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more important than anything is getting to know biscuits and socializing her and finding out how she behaves in public and i’ve also got five things that i hope to be able to teach her today i’m zach george this is my wife bree and our dog inertia and this is biscuits the rescue dog she’s only 13 weeks old and completely untrained i teach dogs and i teach people how to teach their dogs using the most modern dog behavior science which shows us that using frequent corrections when training our dogs only holds us back so i’ll have to keep biscuits loving training for maximum results in the weeks ahead but look just because it’s more effective doesn’t mean it’s magic and my plans don’t always go as intended not only does biscuits have to learn all of her basics but she has to get properly socialized in order to be prepared for her new life ahead in this magical place known as alaska you’re not going to want to miss a single episode subscribe and click the bell this is reality dog training biscuits edition it’s been 24 hours since i brought home biscuits the wild alaskan rescue puppy one of the main questions that people have when they get a new dog or a new puppy is how do i keep them alive and healthy i’ll tell you from all of our research if you want to feed your dog really fresh food forget about these one-size-fits-all dog foods few of us are nutrition experts when it comes to our dog but with us living in the modern era we can finally get an optimized dog food regardless of their age i mean you wouldn’t feed the same thing to a six pound puppy that you would to a giant alaskan direwolf or a lab mix the most ultra premium fresh food that i know of is actually available to ship in the entire continental united states but it’s not like they just make a bunch of fresh food and just ship it out to dogs everywhere nom nom has actual professional nutritionists who will create special recipes and pre-portion them down to the individual calorie for your dog this is really precision stuff these pre-portioned meals will arrive at your front door freezing cold and not only do you get highly optimized food for your dog but you know what dogs really love it as you can probably guess a word of warning though you might be tempted to eat this food yourself but don’t because it’s for your dog give this food to your dog for two weeks and see how you both like it nom nom is going to give you half off of a two week trial so that you can test it for yourself but you’re gonna need to use my special link in order to get this deal zach i’m gonna have that link below so we’re about to begin our 25th hour together i’m gonna let biscuits and inertia play a lot together and let biscuits just be a puppy and have fun how about you are you having fun inertia i think just letting the puppy be themselves is really important during those first many days how are her teeth sharper today than they were yesterday ouch seriously i’m not even kidding look at this monster yeah we got to work on biting i think she’s just getting more confident yeah we’ll deal with that later speaking of getting more confident it’s time to take biscuits in public i love to get out into the real world with a new dog in training just to get a baseline and see how they react to things for example the wind last night alone was enough to cause her a little bit of concern so i’m wondering is she generally noise phobic or was it something else that’s something i’ve got to pay attention to particularly with puppies what you see in your living room inside is not necessarily what you’re going to get outside in fact it’s almost certainly not until you socialize them and give them lots of new experiences i mean think about it with a dog this young every time they see something hear something or smell something new there’s a very good chance that is the first time they’ve experienced those things a lot of noises i know i just rolled down my window so she can hear them that’s one of the reasons we decided to come down here to downtown anchorage to give biscuits exposure to sounds new experiences did you know the number one cause of death for dogs under the age of three is behavioral problems so that’s another reason that prioritizing socializing is important biscuits is approximately 13 weeks old right now so you might be wondering how safe it is to go in public the american veterinary society of animal behavior advises that we get out there and we socialize puppies before they’re fully vaccinated because there are so many advantages to giving dogs a variety of social experiences while they’re young provided you go out of your way to avoid places where unvaccinated dogs frequently gotcha time to see the world she doesn’t know how to walk on leash yet immediately i’m noticing a little bit of like trembling out of her she’s hearing these cars pass by something she’s clearly not very familiar with she’s never been in a place like this at all so this is a very extreme human environment for her sound of the cars going by like there’s a bus right there that’s about to pass it might seem insignificant but showing your dog things like this in a very purposeful way in the beginning can really go a long way i’m not asking her to do anything the priority is letting her observe right now this is why socializing your dog and getting out and about is actually a thing it’s normal for puppies to behave in a variety of different ways including being nervous of new things socializing a dog particularly at the right age can really be beneficial for their long-term social health here we have like a old-school looking vehicle of some kind it’s going to be a little bit louder than a modern vehicle you can see her ears noticing that sort of thing it’s a bit quieter over here and there’s some nice grass i think that biscuits is probably ready for me to put her down okay she’s exploring the world and she looks like she’s feeling a little bit more comfortable but i’ll make sure that she knows i’m right here to reassure her if she starts feeling unsure you want me to come hang down here with you hi look at the tail wagging she’s looking pretty happy all is well here so far usually when i do training sessions like this i’ll stay out here for like an hour just letting them check things out so look at this difference in how she’s behaving right now she’s definitely looking more upbeat a little bit more curious this