HOW TO STOP DOG PULLING ON LEASH – 10 minutes to “Perfect Walk” Guaranteed!

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hey folks welcome back for another exciting episode of adventures in dog training with american standard dog training and american overwatch k9 services in this video we are going to show you in less than five or 10 minutes how to take your dog i don’t care how bad it pulls i don’t care how old it is or what breed it is we are going to fix your walk once and for all your dog will go from pulling you like a freight train to loose leash walking i guarantee it stay tuned for this episode you can actually hear his nails scratching that’s how hard he’s digging i’m looping my hand like this just just to hold have a better grip that’s how hard he’s pulling so again we’re currently hooked up to a leather martingale collar you see i have to kind of bend my knees and actually lean back to to handle that it’s ridiculous because we have a couple dogs coming up and i think we’ve showcased it enough the dog pulls we’re gonna go ahead and switch to a three millimeter prong collar this is not gonna solve the problem but it should alleviate some of it again this is just the tool no technique unless i really really have to put something on all right now hook to the prong lady with her dog just went off screen there which is which is fine with me but all that odor is going to be here plus we got another i can’t plan this stuff folks this is great some off leash dog there all right so this has taken the pulling from probably like a eight i’m a solid eight to let it feel for that still pulling but it’s definitely cut it at least in half let’s call it a four but the dog’s not paying attention to me not looking at me he’s not engaged i for sure have more control but the point of this conversation is just to show you that just putting a prong collar on isn’t going to stop the dog from pulling and it’s not going to get him loose leash walking or next to you in a heel position it can just take a little bit of the bite off better than nothing but stay tuned and we’ll show you actually how we use the tool in combination with the technique to fix it all right this is a pre-step if you have the time to do it if you have a dog that’s super food motivated by all means try it in his case this is not a super food motivated dog but to help him as best we can we fasted him for 24 hours and just gave him a supplement that makes him extra hungry it should anyways that’s the design of it so let’s check this out what we’re going to do is prep him for this correction that will be coming the prep is if you feel that tap if you feel that tap come to me on a scale of one to ten that’s about a half on this i’m not pulling him um tapping him if i could show that now the line has to be loose and i’m going to give a little pop all right so in this next step we are now going to correct him for not paying attention and i cannot stress this enough it must be a correction with direction i do not i’m going to start with what you don’t do dog’s out pulling and you just blast him on the prong collar as you’re continuing in a forward momentum he’s going to feel this ow turn to see what caused it and see you looking at him still walking this way no communication delivered he just hurt and he doesn’t know why it hurt he doesn’t know what caused that so instead this is the secret sauce folks get your pen and paper out right now and write this down this is gonna save all your troubles right here we’re gonna give him the correction he’s gonna feel a pop he’s gonna turn to see what caused it and he needs to see your butt walking that way all right not looking at him literally walking away from him and so to put it in perspective all we’re teaching him is that you are the tugboat captain and he is a life raft he’s got to go where the tugboat goes he has to pay attention if not the life raft is gonna get popped okay that’s all it is his new job now while we’re out here walking is to pay attention to the tugboat captain that’s it no words no talking i’m not mad at him if he stays next to me mind you i will pay him for being in a beautiful position however i already know this dog he’s not going to hang out next to me much he’s going to be way out there but watch within two or three corrections you’re going to see him going from five or six feet out in front to possibly even behind me why is he going to be behind me because he wants to pay attention to where his tugboat’s going that’s all we’re teaching them so let me show you how this is done that’s one correction oh oh i’m happy that happened i went to do it he peeked me out of the corner of his eye and i didn’t do the maneuver i cannot stress this enough you do not do not correct your dog for looking at you that’s the whole point of what we’re trying to accomplish is to get the dog to pay attention to you so we have to be very clear on this let me show you my eyes the dog is locked on on something other than you by all means we deliver the correction if you by maybe having what we call loud footwork or doing something with the leash in preparation of you turning if your dog hears that sees you fumbling and turns to see what you’re doing that’s not the time to correct don’t do that we just you do what i didn’t go oh i’m just i’m just playing but i’m playing or you say hey thanks for looking at me here’s a piece of food hugely important never correct your dog while they’re looking at you you have to wait until they’re pretty much fully locked on onto anything other than you so we’ll keep playing this game and we’ll get maybe one or two more corrections in and then we’ll show you what the next step’s all about but this is the this is the biggest step once you master this is going to fix 90 of the problem the rest is just a little bit of cleanup work to tighten them up it’s absolutely normal for the dog to give a little yelp he is very sensitive meaning what we call a very vocal dog look at the engagement this is what we call a cheater’s heel did i fix it no but look who’s paying attention to me now my job if i wasn’t talking so much is to capture those moments when he looks at me i can even help him and pay him pay him because he’s in the sweet spot he’s in this little beautiful imaginary circle of love and he’s looking at me that’s what i want what i don’t want us him to be way out pulling that’s correction two see how he caught that one and that’s what we call a reward u-turn he turned with me he paid attention that i turned he turned the reward in and of itself is he did not get a correction now if he came and caught up next to me i would have paid him on top of that it pays to pay attention we can also sneak these in when the dog is not moving this dog has a very big problem of paying attention to anyone it’s got doggie 80d oh good boy buddy and here’s right here bud tail still wagging yeah we’re being a