in home dog obedience Training near me
Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈
[Music] [Music] necessarily bark it like you know come here sit now stay good girl look at you all right now start to walk with her so she’s not pulling you that’s about everything else sit down good girl down down good girl take off my jacket it’s now is petmart okay not going to be [Music] TJ What lay down is she’s in this situation she doesn’t really listen that well unless I have treat when there’s other people around MH or dogs or dogs so what what are your plans is um what yeah what is your expectations or what you want this do um I mean maybe definitely better impulse control definitely and then meet Juno a rambunctious German Shepherd puppy with impulse control issues she’s quite reactive on leash and gets stimulated by everything around her in this video we’ll delve into Madison bell doog training methods which emphasize personalized training plans and force-free techniques to address obedience behavioral issues and more whether you’re considering training with Madison Bell or anyone else this video will give you valuable insights into effective dog training strategies interested in like getting her training to be a home protection yeah you did M so essentially like if I could take her on walks and I I do have like mild anxiety so whenever I go she’s incredibly friendly as you can see Juno’s owner struggles to maintain control over her however with the expertise of M Madison Bell K9 dog trainers were eager to see the transformation that can happen in a short time frame Madison Bell’s team specializes in personalized dog training programs that cater to each pup’s individual needs offering basic obedience to Advanced behavioral modifications let’s watch as these skilled trainers work their magic with Juno like you go that way you hold this and then I’ll stand right here how does that [Music] feel disted Rodriguez a skilled trainer from Madison Bell K9 has now taken the leash to demonstrate the proper technique for correcting Juno Behavior that’s my mommy [Music] [Music] come on come on come on wait wait it seems like she doesn’t even feel the color oh she feel it does she yeah she start she’s slowly starting to stop pulling okay wait see wait I see she just very excited all right so we’re going to do a little exercise real quick I’m going to I’m going to do it and I want you to do it with her and we’re going to see how much we can stop that pulling real quick here and what is her name Juno Juno Juno nope so on this Herm Springer as soon as it expands I’m going to stay awake that means she’s pulling cuz if she’s walking it’s not going to expand here J J come on come on she kept watching me I know come on time really I could tell when you was just uh going to get after just 5 minutes of consistent brief leash Corrections from Rodriguez Juno’s desire to pull forward has noticeably decreased this quick Improvement demonstrates the effectiveness of Madison bell k9’s training approach and the importance of immediate appropriate correction in establishing better leash manners and control wait here sit yes come on no no so you so she jumps on you a lot right so I’m correcting that right now cuz what she’s going to want to do is go up but I want her to wait for it yes you see how she waited for it so I rewarded her for not jumping up on me come on no and I’m using that command pairing it right now come on no sit yes here no good girl no sit no really yes when she gets frustrated and you’re like kind of just trying to trick her she’s like no she down yes good girl come on come on to the floor kind of yes good girl still nosy and everything sniffing and mhm usually the puppies that’s so what I mean she’s still usually the dogs doesn’t go in the first time you know when this special that I know somebody go down yeah so I mean I had a one like I mean really when we first got her we went on a car trip and good girl good Hill mhm and she was you can tell that come on so the slip Le you’re using right there is causing her to pull okay so I put her on a Herm Springer and then I calmed her down right this is harms spring jump on me good girl come on good girl come on yes good girl all right so the commands that she knows now is to sit down so what happens the next move is going to be after you’ve done this so many times start anticipating and now with her I can tell you I could probably teach her to ha in two days verbally right because she’s like here keep it to the nose make her follow it and you see how she’s looking up at me and if you do that same pattern when you go she’ll just spit around right here yes I definely wish I met you guys like months ago yes come on yeah we were here come on it’s just in a remarkable transformation Juno has made significant progress in just 15 minutes under Rodriguez’s guidance the combination of appropriate training tools and positive reinforcement techniques used by Madison Bell K9 has proven highly effective in addressing jeno’s leash reactivity and impulse control issues this rapid Improvement serves as a testament to the power of skilled positive training methods all right Brer over here now Juno faces the next challenge a bustling dog part here she’ll work on managing her reactivity on leash when encountering people or other animals it’s okay sit down howy down stay you don’t need that all right so you have your treats right I all right so let’s let’s start off with a sit sit no Heidi good girl sit now tell her down down you know down no I know that’s what I want to see down honey Juno finds herself distracted by the other dogs in the park making it difficult for her owner to keep her focused to complicate matters she’s not