the scrambler technique text
so if you’re with a woman and you’re stuck at that friendly platonic Vibe what can you say to quickly move things to that more intimate flirtatious level that lets her know that you want her that makes her want you Rob is going to share in this video three of his all-time most effective ways to do this [Music] Bobby Rio and I’m here with Rob judge and in this video we’re gonna give you three of Rob’s favorite ways to move things from friendly platonic to flirtatious intimate so you want to kind of give them a little bit of a uh it kind of set the stage of when you’re going to use the lines that we’re going to talk about in this video sure and the thing about uh using any of these lines is that you should have already established a little bit of Rapport again you don’t need a whole lot but maybe like we’re talking like 10 minutes into a date or maybe like a couple minutes into talking to a woman for the first time where she’s talking to you you know things are going well enough but now you want to kind of turn it up a notch and I think any guy who’s ever talked to a woman knows that you know when you first start talking things are you know you Chuck pleasantries small talk you know comments on the weather whatever it is but you know you kind of know in the back of your head okay let me let me turn this up a notch I’m in first gear I’ve got to shift down to second gear then I gotta shift to third gear these lines are for shifting to that next gear because I know we’re always going to get those comments of like if a guy ever walked up to me and said this we’re not saying to walk up to women and use these we’re talking about you’re having a good conversation but you’re stuck in first gear and now it’s time to shift down to second or third gear shift up to section 38 yeah yeah I just want to put that disclaimer that these are lines that help you do it and they’re really effective so you want to pay attention exactly and the thing too is that understand that you’re gonna throw out a compliment like you know our first line is uh what’s called a Shameless compliment right now it’s okay if this is a little disjointed if it is a little bit non-sequitur you kind of pull this out of nowhere because again like Bobby said you are looking to transition again you shouldn’t do this when you first walk up to her you shouldn’t do this in a workplace or anything like that but if you’re on a date with a woman or you’re talking to a woman at a party or girl you just met at the bar whatever you can throw out what I like to call a Shameless compliment now with Shameless cop meant like its name implies is you have no shame about telling her that you appreciate you know something that you’re that you’re seeing and the reason that this works again when most guys compliment a woman they go with the flowery Troubadour sounding you’re so beautiful you’re eyes light up the room whatever sort of compliment that you know you’ve seen and sound like it came out of like a really bad romantic comedy or or a romance movie you’re not doing something like that because the reason those compliments don’t work is that it just creates a sort of Awkward Moment the reason that a Shameless compliment works is you’re essentially saying the same thing you’re saying you know you are telling her she’s beautiful you are telling you you like her eyes but then you’re also emphasizing the fact that you’re Shameless about it so an example of a Shameless compliment would be like oh man like the way you look at that dress you look amazing tonight and I’m kind of I’m kind of pissed at you too because you know I’m just a guy like I came I came tonight I was looking to be completely Charming total adrenaline but then you wore this dress and you look amazing and I’m going to be so distracted I’m gonna try hard not to be distracted by by all this but you know again I’m just a guy so if I [ __ ] up if I stutter if I if I act like an idiot like you know it’s your fault because you look amazing in this dress now again out of context it might sound a little ridiculous but when you actually kind of Riff like that in front of a woman when you’re talking to her and you’re telling her hey like you look great like you look amazing in the stressed like hey like I’m just a guy like if I get distracted it’s not my fault what you’re essentially you know her reaction again and I’ve done this you know dozens and dozens of times on you know you know on numerous dates and it always gets good reaction because you’re essentially telling her something good you’re telling her something that you like about her but you’re also you know it’s a push-pull thing it’s like you’re you’re pulling her in telling her something you like but then you’re kind of pushing away by blaming her by saying hey how could you wear this dress like oh man I’m gonna be so distracted usually a reaction you’re gonna get whether you’re funny or not is she’s gonna laugh because she’s gonna feel a little bit of attention so she’s gonna find this humorous yeah there’s a couple of things that make this um a a very effective thing one is that you are breaking Rapport so we talked about that you need to be in Rapport but the problem is is that when you’re in rapport with a woman right where you’re talking like you’re telling her stories about your life and she’s telling your stories about her life there’s not that you and me you and her connection right there’s not that intimate connection because you’re riffing about your friends and you’re telling your stories about your your vacation and she’s telling you stories but at some point it’s got to become about the two of you and when you do that it breaks that report a little bit and a lot of guys are scared to do that but you have to do that to get to the next level so the minute you do what Rob just said use a line like that you’re breaking that Rapport which may feel counterintuitive but at the same time it now makes her go oh now we’re now we’re addressing that this is this flirty thing going on that we are we’re not just trying to pretend that we can have a good conversation we know we can have a good conversation but now we’re getting to the meat of things that this is more than just a friendly conversation um another thing that does is and Rob said is the reason you don’t have to be so smooth about this is because it introduces a little bit