little hard on them but i’m honestly introducing this as mildly as i can and again we preface this with what the what the pressure means and how to turn it off when you feel this it’s good to come to me beautiful all right we’ll keep walking and now i feel like i’ve done enough work to where you can see the difference now three corrections let’s see if he sees me turn ah it’s not beautiful but what a difference look where he’s walking look who’s paying attention to me that if i turn he sees me turn this is this is the secret sauce folks that’s it three corrections and our work here is all but done now in the next session or excuse me in the next clip i’m going to show you how we tighten it up just a little bit more to get a little more engagement from him all right so the next step to clean it up to get your dog going from let’s call it 50 paying attention to me 50 watching the outside world how i’m going to clean it up and make it 80 me 20 outside world is what we call the sudden stop the sudden stop is beautiful what the sudden stop is is if we’re walking it’s the same concept of if you don’t see me turn and i turn without you paying attention you’ll correct yourself basically except this time i’m going to stop and if you don’t stop when i stop and you continue going forward you’re going to self-correct again it’s not personal i’m not mad at you and let me put it in this perspective if i tied him to a tree and he ran out this way and he corrected himself because the line got taught tight and he popped himself is he going to be mad at the tree no so he’s not going to be mad at you he’s going to look back to see what caused it and realize oh man the guy holding the leash stopped that’s all this game is so i’m going to simulate what needs to be done as you’re walking hopefully you can see this line right here in the middle of the road i’m basically just pick a spot and i’m going to very quietly stop on it if he passes the line meaning passes the front of my toes it’s a stop followed by a pop the pop should look as if you’re holding a hammer and you’re nailing something in this area but again the line must be loose when you go to pop it i’m not pulling him back i am popping it so what happens to the dog is he’s on he’s doing his thing he’s target locking on another dog cat squirrel you name it he’s gonna feel ow what was that look up and see that you have stopped that’s all it is that is the picture we’re trying to present to the dog when i stop you must stop so he’s gonna develop a theory his theory is gonna be man i gotta pay attention to the guy holding the leaf she’s crazy he suddenly turns he suddenly stops and it’s in my best interest to pay attention to him to avoid anything unpleasant now the counterbalance to that is if you stop when i stop and you nail that i’m hooking you up with food high value treats high value rewards so having said it now let’s watch it happen already within just three u-turn corrections what a world of difference now let’s see if he nails the sudden stop i don’t think he’ll do it that was a pretty stiff one we would call that an over correction but watch the difference watch the difference on a scale of one to ten he probably got a three beautiful timing my execution was i’m very happy with it other than it was man if that was a three maybe he could have done a two maybe could have done it two but you know what it didn’t kill him and now let’s see when i do the same keep it rolling i’m going to stop in the same spot what are the chances he sees me stop let’s see now if he sees it he’s going to get paid if he misses it again that’s on him it’s nothing personal i’m not mad at him oh and we mark and we pay perfect all right so the third and final phase is just a little bit of what we call maintenance or a reminder pops and that is that in roughly 10 minutes your dog’s already walking beautiful loose leash and this is in case your dog gets maybe their interest peaked on that duck that squirrel that cat that other dog and you see their ears target lock if they target lock and i’m kind of waiting for him to target lock on something but if he does i can give just the slightest little tap in a backwards motion or upwards motion and let him know don’t look at that remember you have a job to do and that’s to pay attention to me [Music] i’ll show you what one looks like this is a very mild one because he’s not really super target locked on anything oh almost had an opportunity there he’s wind senting something his motor’s up a little perfect time is going to come right now good job and i’ll pay him for that yes he’s a little on edge he’s a little stressed but if you knew the history of this dog you would know why this dog is super super least reactive and fear aggression through the roof but that’s a topic for another story but i guess i would say that the point is if i can do it with this dog you can for sure do with your dog at home this is a little bonus for y’all i don’t recommend you go out and teach this in the most crowded ridden area i want you to teach this on a quiet street once you’ve mastered that then you see we actually switched sides this might be a reminder pop when you look oh that’s good don’t look at the dog look at me that’s your job to look at me very hard to be leash reactive to when a lunge bark attack hackles up all of that when you can’t even look at the thing that’s concerning you you gotta look at me that’s it i should have started with this and that’s this technique isn’t just for teaching dogs to stop pulling it will absolutely fix your leash reactivity issues point blank period very hard to target lock and react to something that you’re not even allowed to pay attention to you can’t pay attention to it because you’re too busy paying attention to me so every once in a while we need to sneak in a sudden stop a corrective u-turn a reminder pop to keep your dog on point if you do this for roughly three walks the night and day difference and just stay on top of them the next thing you know you’ll do an entire walk and you won’t have to do any of the above it’ll be nothing but paying the dog for being in position like we’re about to do right now good boy all right now exactly 20 minutes ago i could barely walk this dog and now how old are you my love five now my five-year-old can welcome is it perfect no but you can imagine if we wash rinse repeat this this dog will be perfect on the walk no matter who’s walking him go ahead and pull him off with that right the power of the prong collar allows her to be able to pull him off of that i don’t know what else there is to say folks try it at home if you take out all the blah blah blah of me talking you can actually fix your dog’s walk in five minutes or less i call it 15 minutes because it takes a little minute to explain what else there needs to be said see on the next video [Music] …

Develops your Dog’s “Hidden Intelligence”Click Here 👈