interested in treats a common reward for good behavior don’t get fro it’s okay it’s okay that’s the reason why we brought hiding with us for the distraction come on come ones train I’m dog sitting and like she knows the dogs this situation presents a challenge for her owner who must rely on the guidance of Madison Bell K9 trainers to find alternative ways to maintain Juno’s attention and control now all right so just do anything try anything to get her under control treats call her R down honey no come on no come on care about the treat she don’t care about the treat right no do not she does not care about the tree now you see that while we have to get them off the treats right here’s Heidi Heidi here sit down no treats right so we can get control over her every now and then she’s going to get up because she’s running around and she’s like down honei good girl stay so the treats don’t work all right so let’s get her on the control sit good girl how you treat so it wasn’t it wasn’t good enough to get her attention away from the dog at the time and this is a low value treat but it’s just got a right if I had like a steak she would be like get that dog right then once I run out of steak she’s like now we need to go back to that dog good girl come on set Rodriguez a skilled trainer from Madison Bell K9 is now demonstrating effective techniques to help Tano’s owner maintain better control in stimulating environments like the dog park yes good girl down yes good girl all right we’re going to go back over here to Mommy who do you sit good girl howy sit [Music] down lot calmer right lot calmer we added a tool and then we added a treat so we added uh we enforc it we’re reinforcing the sit with the treat but we’re controlling her with the collar so when she don’t want to listen she has to and then we like okay you listen here you go and then eventually she’ll just be like you like like like what I said with Heidi no get down and she’ll just stop all right so we’re going to walk around you and create a distraction there you go cor pull up say sit no uh there you [Music] go there you go a lot more control right good girl now have her go down good girl sit good girl how do you sit all right now start to walk with her so she’s not pulling you and paying attention to you lot better right a lot better still a little bit ground yeah but it’s it’s different dog right yes and and she’s more focused on by combining proper leash handling consistency and positive reinforcement methods Rodriguez aims to guide heno towards calmer more focused Behavior even when distractions are present all right so Anna you’re going to go hold Juno real fast mhm and then you’re going to come over here and you’re going to take ready so what am I doing so I want you to um take Juno down here okay and like reward her make her sit or something like that while she’s making her sit and then we’re going to flip-flop okay all right come on Jun no no here here here here here you see why I like that little thin leash yes good girl yes it’s a good girl it doesn’t you’re right it good job all right so now make make her sitting down verbally down down there you no down to be having the type of pressure without a positive reinforcement you know cuz she only thing she’s going to what happens is you normally see dogs that get negative reinforcement on leash but they don’t get positive when you go to try to put a leash on them they try to bite you she does walk into me a lot of notice that yeah and a lot of uh so one thing about him in today’s society the importance of public socialization for dogs is often underestimated I will say I’ve stepped on her paw many times because of that her walking into me all right when we get to the crosswalk you going to make her okay good girl that is awesome ensuring that dogs have opportunities to socialize in public settings is crucial for their mental well-being as it helps them develop the stability and confidence they need to navigate different environments and interact with other dogs people and animals okay yeah she pulls a little bit but it’s not nearly as bad she does yeah just basically see mhm tag it and say wait wait oh there you go wait there you go oh yes I see it you see it yes I see where you going with this reaction leave it picture this the ultimate test of self-control for your dog a suddenly darts across their path how would your dog react oh she see him sit good girl if she were closer she would have tried to chase closer come on okay they’re going to Dodge I know as close as we can before they and then when she tries toas them when they girl correct okay leave it [Music] now make her sit sit good girl perfect oh it’s worse with a cat at home though really it’s worse I honestly I want to show you guys how she gets recorded yes oh if you guys come by honestly don’t because the cat stays with proper training and socialization dogs can learn to stay calm and focused even in the face of such distractions ensuring harmonious interactions with other animals and creating a safer more enjoyable experience for both pets and their owners she wants to play she wants to jump she wants to jump on the furniture loses her mind and then the cat when sheever she sees a cat she’ll actually chase that cat to a point but the cat’s already swatted at her like three different occasions and she’s still really hasn’t learned she doesn’t get too close to her now but she she’ll instigate after a while she’ll start after a good 15 minutes yeah start whining and barking she just doesn’t know what it is she’s just trying to figure it out the cat doesn’t really like dogs and then my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you going to just take her off leash’s shoulder um