is all very healthy stuff i saw her getting to the end of the leash there so i made a little kissy sound to encourage her to kind of come back over here i don’t want to intervene too much i really just want her checking out the world but i didn’t want her to start pulling and lunging and experiencing anxiety over there going towards those people when a puppy like this is brand new to a leash they can also become more anxious when they feel the tension on it so i’m trying to avoid that in excess here so there’s tension there and i can pull like that and she’s fine good and so she’s really taken to that ball that’s good i’m trying to reinforce her when she comes back let her know coming back to me is going to be a fun time yeah good but it’s not about me it’s about experiencing the world more of that later this is really good i like how she’s being nice and calm here while checking the world out now you know how much i like to play frisbee with dogs so with her being this size obviously i can’t do that or can i uh zach george finds a way this is the first time she’s ever seen a disc i’d say we’re off to a good start here good yes good girl i’m playing a little bit of tug-of-war i want to be mindful of those puppy teeth of course once you’ve got them interested in frisbee i like to teach them how to take it by the rim get it just like that yes good give him a little tug to reinforce it let her walk around with it for a minute watch this let’s roll it around see that love the turn towards me not going to take it from her i want her to feel comfortable coming back to me with the item so i don’t want to just steal it from her every time but when she does let go like that just going to roll it and so as she stops here to look around the priority is not teaching her how to play frisbee right now the priority is to let her explore the world so she got distracted right there i’m not going to redirect her attention the whole reason i started frisbee is because she seemed to be playful now she’s back into sniffy mode and checking out the environment mode so i want to encourage that as much as possible do your best to find the balance between interacting with your dog and letting them do their own thing and take the world in this is something you’ll learn to do really well with your dog as you get to know them better and better feel that tempo out with your individual dog every dog is different there it is good we roll it like that to teach him how to grab it by the rim while it’s rolling or while it’s in motion i should say look at that you see how she was going for the rim well see how she noticed the audio got distracted by it looking all around look at the ears look how she’s looking behind her she’s like going in and out because she’s remembering oh yeah what is this place that i’m in i assume i don’t know what she’s thinking i basically want her doing whatever she wants within reason for this particular lesson so what does a 13 week old mixed breed alaskan village dog like to do you know something tells me i’m going to have that question thoroughly answered over the next few weeks good girl yes biscuits is starting to come out of her shell her playful personality is showing even out here in this new place but you can see she still gets thrown off by loud sounds listen to the jet that’s something i want to focus on now and probably more a bit later on in this series i think in this case one of the best things i can do is pair some type of fun play session with things that cause her to be a bit skeptical or even nervous the more i can keep things upbeat for her and keep her in a positive frame of mind the more likely it is she’ll become less nervous in these situations there’s so much give and take when you’re training dogs especially puppies because you can see she’s getting a little antsy she wants to go smell those flowers under the letter because a dog is small doesn’t mean that we just simply pull them along because we can it’s important to teach them how to think autonomously good job girl see how she’s trying to get play all right that’s frustration hey what’s this good girl very good you want to play good okay good and just by virtue of getting out of the house you’re going to give your dog so many unintended experiences usually that will work to your benefits i’m going to let her go to the camera you can see she wants to say hi to brie that’s great good girl periodically i’ll also reinforce her paying attention to me coming to me with treats and toys see we’ve got a group of people gathered on the steps over here yes i like how she looked at those people nice and calmly so far i’m pretty happy that she’s not showing excessive frustration being on the leash and that might be due in part to the fact that we’ve been very delicate about introducing it over the last day to reiterate this point because it’s counterintuitive when you go slow when training your dog you’re probably more likely to get faster results and look it’s not always practical to manage the environment i mean planes can come by and if your dog is nervous of loud sounds then what do you do i mean you can’t make the plane go away it’s not always easy to get away sometimes you can prepare for an event and a lot of times you can’t i mean that’s reality dog training but you do your best to set your dog up for success in a broad variety of situations to give yourself and your dog an edge some people are coming up here and she decided to get some safe space under my legs here you can really see her using her nose to try and gather more information about those people and again since we’re being patient here and we’re not rushing her she has a chance to really see that they’re not scary at all i’d call that a good experience for her i’m remembering again how it feels to bring a brand new puppy in public like every second you’ve got to be focused on what they’re doing now look did you see that that was a leash correction that’s what i’m trying to avoid when training her she picked that up i didn’t see it i did a poor job of managing which i can’t be perfect and nobody can and then i had to pull her away and so now she’s going to associate a punishment with me and if i have too many of those i fear that it could work against me so i want to keep those to a minimum yes there we go so that’s kind of what i ideally would like to do when she becomes distracted get her on a toy good girl i only make that point because