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the most common misconception that you can’t get a good workout in if you are doing just a no equipment workout is just straight up BS the reason why most people think that is because they can’t make the no equipment workout challenging enough so they just throw out the progressive overload out of the window without even realizing it and make the whole workout completely useless they just think something like oh I will do some push-ups and that’s it and that’s exactly where the problem is yes I agree it can be complicated to create a challenging no equip workout but today I’m going to show you how to achieve that because we will be using no equipment we can really progressively overload by adding weight I mean we can a little bit but you will see that later there are two main forms of progressive overload that we will be applying here the first one is increasing the repetitions obviously when we can really increase the weight we will increase the repetitions and the second form of progressive overload that we will apply is increasing the difficulty of the exercises so let’s jump straight into the TR training plan so you can see what I mean most of the exercises in this training plan are designed in levels so imagine for example the push-up if you are not strong enough to do a lot of push-ups you would start with the kneeling variation which would be level one after you get stronger you can move on to the normal push-up which is level two and after that once you get even stronger you can move on to the weighted push-up which is level three which is the final level increasing the difficulty of the exercise is very important to keep the no equipment workout challenging at all times that’s why most of the exercises are divided into three levels of difficulty the main idea of the whole training plan is to start that the level that is challenging for you but then you might wonder how do I get from one level to another one how do I know that I’m ready well that’s really simple you will do your chosen exercise for three sets and your focus will be on reaching 20 reps in all three sets for that given exercise so if you start at for example the kneeling push-up which is level one and you are able to do roughly 10 rep reps in each one of those three sets you will be steadily getting stronger and increasing the Reps in every workout until you reach 20 reps on all three of your sets then you can move on to the next level where you repeat the same process and after you eventually end up in level three you reach your final destination on this level you make the exercise progressively more difficult by for example adding some weight to your backpack I will now reveal the training plan exercise by exercise while also showing you different levels of progression for each exercise and how to keep on progressively overloading even after you reach the final level and if this still wasn’t obvious enough you choose just one exercise for each body part from all the options presented you don’t do all of them at once you pick the starting level according to your strength and then work your way up to the highest level over time so let’s go over the chest exercises once again real quick as I said before level one is the kneeling push-up level two is the normal push-up and level three can be either weighted push-up or CH dips after you reach level three you will increase the difficulty by adding stuff to your backpack you can also decrease the rest times between the sets that’s also a valid form of progressive overload and that goes for every exercise in this training plan not just for chest all right next up is back the issue with training back without any equipment is that there is not really a good vertical pulling exercise because without equipment you don’t have access to a pull-up bar so you can really do pull-ups that’s why in this training plan we will be mainly focusing on table but if you got a pull-up bar at home or a street workout area near you then I would highly recommend to do pull-ups instead or in the best case alternate between table rows and pull-ups from workout to workout I just quickly want to warn you that when doing exercises that use your furniture or other stuff you got at home always make sure that it can withstand the exercise that you want to use it for so you don’t get hurt the difficulty levels for the table row are as follows level one is done with your knees bent that’s the easiest way to do this exercise on level two you put your legs straight and on the final level so level three you elevate your legs this variation is very hard without adding any additional weight but if you get to the point where you need to add weight you can use a backpack once again moving onto the shoulders the easiest variation so the level one is the pike push-up as you get stronger you can move to the level two which is the elevated Pike push-up and level three is the wall supported handstand push-up the wall support handstand push-up is very high so trust me when I say that you won’t need to add any additional weight to it but if you want to make the exercise even better you can add some type of Blocky object to create a bigger range of motion the next muscle group is biceps here we will keep it simple there are not really any levels of difficulty just grab a water bottle or backpack once again and do curls if you are feeling fancy you can alternate between different grips in each workout really the only limitation here is your imagination after biceps we got to talk about triceps for triceps there are fre exercises that I recommend but they are not necessarily split into levels of difficulty either the three exercises that I recommend the most are bench dips diamond push-ups and overhead extensions these exercises are relatively easy but when you do them after you have already done your chest exercise it will be pretty challenging and as per usual if you need to make it more challenging your trusty backpack has your back like literally it’s it’s a backpack now let’s talk about shoulder isolation exercises there are two options that you can choose from the first option is to just mimic the classic lateral race and the rear delt fly by using something like a water bottle this is a fine approach but over time it will become way too easy because obviously the water bottles are pretty light but if you got access to dumbbells it’s not really an issue but again this is a no equipment workout so the other option that you got is to replace the lateral Rays with this sliding towel door thingy where you basically do the same movement as you would on a lateral race but you push your body against the door a door frame or just any other smooth surface you might think that this is some ridiculous gimmick exercise but it’s actually pretty challenging and the other isolation exercise that will take care of your re dels is the sheet face pool you set this up by putting a sheet in your door frame and then doing the same movement as you would on a normal face pull now we can move on to the exercises that Target the lower body so let’s start with quads the level one here is obviously body weight squats then you can move on to the Goblet squad or any other weighted Squad variation that you can cook up and for your level three you can choose between lunges that you can easily load or you can choose through pistol squats you can start doing them by holding on to something at first to increase your stability and once you get really good at that you can just do them without any support now let’s finally talk about hamstrings here I would like to put it into just two different combinations of levels and you can just choose which route you want to go with the first option is to start with the body way Rivers’s lunch and then get into the reverse Lune with added weight the second option is to start with the supported Nordic hamstring curl and then transition into the normal Nordic hamstring curl without any support and if you really want to see the world burn you can do a mix between those two options so you could for example start with the body weight reverse lunges and then transition into the noric hamstring girls without any support it’s up to you how you want to approach this then we have calves here it’s really simple level one is just a body weight calf phas on an elevated surface so something like stairs is a perfect choice on level two you do the CF phas only one leg at a time this way there will be more load on each individual leg and on level three you will add in some additional weight while also doing it one leg at a time so the backpack gets some action once again what also helps immensely is slowing down the tempo of the Reps and trying to pause was at the bottom and at the top of the rep now let’s take a look at the apps the level one would be just basic situps or plank after that becomes way too easy enter level two which is the weighted situp so yeah you guessed it it’s backpack time once again then you can slowly work your way towards the dragon flag which is the level three now that you know all of this you might be asking how many times per week should I run this the answer might be a little context dependent but a good starting point would be to do this three to four times per week and as you get better at doing these exercises you can increase the number of workouts accordingly and a quick tip at the end if you want to speed up this workout you can transform it into an antagonist workout if you are curious what that is check out the video in the top right corner and while you are still here don’t forget to check out my nutrition and training plans on my website link is in the description and as always a big thanks to all the supporters on my patreon did you like this video then you will for sure like this one too [Music] …
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