I’ll leave her on the leash cuz like she’ll get super he snapped her through the cage before because of her food she was sniffing at his food and he did not like that but she’s fine she’s playful hey Mama I should have sit down I I keep telling you that do you or someone you know have a dog that becomes overly excited or agitated when indoors around other people or animals if so let’s explore some alternative methods to help soothe their behavior I know mama you know she could be ignoring her and fine and then she’s just doing that the whole time and you’re like how am I ever going to stop that right yeah I know it’s partially mounting too cuz I see it and I have to like correct her but you can tell she’s not even trying to like she doesn’t start growling until she starts like biting her face and then that’s when she’ll she might bark at her but I don’t know sometimes it seems like normal play and then she gets really riled up cuz like if you saw in the video she was burying her teeth and everything and her gums were showing and I got nervous by that are you good now come here sit down stay the initial step in addressing this issue involves implementing obedience training indoors while the other dogs are outside this training plays a crucial role in establishing a controlled environment allowing the aroused dog to focus on learning and responding to commands without distractions additionally reducing stress factors within the dog surroundings is equally important in helping maintain a calmer demeanor so are you able to calm her down this fast um probably it’s probably cuz like you warmed her up out there honestly but normally like I’ll take her out walk her for about 10 15 minutes just let her walk around stretch her legs and then I’ll bring her back in but if the dogs are out and I take her out first thing then it’s that like she’s just trying to mess with the right yeah Juno come here Juno here sit do you know sit she know sit sit down no I’ve been using the remote oh so I [Music] stop see see J here J come here J come here see your stepping on leash yeah J sit now off come here good girl good girl yes [Music] so how long are they here with you for now going to the gym okay see trying with them together should staring do J you know down down not comma right it is essential to keep in mind that dogs instinctively seek leadership guidance and direction from their owners in the absence of these crucial elements dogs May struggle to understand their role within the household leading to behavioral issues and heightened levels of anxiety or agitation by providing consistent leadership and establishing clear boundaries you can foster a more balanced and well- behaved Canine Companion no not my face oh yeah no too I love you too now you see the manual part right I just had to get it so I know I can’t keep it on her all time no you can’t keep it on her but you can use it to calm her down and then once she calms down you can take it off her okay you know cuz it’s only for my TV down a couple times know she did I have a large I have a 55 in TV in there and it was expensive and she three different occasions jumped on my dresser and tried to like set paw at it one of occasions I was watching your videos but the other two um one was I walked out of the room and the second one was she was playing with her toy and she threw it up towards the TV ah so she tosses her own toys like if I were to just like let her play yeah so that’s what she does but when she’s like in there I don’t put the training collar on her unless like I did it like maybe the last 30 minutes on my lunch to kind of like keep her in check so I had that leash and then she was chained up at the same time so I was letting her play but when she started instigating with her I corrector on that so I’ll show you I drop this fostering a harmonious relationship between dogs and cats within a household requires patience careful planning and a gradual introduction process here are some steps to help create a peaceful coexistence come here Jun no come here yeah she starts her panicking that’s what she does set gradual introduction introduce your pets gradually starting with scent swap allow them to get used to each other’s smells before physical interaction good girl supervised interaction start with supervised and controlled interaction ensuring a calm environment where both pets feel safe not be aggressive then it’ll be a problem but if she can face her like this and see the cat and not try to go off the cat then you know it’s not a big cat problem so that’s why I want her face in the cat yeah I’m pretty sure it leave it leave it good girl get leave it positive reinforcement use treats and praise to reward desired behaviors and create positive associations with each other’s presence s is gaming you’re fine [Music] stay good girl [Music] Dow Dow Dow separate spaces provide separate areas for each pet initially offering safe Retreats for both your dog and cat to relax in their own space yes good girl so if she can be calm around them she can you can do it you’re going to need this no see saw that you saw was a correction uhhuh uh she was going for no yeah she immediately went back to it uhhuh soon as I saw her eyes lock in on her I that’s when I corrected her yeah normally when she’s in here she never takes her eyes off her really mhm she’s always eyes on with her go see the kitty go see the kitty where’s Kitty no here [Music] sit sit patience and consistency be patient and consistent in your training ensuring your dog and cat learn to respect each other’s boundaries and needs we’ll go ahead and start int introducing this now so that you can start working on those behaviors in the house so for instance if I was