it’s not ideal for teaching if you have to pull your dog away from something you really want them to originate how to behave from the inside outward rather than having to be physically coaxed and with a small dog like this it’s so much easier to pull them away i would advise not falling into that trap i mean i’m trying to treat her just as i taught chop i mean i still carry her i don’t think i ever carried chop but for the most part girl yes did you see how she perked up when i said yes right there why did i switch to food from the toy anyone know i felt like i saw her start to get excited about those people and i was like well you know if she’s receptive to it i’d like to reinforce her with a treat because she’s more likely to be calm than hyper in that situation so like knowing how to balance those things can be helpful currencies have all sorts of pros and cons sirens are coming i’m just gonna let her experience it she doesn’t look fearful if she wants to lean on me or seek security she can i mean she’s probably never heard anything like that good girl nice you want this or not it’s getting louder again [Music] i know isn’t that neat since she’s taking treats here that indicates that she’s pretty comfortable to me now i’ve got some big plans for her first formal training session later today she doesn’t know how to do anything at all and i’m hoping to teach her like five things at least training a dog isn’t just about teaching them how to sit and stay in calm when we commit to having a dog in our life it’s our job to prepare them for this big world that they’ve been born into the more confident a dog feels in their environment i think the more likely they are to behave as we want them to it looks like you really want to hold on i know there you go all right i’m done shooting this video now i really feel like we are starting to get to know the real biscuits now and i still haven’t forgotten that i intend to teach her five new things today i don’t know why i set myself up for this i mean that is a lot of things for a puppy to learn in one day i’m gonna start with sit so when i’m teaching her sit i’m kind of focused on luring luring a dog is where you use something that they’re very interested in usually some type of food though it can be a toy in order to keep their attention so that you can help them achieve a specific physical position like sit lie down roll over or play dead even i’m just using her nose see how easy it is to lure her around she’s really responsive to the lure yes the second her butt touches the ground i’m gonna say yes okay i’m gonna release her from the sit by saying okay she’ll understand what okay means in time as she experiences it contextually yes while she’s here yes i’m gonna reward her also for holding that sit so i’m doing a lot of little different things just trying to feel her out a little bit and usually when we’re luring a dog like this this is something we do in the beginning just to really help them understand what we’re going for but the emphasis should in the medium-term future be on phasing out that lore and converting that into a hand signal or a spoken request i’m teaching leave it now for this lesson i’m gonna switch to something pretty irresistible so that i can teach her to resist it i’m always up for a challenge oh boy what is this you’re an alaskan dog you’re gonna like these salmon treats with biscuits i thought we might go about teaching her how to leave a treat alone in a different way than i’ve done it in the past see traditionally i’ll cover up the treat and discourage her from going after the treat but this time i want to catch her succeeding without even having to cover up the treat at all i mean you know if you’re going to teach with reinforcement training you have to really look for opportunities to reward yes see how she’s looking to me when i’m presenting that distraction yes you’re seeing that i’m giving her a lot of treats these are some of my favorite training treats ever particularly i use the freeze-dried meat ones all the time for primary training sessions like this and then for more casual training i’ll often use the sweet potato treats and remember you don’t always have to use treats but in the beginning we have to get that behaviors established so we reinforce a lot leave it yes as she leaves it i’m saying leave it that was a clear example right there if you’re working on skills like this with your dogs you need to check out my totally free digital dog training course 30 day perfect pub i’m gonna have a link in the description where you can sign up for this course and you can also check out pupford’s amazing training treats too leave it yes see how she corrected herself there so really good place to stop and leave it for now i’ll come back to this and try and make it more and more challenging for her as her skills develop we want to be able to get our dog’s attention on us when we ask for lately i’ve been using the term here to mean look at me but we have to teach her what that means yes i’m gonna reward her for the sit you might notice the hand signal there that i’m using just holding my hand up let’s make this easy so i’m just holding a treat up to my eyes here yes just to get her looking at my head here yes if she jumps i’ll pull the treat away so that she knows that doesn’t work but that’s still not exactly the most ideal way to go here i should find ways to catch her succeeding before that happens and i want to avoid having to pull the treat away as much as possible not because i’m a snowflake but because that can often lead to frustration with many dogs and i’ll make much faster progress if i can keep her in the most optimistic mindset possible yes just looking at my finger already in other words i’m not even having to hold up a treat here wow biscuits is on a roll i think i can start teaching her the word here yes here yes getting more sustained eye contact now here using the word waiting a second then saying yes then rewarding yes see that you see how she she’s kind of figured out that i’ve got some treats over here in this hand but then she looks directly into my eyes here because she knows that’s not going to work for her because that’s not what’s been reinforced yes let me see if i can do it without a hand signal for good measure she’s giving it to me automatically yes i think that biscuits is really starting to make the connection that looking into my eyes could get her that treat so rather