i want a girlfriend
near the beginning of December last year I was chatting up a girl on IG DM now this girl had every trait that I se in my dream wife on social media her looks and how she spoke not just on text but also vocally because she was another fellow content creator about self-improvement which was also another uh big thing for me as soon as I realized that bro I was so hooked and I could not get my mind off her this happened around about 2 months ago now let me explain to you how this happened um you know how we how we got to know each other so she asked me what camera I use for my videos right she said it was a high quality what camera do you use so I gave her the camera I use um Canan 700d and she said thank you keep changing young men’s lives like okay who is this girl because she must if she’s saying that she must be on a similar path to me and you so I check out her profile and she’s basically like me cuz I I Target my audience the young men because I’m a young man myself she’s basically making the same content she’s a little bit older than me I think she’s like 20 or something around women specifically young women who you know might be growing up with insecurities they’re not they’re not tapped into their feminine energy I’ll admit I scroll through a videos I binge watch her videos a bit because she has a very good message I’m like okay I can probably learn something from this girl so I’m scrolling through her videos they’re really good so I check out her follow no I think nothing about it I just followed you know a fellow Creator on the same path as me all good she just asks me what camera I use it’s all good and then a week goes past and I see one of their videos pop up I listen to the message because I had more likes than usual in the words of her not in the words of me it’s about how women when they’re in a mood when they’re in a certain mood it’s very hard to get out of it of course moods are temporary but once you’re stuck in a mood it’s very hard to get out of it for men yes it can be similar but it’s much less likely so I’m like okay I’ve learned something like this before I’ve learned this from the way of the superior man the book so I sended the video of herself and I said where did you learn this from it’s a very valuable piece of advice and she says the way of the superior man and I’m very surprised by that because I only thought Men read that book so I asked her oh you’ve read that and she’s like yeah my boyfriend read it and then I started reading it but I wasn’t even focusing on that I was just focusing on how she said her boyfriend read it because at the back of my mind after scrolling through this girl’s content a bit after after following her after seeing her face a little bit after realizing that she had literally every single trait that I believe my dream wife should have I go hooked bro I’m not going to lie to you I got hooked and I’m not going to say this girl’s name because of privacy reasons but if she’s watching this video which I don’t know if she is she’s probably not watching it but if she is she knows I’m talking about her like she knows and it’d be very awkward if she is watching this video but it I don’t give a I don’t care so after I Senter that video and she you know explained to me how she read it from the way the superior man she asked me after that how I got started in my self-improvement journey you know why I started making content so I explained my reason because I want to inspire a generation I want to do something for myself so I know that I’m providing value I want to help younger men just like my younger self and I also want to do it to document my journey I explain all my reasons this is also for me I create videos for myself as well this is this is advice for me bro not just to you that’s one of the reasons why I’ve been consistent a lot over the years but back to the main topic of the video so I ask her as well and she basically says the same reason she used to be you know she used to have a lot of insecurity she didn’t have you know I’m not going to go deep into things but she didn’t have the best like up bringing whatever and how that inspired her to make a change and also create content for fellow women and I was genuinely inspired by that message because you know it’s very rare in my scenario anyway because I don’t really interact with women that much like other than that it’s just at school that’s really it other than that I’m just doing my own thing uh to see a woman with that story I’m like this girl genuinely has every single trait I look for in a dream W every single one I’m like she has a boyfriend and at the back of my mind and my ego my like my masculine side if you want to call it that my real intense masculine side’s like this guy I want this girl but I know that’s I know that’s not the right way to go about it I calm myself down I’m like okay this girl’s 20 years old she’s probably turning 21 next year or this year I need to calm the down bro I’m not ready for this she’s on again if I said she’s on the other side of the world I need to let go and I’ve had a pretty full packed past of time s I’ve been attached to women not necessarily that I knew personally but I saw from social media or I saw from movies I’ve told this story in one of my older videos how I watched Batman The Dark Knight Rises and Catwoman I don’t remember her name like the actor’s name but you can just help about Batman The Dark Knight RIS as Catwoman I on Google whatever I was attached to that Catwoman for months bro I thought she was my dream wife I could have nothing but Catwoman athletic yeah she was confident in herself but she was also faminine in her way every single time I was meditating I had some free time with my thoughts all I was thinking about is her bro that’s it and it roamed rent free in my mind and I’ve had instances that are minor when I was like more little like with the Spider-Man series you know I think it was like what’s her name Gwen like I think it’s Gwen Stacy in the amazing Amazing Spider-Man can’t remember the actress’s name again but the one Andrew gford is in I was when I was like 10 or 11 years old I think I was attached to her bro like I couldn’t get my mind off her and I was like 10 11 years old but I knew from that time with like the Catwoman scene and a few other minor scenes where I’ve attached myself to a girl other on social media or like in a movie or a TV show or whatever I realize that this is normal for men especially young men because women portrayed on TV shows movies social media they betrayed is like perfect most of them anyway I know this feeling is temporary I know it will go away do you want to know why I’ve been able to like kind of detach myself to the girls I’ve been attached to it’s just by letting go and realizing that it’s normal and so many young men go through this it’s not a good thing or it’s not a bad thing it’s just a thing that’s happening it is just an experience you need to go through the grow bro that’s it and I tell myself this cuz it happens sometimes I see a girl on social media she looks like my dream wife well I don’t have an exact picture that’s you get what I mean and the loneliness starts to you know kick in this is all temporary it’s completely normal as soon as I let go of the idea that I shouldn’t be feeling this way I’m fine first step to just let go if you are single and you want a girlfriend but you kind of know that you’re you want a girlfriend for the wrong reason maybe it’s to fill a void inside yourself right you don’t really want a genuine connection yet maybe you have some more progress to do which most men are in that situation just let go it’s okay to feel this way bro it’s okay to want a girlfriend it is completely fine and when you accept that and instead of you know denying the fact that you want a girlfriend and instead using it as fuel to become the best man you possibly can be then you’re set because energy emotion is energy and energy is fuel and and so many men waste this energy because they can’t handle it it’s why so many men are addicted to watching porn and they can’t handle the energy bro but if you can handle it then you’re sweet I can almost guarantee you if you I can almost guarantee you if you’re attached to a girl right now me just saying it’s completely normal to be attached to a girl right has just felt like a backpack has been lifted off your shoulders I’m not going to tell you to date a girl or to not date a girl to date that girl you’ve been crushing over you know at the back of your mind whether you’re ready or not I’m not one of those guys who tells you to sleep with everybody but I’m not one of those guys who tells you to sit in his room all day and never talk to girls because they’re the worst enemy I don’t around with girls and sleep with them I know I’m 18 but I wouldn’t do that if I was 25 they’re humans we talk to them just like we talk to men but of course in a different tone all right if you are a single man and you want a girlfriend yeah specifically want a girlfriend you feel lonely because you don’t have one first of of all realize it’s completely normal bro completely normal You Are Not Alone there are so many men who want a girlfriend it is completely normal girls out there want boyfriends too it’s human nature it’s biological psychological that’s normal right it’s part of it’s part of survival we want to have sex to survive Offspring you also realize this this is energy right and if you put your energy in the right places you will attract your dream off you will all right this is a this this video is a reminder to myself yeah I hope you got value from it but if you didn’t I’m sorry but this is just a Val a message to my younger self all right and My Future Self if he ever finds himself in the same situation as he was when he was 15 years old um and he can’t recall how to get out of it and I will catch you in the next video peace …