna show you how to drill them into your system so they’re rock solid in your muscle memory and you’re not going to have problems getting hands together coordination and sloppy playing and then the third section we’re gonna teach you how to use money patterns which is basically simple variations you can use to this chord progression that really adds spice and add life and add pop to it alright so here’s what the four chord progression is going to sound like remember if this looks complicated if it looks hard I guarantee you you can learn it and you’ll see how easy it is once we break it down step by step so here’s what its gonna sound like [Applause] [Music] and it also could sound like this if we switch it up and use a different pattern we can use the same four cords it might sound more like this [Music] [Applause] all right humming you guys are excited to learn I’m ready to go all right let’s get started all right so to learn these chords we’re basically going to use a couple of music theory hacks to make it even easier to learn now before I made this video I went and looked up all the other videos that were similar to this to make sure that mine was the best and the easiest way to learn and a lot of these videos they’d be like yeah it’s easy only four chords C G a minor and you’d be playing these big four-note chords and they’re moving their hands all around the piano and I’m like this is not easy especially if you’re a beginner have you ever been frustrated with with lessons that make everything too hard we’re not going to do that we’re gonna make it super simplified for you right now alright so here’s the four chords the first thing you’re gonna do is you’re gonna put both of your thumbs on C so to find the C find the two black notes one two and go one note below it there’s your C find two black notes window up low if that’s a C now your thumbs are gonna stay on see throughout this entire lesson and your fingers are gonna stay on the corresponding notes as well throughout the entire time you never have to shift your hands you never have to move your fingers are going to say on the exact same notes because of the music theory hacks that we’re gonna use alright so your first chord is a C major chord you’re gonna play a C in your left hand and C G in your right hand the next chord is a G chord you’re gonna play a B in your left hand and this C D G in your right hand now technically this is actually a G sus chord in first inversion I don’t want you to memorize that or even think about it if you’re beginner just to simplify it we’re just gonna call this a G chord because it serves the same purpose now our next chord is going to be an a minor chord so it’s gonna be an a in your left hand C she in your right hand now again technically this is an a minor seventh chord we’re not going to worry about that we’re just gonna call this an a minor chord to keep it simple and the last chord is an F major chord so we have an F in your left hand we have C F G in your right hand this is technically an F add 9 chord but we’re just gonna call this an F chord to make it simple alright so now we have our four chords C major G major a minor and now I want you to stop right here and before you think hey I’m gonna go rush off to my piano I have the notes already I’m just gonna learn this I want you to really encourage you to watch the rest of the video because a lot of people that go off and they don’t learn it correctly in the right way they don’t really drill it into their muscle memory correctly and then what happens is they come back and and it’s very sloppy and they have trouble getting hands together so I want to really encourage you right here to watch the rest of zero this video we’re going to talk about how to drill it super deep in your muscle memory all right so the first part of this we’re gonna just work on the left hand now the left hand is a lot easier than the right hand because you’re only playing one note at a time or your right hand you’re playing three notes at a time so what we want to do with this left hand just get this thing so rock solid that you could play this thing in your sleep right and what we’re gonna do how we’re gonna do that is we’re gonna use the four rhythms which is a very common strategy we using piano to drill in really deep muscle memory alright so here’s how it works the four notes in the left hand or simply C be a F so first we’re just gonna repeat that four times right you’re just gonna go see the a X so I want you to pause the video now repeat that four times all right now the next step is we’re gonna run it four times using the first rhythm so the first rhythm is simply long-short long-short long-short long-short so you’re gonna play it exactly like that using the rhythm long-short long-short and you’re gonna beat that four times alright the next step we’re gonna use rhythm number two so this rhythm is just the reverse of the rhythm we just did it’s short long short long sounds like this short long short long short long short long easy right all right now before we go into rhythm number three I actually kind of want to give you guys the PDF cheat sheet right now now that I’m thinking about it I was gonna give it to you at the end but I think it might be helpful to give it to you now that way you don’t have to memorize all these rhythms and you have it just in a PDF form that you can print out or you can just leave it on your laptop and it’s gonna make it a lot easier alright so to get the PDF form all you have to do in this video in the description and also I’m gonna put a link somewhere on the screen it’s gonna say click this link and you click that link and it’s gonna bring you to this page and this is to sign up for my free course yes it really is 100% free a lot of people are like Oh is there a trial period no there’s no trial there’s no none of that BS it’s a hundred percent free so all you got to do is click here to sign up enter your first name and your email take like 15 seconds once you hit get my free lessons it’ll take you to this page now this is the main page that has all the lessons in my free course on it I want you to ignore all these for now actually if you have time later come back to these but scroll all the way to the bottom where it says extras and this is where I put all my extras for my youtube videos and click on the one that says learn four chords learn hundreds of songs money patterns and PDFs if you click on this it’s gonna go to the page with all the extra resources on this lesson and if you scroll down to the bottom by the way if you want to see all the songs you can play using this chord progression there’s gonna be a video here it’s a very famous video you might have seen it already but for now I want you to scroll past that where it says PDF cheat sheets and if you click this link it’s gonna give you the cheat sheet for this lesson and you’ll notice it has chord one chord to chord three chord four and if you scroll down to page two boom all the four rhythms right here so you don’t have to waste time trying to memorize