than asking her to look at me over and over again i want to wait and see if she’ll do it on her own yes by the way notice she’s not being restrained in any way she’s free to opt out if she gets bored or saturated or feels overwhelmed you know so i’m looking for those body language cues as i go here with her yes i saw her getting a little distracted so i intervened there just to kind of give her a nudge in the right direction by making a sound i went yes so we’ve done sit we’ve done leave it we’ve done look at me i mean we’re making great time i think that when you’re keeping things upbeat like this and you’re making it a game and you’re making it fun i mean you’re essentially paying them to learn you’re reinforcing the behaviors you like they’re much more likely to stick with these training sessions for a bit longer so lie down sometimes with tiny dogs can be a little challenging because they’re already so close to the ground they’re like what’s the point but in the same way that we taught sid i’m gonna try lore training in her case see how i’m letting her nibble on the treat i’m giving her little fragments and crumbs of the treat as she sticks with it and lowers her head there yes i want to acknowledge every little step she takes in the right direction yes there we go okay come on yes so she’s really starting to respond to that okay as well and i want to catch her staying so i can also release her so when we talk about positive reinforcement training requiring you yes to look at things differently that’s kind of what we mean don’t wait for them to mess up tell them when they’re succeeding yes okay see i could have easily kept her down there for 30 seconds and then she would have gotten up and i wouldn’t have released her i just want to have really clear communication with her sit something different is happening this time can you see what it is didn’t reward us at that time so it’s already starting to phase out some rewards yes after your dog starts to understand the concepts you treat them less and less sometimes you go back and start treating them a lot if you have relapses but you gradually phase out treats by randomly finding ways to reinforce as the behaviors become more established traditional luring with lie down is working quite well with her but another way with some dogs if you’re having trouble with this rather than the traditional line this way we’ll focus on going this way inward slant and see if that puts her into a down two that often works yes see just like that isn’t that interesting so get creative with your lures try not to be too methodical be willing to experiment a little bit with your individual dog let me not use a food lure this time let me just fake her out yes and that’s one of the ways we start phasing out the lure into a hand signal so i mean i’m letting her just nibble on these crumbs in my hand because to her that’s a real treat yes there you go and so when she does hit that position she gets a little bit of a bigger reward sometimes people will say oh my dog’s not interested in treats so how do you train without treats food isn’t the only thing you can use to reinforce behavior biscuits also likes toys a lot it’s always a good reminder that we don’t get to choose what our dog’s favorite currency is our dog does it also may be that you’re training them in an environment where they’re too distracted so if you have a dog who loves treats at home but then you take them out to the park for example and they don’t take the treats it’s probably not about the treats it’s probably about the environment that you’re asking them to listen in so you want to focus on less distracting environments like your front yard that’s kind of a compromise you know you’re still at home but you’re outside there are definitely dogs who like treats more than other dogs but don’t assume necessarily that your dog doesn’t like treats just because they’re not taking them in all environments yet that’s normal i wouldn’t overlook stand if i were you it’s an easy one to teach especially if you teach it like this yes i’m watching these paws yes oops if i keep doing that like i’ll do this for example say if i do this i mean probably frustrated instantly is what that is i’m trying to minimize those instances if at all possible same concept here i’m trying to catch her staying for micro seconds at a time and to build on top of that in relatively short order stay is a lot deeper than just holding position while in a sit or down okay good let her know that stan’s stay is over it’s a broad reaching concept that applies in many different contexts when your dog sees a distraction for example or if you’re teaching them an intricate trick you may want to throw in a stay right there so there’s many ways to use stay she’s starting to get the concept of stay look at me sit lie down and stand already but there’s one extremely important part of a puppy’s day that’s been blatantly left out of this episode so far where are we going with this well the potty training we just yeah there’s a lot i remember yesterday saying it’s not a matter of if it’s a matter of how many or when the potty accidents will occur and in my mind i’m thinking i’m going to keep it probably the single digits over the whole like series but it’s been many many months since i last had a puppy live with me and i’ve been reminded of how optimistic that is as you’re gonna see in our next episode raising a puppy has all kinds of challenges and things definitely don’t always go exactly as you want them to i’m hoping to learn more about biscuit’s resource guarding issue i’m going to continue to give her more exposure to public life and what the real world is like outside of our living room and this whole potty training thing yeah it’s already starting to drive me crazy i really need to get on track here i go and do a ton of detail on not only potty training but everything else you could want to know about raising your new dog in both of my books dog training revolution and guide to a well-behaved dog i recommend you pick both of those up seriously give nom nom dog food a chance go to zach to get half off a two week trial to see if it’s right for you and your dog sign up for my free dog training course 30 day perfect pup but probably most importantly subscribe to my channel and follow us on instagram and tick tock everything is in the description and we’ll see you next time …
Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