using it and I said I want her to come to me and the minute I say that I’m going to press the vibration okay Judah here here see the minute I said it now if I wanted to go down same thing Jun know down I will press the button okay right Jun know stay now I’m not going to press the button that I told her to stay because if I press the button she’s going to come to me sit down by implementing these strategies you can help build a strong and peaceful bond between your dog and cat in your home good girl D yes good girl sit so that’s where you were practice ice with this on a low level whenever you’re using the collar you should be training okay it shouldn’t be remember we talked about it should be punishment tool cuz if I introduce her to it this way she’ll never be you know what I mean she down you see that’s interesting you’re just using it as a training tool so if I take it off her I’m not even going to use it okay I want to take it off her but then I had to fit it J here sit down down see so you’re going to weed until you don’t have to use a collar anymore same thing with the prong collar but this you should have tone you should use vibrate you should use the stimulation stimulation is very low it’s a low frequency it’s like a bunch of spiders okay it basically Taps them on the shoulder and they’re like hey right so if I put it on I go s that’s what she was scratching it feels like something ising like right that’s what she consistent and regular training sessions with your dog are crucial for building good habits and preventing undesirable behaviors finding time to train your dog even if it’s just 5 minutes a day is essential for their development and overall well-being good to ensure you make training a part of your daily routine consider the following tips you know down down no I notic that she ad herself a lot she especially if she sees something well you you made the per train morning routine incorporate a quick training session into your morning routine before heading to work and these dogs are really good dogs they’re not they’re not doing anything to make her not listen to you it’s okay right no way it’s okay now if we would to go put these dogs up right now she would be doing all this stuff without the remote because she keeps looking back at the dogs M so you’re the perfect train is scario sit right you see how many times you’re having to vibrate for her to now if I go put the dogs back up you’re going to after work wind down use training as a way to unwind and bond with your dog after a long day at work weekend fun dedicate some time during your weekends to practicing new commands or tricks with your dog making it an enjoyable and rewarding experience for both of you by committing to regular training sessions you can help your dog develop good habits improve their obedience and strengthen your bond with them and we do this when they good girl good boy good girl boy he a good boy so when she was a puppy she I was [Music] yes wa hello walk it like I talk it walk it walk it like I talk it walk it walk it like I talk Ito walk it like I talk it walk it like I talk it oh mama look at you was she was good for like sixish show she was down chilling outside of her Kel and then out of nowhere she’s like you know what training your dog in public is essential for several reasons socialization Public Training exposes your dog to various people animals sights sounds and smells helping them become more comfortable and well adjusted in different environments then you’re going to walk around and then we’re going to go to petmart right let me get some treats come here J right okay why am I doing that um keep it by her side keep her from R yeah so she knows what we’re doing when we get into distraction Management training in public teaches your dog to focus on your commands and stay calm even when faced with distractions like other dogs people or Vehicles this routine right so when I get inside and I’m not using treats I can give her that command and she’ll do it right then I want to do some correction on leash wait wait good girl wait Juno here so I always get them set and then I’ll start working the remote because I want them to understand I got that remote it’s going to work mhm do here sit down down yes good girl come on come here come on yes yeah good girl reflection obedience in any setting Public Training reinforces good behavior and obedience in various settings ensuring your dog can follow commands and behave appropriately whether at home on a walk or at a public event walk where I walk see what I see may I welcome you all to cash to all my life I hustled all night now I’m all right my wrist is all ice and I did it all without y’all advice i’ been the hell back a littley come [Music] hereid can’t be humble in the jungle take a whole mile from you so what’s worse waking up in the P or sleeping up under the dirt boo it’s the sound of the hold 100 rounds T me rud boy don’t want n got J ining they what a hood at that’s where come from where they like I do and talk like me too nobody rock with you cuz you can’t hard uh Sporting Goods safety a well-trained dog in public is less likely to run away get into fights with other animals or cause harm to people or property reducing the risk of accidents or injuries she used to um I had a when I was moving out of the barracks I had um my TV set up on the floor like I was moving out and everything yeah and on she essentially would bark at her reflection in the TV really yeah paperwork just sign on the line got a hard to go and I be godamn if I take a Los this time my fish line in the water get caught man I take your order yeah I can get it in New York see the streets it’s here let go so be low don’t no mothering