of a a concept that Rob and I talk of cool vulnerability where you demonstrate like you are a little like it’s almost like you’re you know Rob and I are both introverts so sometimes we can be kind of awkward and when we’re trying to explain and if you try to hide that or try to be cool it’s not attractive but if you if you address it like listen like I’m stumbling over my words here because you’ve got me nervous all of a sudden it becomes a little Charming it becomes a little a little attractive as opposed to like doing it and trying to ignore it so a cool vulnerability makes that a little bit more attractive so that’s an excellent point exactly it’s almost like um anything that you can’t control just own it you know and I remember I heard that you know a long time ago and it’s true it’s like Bobby said it’s like you’re setting yourself up because again I’m almost calling out what I know I’m probably gonna do down the line that could be interpreted as always guys awkward this guy’s this guy’s uh you know might not be like the most socially Savvy guy but I’m calling those things out I’m preempting that with this Shameless compliment so that when I do do those things um again they might still seem a little goofy but you’re taking a little bit of that sting out of it and that’s what I think really makes this work so let’s talk about the next way and remember this these are lines meant to take things to that next level to let her know like you’re sort of what I said to bring it to the you and her vibe as opposed to like you telling stories her telling stories so let’s let’s get into the next one so the next one is actually very similar to um dovetails nicely with the Shameless compliment is uh a concept I call explicit restraint and the idea with this is that a lot of the times we want to State our intentions we want to say oh you know I mean if you’re going to be honest with yourself you’re looking at a beautiful woman that you just met and you you know maybe a half hour into a date or you’re talking to her for a while at a party and you do want to kiss her you do want to make out with her you know you have the you know these thoughts have to be going through your head if you’re uh you know red blood and you know normal guy so and what a lot of guys do is they try to fight it or they try to think you know or they don’t feel very comfortable about expressing it because rightfully so they you know that would be creepy if you said hey I want to make out with you hey I want to kiss you right now she’s going to be like all right like that’s weird but you know the thing is is that you can’t like Bobby said you can’t deny the fact that there is that that attraction there is that you know sort of you know polarity that that is a good thing so the sort of way to work around that Paradox is to introduce this idea of explicit restraint which is where you say what you want to do you say oh man like you know you know and again and you should do this all you know a little bit later on this should be you know later on in the interaction where think the thermostat is start starting to go up that sexual tension is is starting to you know kind of come to a boil where you know if you’re getting to the point where you’re really thinking about oh I should kiss this woman um you know you guys are are kind of a little bit closer in each other’s personal space you could say something like you know the way you look at that dress I’m totally thinking about making out with you right now but you know we can’t because there’s our friends are over there and what would they think about it or I mean I’ve used all kinds of crazy excuses I said this girls on dates where I’ll say you know be in a restaurant and I’ll say oh my God like you know the fact that you know you like you know this writer or this band or whatever whatever she said I I I like I’m like all I can think about now is how much I want to make out with you but I I can’t do that because you know there’s a family sitting over there and I don’t want to like you know scar these children and put them put them in therapy with me shamelessly making out with you so I’m just gonna control myself but just know like I’m thinking about it you know and again once again a lot of the times the reaction to that is she’s gonna be laughing but also too as she’s laughing on the Outside Inside she’s thinking about this like you you sort of planted this this word picture in her mind that now you’ve introduced this idea that you do want to kiss her that this is there is like a sexual intent but at the same time you’re imposing their restraint when you put that restrain and you say Okay I want to do this but I’m not going to because you know I have social Acuity oh our friends are here there’s a you know there’s a family over there whatever it is you know I mean again I I I’ve blamed all kinds of stuff like you know and use your environment I said you know your dog’s right over here I don’t wanna you can you can even use it in sort of future projecting I I was once um with a with a girl date and we were talking about playing tennis together at some point and I’m like are you gonna one of those like tennis skirts because I’m like if you wearing one of those tennis skirts the entire time I’m gonna make a fool of myself playing tennis because I’m just going to be like thinking I gotta like kiss this girl and it was just a way to bring that into it like oh when you’re wearing one of those little tennis skirts because we were at the point where like I needed to say something to take things to that next level yeah because it was going into like oh let’s play ten and I was gonna be your ten I don’t want to be a tennis buddy yeah so I gotta immediately go how can I get not be her tennis buddy I’ll bring up that so think in terms of you’re at this level you know you’ve got to get to the next level so address it but then when you take it away like I couldn’t play tennis with you because she’s like oh we should go play tennis I’m like I can’t play tennis with you because if you show up in one of those tennis skirts I’m going to want to just walk across the thing and take you like yeah and you’re disqualifying you’re not actually if you’re not saying I’m gonna do it you’re saying I can’t do that because I would want to do this but you’re essentially saying that’s what I want to do exactly and that creates so much