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hi guys welcome back to my channel I have a little life update for you guys so basically I decided to end my relationship with my partner now the reason that I decided to end my relationship is not because something happened or the relationship was toxic or whatever literally nothing happened however I still decided to end it and I wanted to make this video not because I feel obligated to give you guys an explanation or anything however I do think that there’s people in the same situation as me that have a good relationship but they don’t feel like oh I can get out of it because there’s nothing really wrong with the relationship so why do I feel like this but you still want to get out of it and for you guys I want to make this video because people will shame you when you get out of relationship like that yeah like you will hear so many opinions of like oh what you did was so wrong you’re a horrible person but you know inside of yourself that staying is not an option for you sometimes it’s fine to listen to your own intuition and to do things according to what you feel like let me get into this video I want to say a huge thank you to better help for sponsoring this video better help is the world’s largest online therapy platform Better Health also has a network of over 30 000 therapists so you can easily find a therapist that’s the right match for you however if the therapist you found is not the right match you can easily switch therapists with no additional charge so you take a lot of time and you save a lot of money I also absolutely love that it’s online because if your area has limited options you you’re it’s more easily accessible for you to find a therapist as well for me for example these days I don’t want to leave my house so talking to a therapist out of the comfort of my own home is definitely such a big to get started you fill out a questionnaire to help assess your specific needs and then you get matched to a therapist in as little as a few days you can schedule a phone video or message based session whatever you are more comfortable with they also have a journal that you can write in and you can attend group sessions basically basically you get all the same benefits as an in-person therapist but without all the extra hassle if you think that you might benefit from therapy then please click the link in the description below or visit betterhelp.com wizard clicking that link will not only help support this channel but it also gets you 10 off your first month at Better Health hi guys my name is Liz and welcome back to my channel okay let’s get into it why did I end my relationship first of all I was way too comfortable in the relationship and I posted about this on Tick Tock and I said that I was way too comfortable and that everybody was like oh my God you’re so toxic isn’t that good being comfortable blah blah blah being comfortable is good being way too comfortable is not good when people become way too comfortable in a relationship they don’t want to do anything anymore that’s why you see a lot of people they stop looking after themselves like they don’t care about anything anymore because they think oh I just have my partner I already have him whatever you know and then the partner starts to lose attraction for the person or the person starts to feel really bad about themselves and they become very insecure now for me I literally have no motivation and no more passion for life like at all because I literally like the amount of money even that I bled on the table and I didn’t do brand deals or I didn’t do anything because I thought whatever it doesn’t matter I have my partner that’s what I mean like I am not working towards my goals as hard as I should and it infuriates me and like I don’t have that fire anymore and to be this comfortable I don’t like it I don’t want to be this comfortable you know I want to have passion in life I want to have like that strive for life again and and I want to go after my goals like really hard and as well he as well like there’s so many things that he needs to work on that he doesn’t want to work on because he thinks like oh whatever I just have Liz but now that he doesn’t have me anymore he because we’re still texting he told me he’s like oh I’m immediately fixing this I’m doing this I’m gonna go to therapy now it has a fire again he has passion again because it’s like oh I Don’t Want to Lose the person that I love the most and I think we both need that like fire again we need that passion again and that’s at the same time my uh partner my ex-partner is the kind of person he he doesn’t have friends like he’s very anti-social he doesn’t like socializing like for him it’s me and him together that’s it like he doesn’t need anyone else and he needs my he’s very clingy so he constantly needs me around everywhere or calls me or whatever you know for me I honestly I miss having friends I miss like like having relationships with women especially because he’s my best friend and because he’s my best friend I am literally not looking out or or going out with girls anymore or creating new friendships because I think oh anyways I’m just with him I’m at a point in my life where I wouldn’t even date myself because I don’t think I have a healthy pattern when it comes to dating because I always put my partner first and until I fix this unhealthy pattern that I have I don’t