FREE DOG TRAINING SERIES – Lesson 1: how to teach your dog to sit and drop

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many dogs will sit as default as they can’t look up to the sky when they go to look up at us they will often sit or jump up which obviously we don’t really want so sits a really preferred option sit also is a great doggy way of saying please however not all dogs like to sit some older dogs or larger dogs find it uncomfortable or painful so they might prefer to lie down or stand we teach sit drop and stand so our dogs have a choice here’s sit so the first step is to take a treat we put the treat to the dog’s nose we will lift the treat ever so slightly and slowly above the dog’s head going backwards until their bottom hits the ground when their bottom hits the ground we give them the treat the treat is the law eventually this will become our hand signal and the treat will only come after they have sat for drop we’re also going to use a law Treat in front of the nose pull down very slowly down the chest out along the ground and as soon as the dog’s tummy hits the ground give the treat again this will become our hand signal the hand pointing down to the ground and the treat will only appear after the dog has laid down [Music] [Music] …

Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