these you can just download the cheat sheet alright so I want you to do is pause the video go download the cheat sheet and then come back when you have it alright so at this point we’ve done the normal rhythm we’ve repeated at four times we’ve done rhythm one we’ve done rhythm two so we’re gonna move on to rhythm three right here so it’s gonna be the pattern long short short short long short short short it’s gonna sound like this long short short short long short short short so I want you to pause the video and do that four times alright once we’ve done that we’re gonna move on to the final rhythm which is just the opposite of that rhythm it’s just short short short long short short short long so right now I want you to do short short short long short short short long all right you’re gonna repeat that four times and then you’re gonna do it one last time not using any of the special rhythms so you’re just gonna do and you’re gonna repeat that for final times I really don’t want I really want you guys to not skip this step and I hope you can see and let me know in the comments can you see how learning it like this is gonna really drill it into your muscle memory as opposed to just repeating it over and over and kind of learning it sloppily we’re like no we’re gonna learn this thing rock-solid 100% all right let’s move on to the next step now now we’re gonna start adding in the right hand alright so the right hand has four chords but we’re actually gonna simplify it more than that and if you’ll notice these chords the outside of the chord stays the same right you have your one and your five on the cng and every chord has these notes right I’m gonna play one two three four you’re always playing the C in the G so these don’t change at all so we’re gonna do before we add the middle note is we’re gonna get really used to playing these outside notes with your left hand so what I want you to do now is you’re just gonna play just these two notes and then you’re gonna play this same left hand pattern going down so it’s gonna look like this and then you move down to the B and then the a your right hand is saying exactly the same and you’re just gonna repeat this over and over and over and just drill it into your muscle memory now if you’re having trouble getting hands together what I want you to try is one I want you to slow down likely you’re going too fast the second thing I want you to try I want you to stare at your left hand and literally some time to actually bring my head down and literally just stare at my left hand while you’re applying this and really just stare at it and just think what’s the next note it’s a be my right hand staying the same what’s the next note next notice a minor next note it’s gonna be this F and my right is staying the same the whole time all right so once you have this rock solid guess what I have actually some really good news for you you could stop here you could literally stop here and start gigging now let me show you what just this sounds like we add some money patterns and we’ll talk about money patterns later but you could start playing this [Music] like that already sounds cool we even even added the middle note you could literally stop the video right here and start gigging right now but guess what you’re not going to do that why because you want to get to the next level of piano right you want to keep improving yourself so so I just want to let you know though that even at this point you’re already good but now let’s add in this middle note to take this even to the next level all right so the middle notes just it’s a very simple pattern it goes e down to D back up to e and then up to F and you just repeat these four notes over and over and over again now what I want you to do with these four notes is I want you to practice these four notes in the four rhythms right so pull up that cheat sheet that you had hopefully you’ve downloaded by now and I want you to practice it using the rhythms now when I taught you the rhythms before I walked you through the whole process and I’ve really held your hand and said okay now we’re gonna do we’re them number one repeat it four times and I really held your hand through it but for this I want to stop holding your hand because I don’t want you to be dependence on me as a teacher I want to kind of let go of the hand hold and let you experience the rhythm so you really are doing the learning and not just copying what I’m doing does that make sense so right now I want you to pause the video and do the rhythms on these four notes all right so once we have these drilled in now we’re gonna add the outsides with these metal notes in it all right so this is the point a lot of times where people start freaking out all right a lot of beginners think wall and playing three notes at the same time this is really hard but if you think about it you’ve already learned these two notes these two notes stay the same you already learned this pattern all we’re doing is putting them together so don’t freak out and remember if this is seeming a little overwhelming at this point remember that this is the point where you really learn right you don’t learn when stuff is easy you learn when stuff is a little challenging when it’s overwhelming so if this is getting hard for you right now I want you to stick with it and push through and push through to the end because it’s gonna be worth it once you come out the other side and you can play this all right so to simplify it a little at the beginning I want you to do two chord alternates and what that means you just alternate between two chords so we’re gonna take our first chord C major C E G and just the next chord our G major chord C D G so the only thing that changes is your middle finger goes from your E to your pointer finger edit D so just alternate between these two forks and just drill this until the cows go throw these two chords and so you can do it in your sleep without even thinking about it all right now the next step is we’re gonna take the last two chords on the progression so we’re gonna take the C chord and now we’re going to move this e up to this F and it’s move like this and now we’re gonna alternate it back to this back to the F back to the Inc back to the end and boom I want you to run that again till the cows come home till you can go to sleep and do this in your dreams you know what I mean so I want you to really solidify this all right so once you have that rock solid now we’re going to do all four chords so we’re going to start off on the C chord we’re gonna move this e down to a D then we’re gonna move back up to the E and then we’re gonna move up to the s and I want you to just keep repeating these four over and over and over so they’re just drill into your muscle memory so when we put our left hand now it’s gonna be a lot easier to get everything working together all right run to the final step if you made it this far Congrats you’ve made it a big portion of the way now before we add this last step I want you to do something from you right now I want you to