think I should be dating at all like I should be the kind of person that does my own thing and the person that’s in my life should just add value but he shouldn’t influence what I do in my life like I should still have my hobbies I should still have my friendships and I shouldn’t be isolated with one person this is unhealthy it’s not that he’s telling me to not go out with friends or not do these things but it’s like because he doesn’t do it and he doesn’t have friends when I go even like to a restaurant with my friends I feel bad because I’m like oh he’s sitting at home like he’s not doing like it makes me feel bad so for me honestly right now I I don’t want to date anyone I want to date myself I just want to be single for a while I want to date myself and I wanna I wanna get to know myself again because I feel like I focus my energy so much on my partner that I neglected myself I neglected my soul I didn’t neglect my outer appearance but my other appearance is not me like what is inside is me and I don’t feel connected to myself anymore and I hate that feeling I know it’s not his fault but it is mine because I for me it’s like I keep dragging it on because I think like oh we’ll get better we’ll get better and it doesn’t because I have issues in myself that I still need to fix and still need to work on and I am going to work on them once like I have worked on my issues and he has worked on his issues there is a possibility for us to get back together obviously right now I think for both of us to grow we need to be separate I became so anxious as well like in public that even when I go to the mall I call him and I’m constantly on the phone with him because I don’t want to walk by myself meanwhile before this relationship I used to travel alone I miss myself like I really miss myself and I just want to know again what it’s like to to have that connection with myself to not feel weird when I’m alone out in public when I’m going alone to a restaurant or whatever I want to have that connection back with myself I I want to think like okay Liz what are we gonna do together you and me and I just believe that everyone that comes in your life comes into your life for a reason there is no one no one that has entered your life or you had a relationship with that just came for no reason see we are a soul right and we’re those on Earth are literally here to evolve and to learn and we learn through relationships we learn through our parents we learn through our traumas we learn through our heartbreak these are the reasons that we learn and these are the reasons that we evolve when when somebody comes into your life and you have a relationship with them sometimes it’s not meant to be forever sometimes it’s only a phase in your life and I really understood this because people are telling me Oh why aren’t you sad if this happened maybe two years ago because I I really have such a strong bond with my ex partner I would have been devastated I would have been heartbroken but I understand life differently my value doesn’t come from having a partner or relationship my value comes from myself I need to be whole by myself and then when the person comes in he will be whole as well so anyone that I attract right now into my life or start dating will be a reflection of me I was reading this book it’s many lies many Master the book basically had a quote where it said like you have reached true Consciousness when you realize that the relationship you have is your own soul looking back at you and this is so true if you look at your relationships with like even if it’s your friend or your partner they are mirroring you every guy that comes into my life that they will be just a reflection of me so I don’t want to date anyone this is just a time for me to learn to be on my own again to learn to love myself fully like every single morning now when I wake up I look at myself in the mirror and I say I love you I say my name and I say I love you you have to try it go to the mirror look yourself in the eyes and tell yourself you love yourself like we all speak about self-love but when you say that to yourself like it brings tears to my eyes literally even saying that to myself so for me it’s just like I want to become my dream woman so whoever comes into my life will be my dream person that matches my vibration and matches my energy I don’t like people shame you or feel like oh why are you doing this like this is such a bad idea whatever listen to your intuition we neglect our own inner voice so much and then we spend years in a relationship and then at the end we have spent years hating it because we cared more about other people’s opinions than our own intuition like I know that this is the best thing I’ve I’m ever gonna do in my life right now like this is my best decision and I believe this and I just really believe that whatever I do is for the better of me like I truly trust myself on that any decision that I’ve ever made in my life has has brought me here and this is really the reason that I’m this successful today is because of me and because of the the decisions I made and because of my intuition that I listened to and I went against everyone’s opinion to do it everyone I did not care this is how I’m gonna do it again feel that this is right that’s it so yeah guys I just wanted to give this little update to help you guys and yeah I love you guys so much thank you so much for watching bye …