hero get a whole click you ain’t got to speak to hustle up you live with the roaches theat and the THS that Ain Focus head like I do talk like me to but nobody going rock with you cuz you can’t do it like me n you can’t do it like let’s get this clear you can walk like I do and talk like me too but nobody going to rock with you cuz you can’t do it like me you can’t do it like let’s get this I know I got a dirty mouth I’m from the south I’m nothing like outside before we came in cuz I was telling her I matter none of these people matter and that’s what she has to do good girl overall Public Training is an integral part of responsible dog ownership helping your furry friend become a confident well-mannered and adaptable companion in any situation yeah I usually always like verbally reward her when people walk by and she ignores them yeah like she might glance but that’s about it and then soon as we make it back out you can release at least to let it be longer uh so we’ll go this way this and you know the sliding doors she didn’t even care about she dogs are like what the oh yeah she was first time she was out well we’re going to go we’re going to go check that out again all right the same workers are there they’ be like oh is that the same dog all right so I’ll make her sit sit make her down down oh Dam good girl take off my jacket it’s now is Pet Smart okay it’s not going to be TJ Maxx because there’s very few dogs that come in here mhm all dogs go in there so as we get in there you’re going to see her nose drop you’re going to have to correct her and bring it back up once she starts going down and pulling you’re going to get no obedience okay so you got to control her come on okay let’s go and she knows the word come on don’t she yep she knows let’s go come on yeah I saw that I said come on and she got up fast uh-uh you trying to walk into him she’s like I know this guy I want to follow him right I’m so proud of her though before the DraStic change in production when car with metal instead of plastic value is what I’m talking about take two of these and walk it out you all right so now that you seeing that she’s doing that next time when she does that I want you to try to use a treat see if it matters okay so you see how hard it is now M now there’s smells now there’s toys she’s like ah no right I don’t want the sausages are only good really honestly when you’re trading her by herself okay the minute you enter a situation where there’s people places off they don’t care about the sh about everything else you sit down good girl good girl billion dollar look a million dollar CH I’m Nationwide homie you still at home homie no promotions on me man that’s baloney homie that album off sto I’m being down your block now going and walk it out they on walking walking out hold walk it out it out now we don’t walk it out we dropped P it out I ho it out I bring my ear fores out I’m blowing purple smoke I cough it out B it up then B it out tap the bottle pour it out p i do the fade away and throw some paper away and we can skate away tell I’ll be late today oh I could th it out start it out I take a trip with my Louis luggage out I’m talking Magic City or even body t you know that money anything we throwing th Stacks oh yeah we toss it out you know I’m talking about we C status in the house you know me y now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out I walk it I it out like that last of Y at the club cuz the pack is St always closed and I’m attached to my buzz been slamming Cadillac do you know what they were cuz stay in everything Platinum check the status boy we with diamond but that don’t mean designing fire R pattern good girl this way before right all right we’ll go back down towards the cars okay leave it I know I don’t know what it is dog thre up I’m going to walk behind you good girl good girl it leave it and we parked out over here go [Music] I can see my car and I guess there’s another car that looks exactly like mine part next to me oh something caught mhm the good girl doing so good all right so I’m going to break over here and then you grab your small leash okay [Music] J here J come on it Keys she was like training over so when you do the long walks you need that okay if you’re going to do some training stuff or if you want to have a little bit more control you can use this okay um sit J down set J come here there’s too many smells going on over here come on right come on so always reset it’s a big word so if I go I go here and I go Juno here sit I give a pull on the leash and say I tell her down and she don’t I’ll reset J know down no sit down good girl is it a bottle mhm down good girl so 99% of dog well not 9 I say 50% of dogs will never do all the stuff you just did they won’t leave the house they won’t go anywhere yeah and when they see people they freak out out so when jun’s like a year old mhm year and a half people are going to be like how can you take your dog places without trying to eat people well if you miss a socializing phase you can’t it’s hard to go back in it’s expensive I used to think uh socializing was like taking to dark parks and stuff yeah think it was like while we walked around the people that were inside of TJ Maxx that’s socialized they don’t have to pet her she just need to see them and not react to them y right Jun come here come on no here sit sit good girl oh sorry no you’re fine J know come here sit see how she can look at him and not react mhm it’s good dog y’all got a business card my chance uh I think she does all the fans just need to um get you back to train we don’t train dog that’s very true no was just joking with you all right so [Music] [Music] …
Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