dog trainer website
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hey there guys and gals is this Barbie Figaro with barbie Figueroa online thank you so much for watching my video so in this menu of the day I am going to share with you an example of a personally branded corporate website for a dog trainer that my company built using Divi now you may think well corporate that’s probably you know linear looking and boring sorry guys that’s what I think what I hear corporate but I want to show you an example of thinking outside of the box and really you know stepping out into the marketplace and building a website that reflects the heart of your company because in days have passed people think that they have to look a certain way otherwise you know that people won’t want to do business with them but honestly now with the rise of personal branding you know even a corporate company can really infuse their personality and make their mark on their website because this will attract the kind of clients that you want to work with so I want to share an example with you of how we did this for a dog trainer website so if you want to see an example of how we did that then keep on watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] well hey there guys and gals is this Barbie Figaro ah thank you so much I really appreciate you being here please go ahead and like this video and subscribe to my channel before we dig right into the content I’m so excited that you’re here and also make sure to visit my website at since 2004 when I was designing eBay stores I realized that really what makes a company different what makes him stand out is their branding it’s the heart and soul of your company and even if you are not branding yourself individually and your you are an actual you know like a like a corporate entity you can still infuse your company’s personality inside of your website and I think that what happens when you do this is that you know you start to attract the people that really you know they get you the type of client that you want to work with and when you are in the service industry and you are working one-on-one with people you know you are working in a very high touch environment where you are taking calls with these people spending time with these people you are literally getting to know these people at a deeper level when you are doing business with them don’t you want to do business with people that you actually enjoy doing business with well a good way to start doing that is to really show people who you are and your website design believe it or not can repel or attract your target audience your ideal client okay so if you are someone who’s more cash if you are someone who’s born laid-back if you are someone who is just warm and friendly and maybe you’re not really you know like this perfect you know suit and tie type of person you should be letting that come through your website see me I don’t want to wear a corporate you know jacket or anything like that I am casual I like to look nice and look put together but at the end of the day I am more a casual girl and I want to have a warm casual friendly relationship with my clients I don’t like to do like corporate you know very linear very analytical very not too much room for creativity type of projects so my own website reflects Who I am okay so with that being said if you are not attracting the kind of clients you want right and you have an internet presence I would I would recommend that you start with your own online presence on your website and and really take a look at what do you look like it does it reflect who you are because you want to attract the type of people that would be enjoyable for you to work with okay so with that being said let’s go to the dog trainer website before we go to the website I want to go ahead and read the clients testimonial the colors the font the images I couldn’t help but feel the internal yes you get when you know something is perfect for you Chris V from Asheville Dog Academy I can’t say enough great things about the branding Barbie helped create I wanted a nature inspired feeling to represent Asheville as it’s really something you notice right away when you visit the area the trees and the mountains that give that warm feeling of gratitude combined with the theme of an Academy for dogs as we are in the business of training people’s pet dogs we went to the drawing board a few times before the logo was completed but as Barbie kept inquiring about what felt right the perfect branding emerged the colors the font the images I couldn’t help but feel the internal yes you get you know something is perfect for you I can’t tell you how many people have really complimented us on our logo and branding it really helped the business get off on the perfect start and it continues to give each and every day I’m very thankful for Barbie’s expertise and intuitive knowing on how to create the perfect branding for us so if you notice he says feeling a lot she created the feeling he wanted to evoke a feeling branding is a feeling that you give people ok you should be able to feel the heart and soul of your business inside of you our branding color does this it really does help a lot even if you are even if you are in the financial sector you could use color to warm up your branding and I’m going to do a few examples of this oh there’s a website that’s for financial in the financial sector that you know is really really eye-catching and I think their branding is spot-on but we’ll go for that what we’ll we’ll go into that in another video but anyhow if you want to learn a little bit about you know color branding yourself and how color branding really helps set the tone for your website and you’re a do-it-yourselfer guys go ahead and take a go to my website and check out my color branding for beginners ok just opt in here click on here and enter your best email your for your name and your best email go ahead and take that course especially if you’re watching this and you’re a do-it-yourselfer and you are trying to build your own website at this point or whatever it is that you’re doing you’re trying to get your brand together go ahead and take that because this is the foundation for everything if you want to create that warmth that personality for your website that evokes and translates who you are to your target client you want to take this course ok all right so let’s go to Asheville Dog Academy and as you can see doesn’t look like your average dog trainer website right like normally the dog trainer websites that I’ve seen are like white and corporate lucky and very I don’t know too sterile I guess for my opinion okay obviously he wanted to evoke warmth and personality and you know and I think we do this really well it’s a it’s a husband-and-wife team out in Asheville and they really love their dogs they have a really warm friendly personality they they wanted that personal feeling you know it is dog training really with a personal touch you know you’re not dealing with you know just a corporate trainer that’s you know gonna go out to your home like one of those people called for Best Buy’s at the Geek Squad or something that you know they’re all in the same uniform and they’re all very sterile and they’re just doing you know service calls at your house this is a warm family friendly you know dog training establishment and their personality really shines through and they’re just having so much fun in their business and their colors and their branding really it just shared it shows that you know it shines through so you’re gonna come here as a client you’re gonna look at their website you’re like they’re not really for me or you’re gonna be like oh my gosh these people I feel like I feel like they get me like you know I feel like they’re warm they’re personable you know and they are and the brandy shares that you know so obviously we have other features on their website that are designed for them to drive traffic to their website I know they’re doing a big Google campaign right now and so on mobile this wet this button is clickable and so you know doing up a bunch of cool things for them okay so then we have their about me page everything is just you know very simple but the color scheme is you know carrying out throughout the website you know we’ve got these drop-down menus where you can see all their services and their pricing etc they’ve got a video gallery which you know he does an amazing job doing video marketing to drive traffic organic traffic to his website he puts on his case studies here he does a really amazing job but what I love is that no matter where you are on the website that feeling is still following you everywhere you go and some people may think oh this is too cartoonish or I don’t want trees or paws on my website then that is not who you are but that’s who this client is he’s warm friendly casual you know he trains in a you know jacket and jeans you know and and people love him for that very approachable so it is a great example of matching the website to the personality of the owner and then we’ve got his testimonial page over here okay and we’ve got a bunch of testimonials here okay and his client loves us and he’s got tons of compliments on the website then we have a contact page okay so anyway I just wanted to give you a you know some tips because you might be in the process of designing a website right now for your company and you’re struggling you have that internal struggle of well should I hire the website for just my client and you know I’m expected to look a certain way because I’m a dog trainer or should I just go out and live and just be Who I am and you know let that shine through my design and I highly recommend that you just go with a design that reflects who you are as an owner because especially if you are in a service business trust me when you are working with clients one-on-one this is going to help as a pre-qualification method our tool I should say to attract the clients you actually want to work with okay so anyway I hope that this helped you I hope that you’ve got a lightbulb moment I hope that if nothing else it gave you the confidence and the courage to go and brand you okay brand new and put it out there and you will attract the right people that you want to do business with that will honor working with you that will enjoy working with you that will value who you are as a person as you are providing services for others so if I can help you in any way please just go ahead and visit my website at all with you and we can talk about your business okay so anyway if you like this video if you got a light bulb moment please go ahead and like this video and subscribe to my channel and make sure to visit my website at WWE so thanks so much for watching guys i truly appreciate you have a wonderful day and I will see you on the next video [Applause] [Music] …
Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