Extremely Aggressive Dog Training- The Dog Daddy.

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okay now any type of aggression here it needs to be corrected right away stay right there yeah so he definitely um he’s a lot better with his muzzle yeah but so basically like you said he would not uh hesitate to bite you know he wouldn’t hesitate to bite he definitely stands his ground and so you stay and uh probably it’s territorial and protective over you as well um so a lot of times it can be confused it’s like right now he seems a little bit more relaxed but he’s the type of dog that would uh charge like whenever he feels like you’re invading his his face there’s no correction you’re trying to tell him to stop and trying to hold him back but there’s nothing telling him like he doesn’t want this type of behavior and he said you have not even been using the the prone power right now it’s trading correctly it’s not going to get any attention but without you communicating with him you’ll just never know that the behavior is wrong and that’s why it actually gets worse all the time because he’s been practicing it for so long it’s okay now so don’t don’t be don’t reward him for like that doesn’t mean anything for him like that’s just if anything’s going to reinforce that he’s doing the right job even though even when he’s not showing aggression he’s being very like he’s standing his ground he’s checking everything out you know he’s making sure that he’s in charge so every time you reward him telling him yes be more powerful show more power that’s what they’re telling him like right now he now he needs to be become more submissive you know especially at least once like as little but you are able to tell him like leave it alone and you have to have a little bit more control you know right now you don’t really have control over me no no so um no so first of all we’re gonna uh not so again this color is not fit correctly um i’m going to adjust it but every time that you and i can tell that you’re the type of dog that probably won’t see it with the pressure some dogs will become more aggressive and usually this this is some some of the genetics some of that is learned behavior like when they get away with it for so long uh they put up more of a fight a dog is you know if they are more dominant and right from the beginning you correct them it doesn’t escalate to this level some dogs will fight almost because it’s like you know anything that you teach them the more they practice the more confident they become this is the same thing you’re not trying to teach him but you are essentially letting him get away with it and it becomes more powerful with his intention come come that’s negotiate with him a little bit no come now he could be a lot worse now that i’m not playing pressure he is basically uh holding his trying to send his ground but some dogs at this point they’ll be like literally coming at me and he’s not he does a little bit but he’s actually trying to get away from me like this he’s not coming towards me he’s a boy no come on sit this is also a really good sign because a lot of dogs at this point they don’t listen they’re putting up a fight he did come fit now any type of aggression here needs to be corrected right away i also want him to be able to attain the pressure because it’s going to be important to be able to use pressure to correct him correctly it’s going to be very important because he wants something that communicates with him he’s a strong dog um you know and that’s why when he’s pulling you and if someone comes in front of you because like right now he won’t job he’s doing he’s doing really good if he continues to be like this basically it just goes to show you that every person he needs you need to break the aggression you’re the one handling him so each responsibility should break the aggression and he’s going to get to that stage will she leave it good boy um i mean in the beginning when he was putting up that fight it’s because it was already something new to him you know like i was correcting him for being aggressive i was also taking the leash off of you so i’m someone that he was trying to attack and now i was holding his leash and correcting him he put up a fight he didn’t win he shows i showed him that he’s going to get away with it he calmed down each it becomes easier over time like each time actually each time you do it it’s easier but what i’m trying to say is let’s just say he’s doing great today i’m going to introduce him to my friends as well and let’s say he does all perfect now tomorrow when you go for a walk he sees someone he’s been practicing this habit of he sees a new person he shows aggression he does not want them to come near you so he just goes out and back he goes out and back yeah we don’t see people yeah but what i’m saying when he finally juices someone you know he doesn’t know how to act so whether it’s tomorrow whatever day you go especially when he doesn’t see a lot of people it’s even less practice that he gets whenever he sees them the only interaction he knows is oh i have to be territorial i have to protect my own i have to you know protect myself so if you don’t do anything you just hold him back and tell russ you know it’s not going to do anything you know so you saw that i was pretty firm with him in the beginning you have to be pretty firm with the right tool having the prone collar but you’re going to do a correction gonna go to the side you’re gonna do a good problem on his leash and you want to be able to get every response from him he doesn’t have that experience he doesn’t have strength spreading him so it’s except uh expectable that he will sometimes do that in the beginning so when you’re training the darkness but you know when i tell people like i would i have guaranteed some type of result like some trainers they would come here they wouldn’t be petting him yet they won’t be handling him they want to be you know what i’m saying give him treats or tell me what to do it’d be a much longer process now no dog is going to be trained in one training session even if i get him but a lot of people there they also get too comfortable with good results and i don’t want people to i wouldn’t want to make them no i’m uh you give the dog the credit that they deserve and and it’s something that makes sense if he’s here today and he’s doing great and he’s not trying to bite anyone and even if he does you know for three days it’s too little time compared to over a year without him having a bad behavior so you want to create that trust over time like if enough people can move and he’s not showing aggression you know you trust him without holding the leash and then eventually without the model uh you’ll be able to doubt by his body language i mean he’s going to become so comfortable that he’s not going to be tense or showing aggression towards people and you just want to make sure that you put him through enough tests before you completely trust him now you want to be doing the right things to continue to get good results is what i’m trying to say uh and also not get scared when you know he makes a mistake it’s important to be prepared like he has the muzzle he couldn’t bite and then i correct him and go back to practicing what we need to practice on also i would recommend using the phone caller the way that it is fit right now and you have to be in charge like when you’re walking him you have to be you know in control of him basically meaning that he’s paying attention to you and that’s what this car is going to do is help you get his attention see how when he stopped here the leash is more loose if he tries to move forward to you i pull back right away so i can know here i don’t want you to move you can tell that when i do that he doesn’t like that he actually looked at me by the way and it’s just because it’s not used for having someone else especially a stranger handling him so that’s why you see that little bit of uh him being uncomfortable with with me doing that now when you do it it should be a lot easier like i said if you see someone coming down the driveway and you’re going to be working with him it’s not job you should basically give him commands right away make him make him do things and that will you know prepare him as a person gets closer if he’s getting more pants don’t walk away from them but you can do like a little circle rusty come good boy make him do there come on good boy spit like defensive again that’s the ground i don’t want to push him again right now because he was already it’s very stressful for him but basically in your case if you’re handling him you make him sit right down command and then make him go circle making it just something but do not let him be showing aggression towards them the last the more you can minimize it for now the more relaxed he’s going to get especially breaking his mentality if you let him keep practicing that aggression he’s going to continue to do it so to break it you need to get his attention and basically you know you saw the main correction is gonna be that apart from the leash when he’s being aggressive but also preparing him beforehand he said he was just holding him back and waiting for that target to come towards you which is a person coming towards you then you make him sit and they can blow a circle you make him walk a little bit that way and then make him walk back this way uh you want to see if i make it it’s also making like actually listen and go with you if you have just the choke collar you’re kind of dragging him around and he’s fighting a little bit just looking over there because nobody’s doing that much of the job but if you have this and you’re like literally you do the target say no come on let’s kill rossi let’s go like right now he doesn’t really want to you can tell keep coming back because you know and that’s what he’s been doing so he he becomes too confident in getting away with it and it’s not your fault i mean he already you know came with doing that it’s just that no one really has stopped him and the older he gets the worse he gets he’s just like he’s really confident that that’s the only way to live you …

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