sexual attention because it’s sort of like the forbidden fruit and again you’re putting that restraint in so you know that’s an incredibly effective technique and again you I want to emphasize again you want to do this you know a little bit down the line you obviously you don’t walk up to a woman and say hey I was just making out with you but I’m not gonna do it because there’s a family of penguins over there who might you know whatever whatever and again and your excuse can be a little off the wall a little cartoonish because the idea is that like she should be laughing when you’re saying this she should be she should be joking around with you she should be you know kind of but again as she’s laughing you’ll notice the wheels are turning in her head now the third and the final idea you know line that you can use to increase sexual attention to kind of take it to that next level is you can actually turn sort of flip the script on flip the script and actually blame her for something and again you do this playfully but if she says something or and a lot of times I like to do this when a woman um pumps the brakes right like where she’ll be like she’ll kind of [ __ ] test me about something she’ll be like you know make you know she’ll make fun of me she’ll make fun of my jacket you know or or you know make fun of my hair or something and and I’d be like well you would say that because you know uh you know girls who wear say she’s wearing like hoop earrings I’ll you know pick whatever out something about her so you know she has her hair in a ponytail girls with uh ponytails are evil anyway so you would say that you know so what you do is you interpret something about her and then you assign it a you know a quality of like you know and again it should be something playful something I I used to like I used to love using the term evil for girls I just met and I would I would use it for anything it doesn’t even have to really totally connect or make sense um I remember um to say the girls at bars you know and again and this is something you can use very early on a girl will be holding a drink and I’d be like oh man I heard girls who drink Cosmos are are uh are nothing but trouble you know something like that and now it’s like the thing is that these lines sound kind of goofy but the idea is you’re starting this interaction you’re into you’re You’re interjecting A vibe that is going to be playful that’s gonna be fun it’s not hey how are you doing what are you drinking what are you doing here tonight which is what most guys you know most guys go about trying to meet women or or talk to women on dates they go about it at a logical level and that’s not fun that’s not good and and essentially and the reason that like fun is so important in the vibe is that when you’re having fun you’re actually projecting your real personality when you’re just like you know sitting there asking your logical questions you’re essentially acting like you would in an interview and in a job interview you’re not really projecting your true like natural personality you’re projecting this sort of like you know weird neutered sense of yourself which is what you don’t want to do when you’re when you’re attracting women yeah and at some point as we said in the very beginning you’ve got to bring it to you and her how you see her how she sees you because that’s really where chemistry happens it’s not when you’re even if you’re telling the most funny story in the world about one of your friends in this this really you know story that just happens or laughing it’s still not about you and her so going back to this idea that Rob mentioned about explicit restraint and if she tells you um she’s a teacher or whatever she tells you right again anything she gives you you can find a way to bring it my dad told me never hook up with a teacher yeah one piece of advice my dad gave me is like you never hook up with yeah whatever what is she doing and she goes why why like why did you die yeah I don’t know but my dad just has like a six and now like it’s it’s about you and her it’s this funny playful Vibe so everything you’re doing is like when we say it makes her want you it’s not like you delivering any of the lines that Rob just said it’s like she’s like oh my God that was such a good line it breaks that like formality and now it creates intimacy and when you’re in that intimate level with a woman it feels good right like think about when you’ve been with a woman and she says something like that imagine she’s like oh like imagine if you’re like a computer programmer she’s like computer programmers are trouble you’re immediately gonna know even though she’s saying you’re trouble you’re immediately gonna know like oh like this is a little flirty this is fun this is fun that’s what these lines do is they bring it to that flirty fun playful level right we call it like the flirty funny touchy feely level and that’s where the magic happens that’s where the chemistry happens and that’s where it’s easy to go for the kids to say hey let’s go back to my house and let’s go like you’re not going to get there if you’re having a serious conversation so if this um idea of this flirty funny touchy feely sort of vibe does not come naturally to you because it didn’t come naturally rob it didn’t come naturally to me we put together a collection of a lot of these techniques right things like um and and ways to do it in various situations when you’re first meeting or when you’re out on a date maybe you’ve gotten her back to your place and you’re hanging out but now you’re like shoot I’ve got to like bring it back because you always need to be conscious of like okay I’ve got to bring it back because sometimes let’s say you you get back to your place with a woman and your your excuse is like hey I want to show you this video on Tick-Tock then now you show her that video and now that the conversation piece is that video you’ve gotta find a way to bring it back so even say something like yo I can see you making a video like yeah like now it’s you and her again and that’s where the attraction takes place so again if if this doesn’t come naturally to you we’ve got a lot and a lot a lot of these kind of techniques you can download them all below and um if you like this video hit like subscribe to the channel and leave us a comment and let us know what you want to see us cover in future videos …