go in the comments and leave one of two comments either hey Zack I got it this is good I’m good at this point or Zack I don’t get it here’s why here’s the part of the lesson I don’t understand all there’s two reasons for this one is for me and one is for you one is for me so I can say hey people are getting it my teaching is working I’m gonna keep explaining this way and one is free and if you don’t get it what I’m gonna do is I’m going to go down to all the comments and I’m gonna I’m gonna respond to them and if someone doesn’t get it I’m gonna explain it further that way what I want to do is I want to build up this whole comment section that’s like a reference right how cool would that be so I don’t leave any student behind and every student’s going from square one to square 105 any problems all along the way they can just scroll down to the comments and they’ll have the answers right in the comments let’s build this piano community where we all help each other out that’s rule number one reason number two is there’s been so many studies and you probably know this already that have shown the more that you engage with the lesson on piano the more you will learn and the more you will retain and so by you even if by just commenting on a YouTube video you will retain more information by doing that and I’ve noticed what a lot of really smart people have been doing a lot of my youtube videos they go in the comments section and they literally their comment they just summarize the entire video up until this point and think about how powerful that is they go down there they summarize everything that’s happened up to this point think how much that’s gonna make your brain retain this information have to go back and learn it and really retain it for the long run instead of just watching this video and forgetting everything right afterward all right so once you’ve left a comment now we’re gonna go on to the final step just getting hands together now hands together that’s gonna look like this but we’re gonna learn it just the same way we learn these middle notes in the right hand we’re gonna take two chords at a time and we’re gonna alternate between them all right so the first two chords are C major and then all we’re gonna do is are going to move the e down to the D we’re going to move this C down to a B so E and then D you notice my left hand goes from C to B and just alternate these two chords now if this is already too tricky for you what I want you to do is sleep on it now if you’re a complete beginner a lot of times this is the point in the lesson where you can’t get it even by practicing it a lot and the reason is when you sleep on it it consolidates all your muscle memory it consolidates a lot of your learning a lot of times as a beginner you have to consolidate it for a night or maybe even two nights before it all clicks into place so if you’re having too much trouble sleep on this and then come back the next day and I want you to go through this entire video again and repeat all the steps really drill that into your muscle memory and then move on to this step all right so once you’ve alternated the first two chords over and over now we’re gonna take this G chord down to the a minor so to be a minor now this one’s a little tricky for people because we’re moving in opposite directions we’re moving this D up to the e and removing this be down to the names so then moving to the outside that’s how I like to think about it so we’re gonna take our G chord and move down to our a key and just repeat this over and over and over and just alternate these chords into your muscle memory all right now next step is we’re gonna take the next two chords we’re gonna take this a minor chord and move it to our F chord so all that changes is this a goes on to the F and this middle a note goes up to the F so again we’re moving towards the outside so it’s gonna be a minor and you’re gonna just repeat that a minor and just drill this into your most sorry my camera stopped for a second a cut out but that nope no worries we’ll move on to the next thing alright so the next thing is we’re gonna take all four chords now hopefully you understand the the benefits of doing two chords at a time and really drilling them in a lot of people skip to this last step and they get really frustrated because they can’t get hands together and say yeah because you took too many at a time but you’re disciplined you made it this far let’s finish this off alright so for the last step we’re gonna do all four chords in a row so C major now we’re going to go to our G chord and then to our a minor and then to our F or just to repeat these same four chords over and over and over until they’re drilled in your muscle memory and once you have this Congrats you have the basic structure of the chord progression now the next step to this to really make it pop remember we’re going to talk about money patterns and money variations so basically what this is is using the same notes we’re not changing the notes at all we’re just changing the rhythms of it and and how we play the notes so for example instead of playing just normal notes like this we’re gonna have some money patterns it might sound like this or might sound like this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now this kind of stuff I was gonna put in this video but honestly this video is gonna be like super long if I put it in now so I’m actually just gonna add it to that same page where you got the PDFs so if you don’t remember you can just click the link in the video sign up for the free course scroll all the way to the bottom and click on the link that says learn four chords learn hundreds of songs and that’s gonna bring you right to this page and this is where you can get the money rhythm patterns the money arpeggio patterns and the money variations now these aren’t actually called money rhythm patterns to be honest I just thought it sounded cool and it sounded a lot cooler than a lot more cool than oh learn the new patterns but the money patterns are the ones I use all the time they’re my most used ones so I like to call them kind of my money patterns if that makes sense all right if you’ve made it this far in the video I want to give you a quick congratulations seriously you have no idea how many people watched probably 20 seconds of this videos and they got too lazy and they clicked on cat videos on the side of YouTube and they spent the last five hours of their life watching cat videos on YouTube you’re not one of those people you’re someone who’s dedicated to improving themselves on piano and to really putting in the time and the effort to learn so seriously I freaking love that attitude and I love that you’re still with me at this point of video all right hope you liked the video if you could leave a like on the video I really appreciate it and if you want to see more videos like that hit that subscribe button and then hit the bell to get updates anytime I release a new video all right thanks a lot for watching peace out and happy practicing [Music] you …