dog Training and obedience near me
Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈
hi I’m very horn and I started training with my first dog to be an all-around good pet I then start a competitive obedience where I’ve been looking up to compete all over the UK at all levels including outcrops with my border collie ila so competitive obedience is essentially you and your dog working together as a team to complete a series of exercises as accurately as possible as you move up the classes the exercises will become more difficult for you both so if you’re thinking about getting started in competitive obedience here are some things that you’ll need to know firstly all dogs both cross breed and pedigree can competes in obedience but an order future competes as a kennel club licensed obedience show your dog will need to be registered on the Kennel Club’s activity or breed register when training a dog it’s important to find rewards that work for them I train I’ll ease in both toys and treat as that makes it really fun for us both finally it’s really important to build a strong relationship with your dog as obedience is all about teamwork I’m now going to take you through some of the key exercises that you’ve seen obedient training and competitions heel work is where your dog has to maintain a consistent position on your left side as you move around the ring together the main aim of recall is simply for your dog to come to you when called sit in front of you and then return to the heel with position as you progress through the classes your dog will be recalled to the left-hand side of you as you continue to walk in a he’ll work pattern retrieve is where your dog will fetch an article and bring it back to you as you progress through those classes the judge will provide the article for you Senate is about your dog using its nose to find a specific smell this being either yours or the dude just sent on a particular cloth amongst a pattern the dog must then bring that cloth back to you and present it the sender way is where your dog is expected to room for you in a straight line and drop into a down position in a pre-designated area the dog must then stay there until it’s called into he’ll stay is a pretty self-explanatory your dog is expected to stay in one position for your class’s allotted time this new control is an advanced exercise where your dog is expected to follow a series of commands from you whilst you stand a few paces away when you’re ready to compete in your first obedience competition you will need to pre enter at the show your judge will demonstrate the series of exercises for your class at the start of today so make sure you’re there in time you will be judged on how accurately you and your dog’s complete the exercises the winners will be the dog and handler who have completed the class with the least amount of errors and therefore losing the lowest amount of marks so if taken to the basics of competitive obedience it’s now time to find your local chemical bred gestured obedience club don’t forget there’s lots more advice on the Kennel Club’s website including how you could qualify your dog for obedience across make sure you check out the chemical social media channels to watch more videos that’s it from me bye …
Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