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recall training is is actually one of the easiest commands to train when you get it right now here’s the big tip again I don’t use a lot of food but I do use it for recall training now when you use the food same as with potty training you have to use amazing food it’s no good using the same biscuits that they use you know they just ate half a bowl full of biscuits now you’re going to give them one biscuit for basically coming when you when they when you call them [Music] hi there doggy Dan here with another edition of Pop dates and today I wanted to chat and share with you some of my knowledge about recall training I’ve got an amazing recall with my dogs there’s somewhere here in the woods with me and basically I just call them or I can use my whistle and they will come running and there’s a reason why it’s I understand how to make that connection with the dog which means when you hear your my voice or when you hear the whistle come running and something amazing is going to happen now there’s a strong connection I believe with training dogs to come in called and gambling and not many people know her and I want to share that with you today because recall training getting your dog to come when they hear their name is one of the most probably it is the most important command really because if you think about it whether you’ve got a dog who’s chasing birds or chasing other dogs or not coming when called or jumping up on other people if you’ve got an amazing recall and your dog comes to you can put a lead on them and pretty much stop all of that the bird chasing they’re being aggressive to other dogs you can walk away and they can’t jump on other people if they’re coming running towards you so recall training is is actually one of the easiest commands to train when you get it right now here’s the big tip again I don’t use a lot of food but I do use it for recall training now when you use the food same as with potty training you have to use amazing food it’s no good using the same biscuits that they use you know they just ate half a bowl full of biscuits now you’re going to give them one biscuit for basically coming when you when they when you call them you have to use amazing stuff so I’m talking about chicken cheese and bacon is what I’d suggest they’re they’re some of the most common popular treats for dogs what I would suggest you do though is here’s the key bit the same as the reason people gamble whether it’s the pokies or whether it’s going to a casino is because the rewards are random so you get no reward no reward you’re losing money you don’t get any wins then you get a little reward then you get no reward then you get a little bigger reward then you get no Ward no and then you get a jackpot that’s how you want to think of it with your dog’s treats you don’t want to just give them one biscuit one biscuit one biscuit because if the Pokey machines you know the fruit machines if the fruit machines the pokies paid out every single time you put a dollar in you’ve got one dollar five back put a dollar in you get one dollar and five cents back nobody would play them the reason being it’s boring and the excitement comes from knowing you may get the jackpot and it’s the same with the dogs you know literally when I go for a walk with my dogs I get the bag of of chicken cheese and bacon I mean I don’t always use that don’t get me wrong but I get the bag I sometimes put it down by my dog’s nose and I go smell that that’s what we’re playing for today and my dogs literally look at me and go whoa dude seriously is that what I mean I’m in I’m listening I’m all he is and then all I have to do is shout their name they come running I might give them a small bit they come running I get a small bit they come running sometimes they give them a Pat and a cuddle and then I’ll give them the jackpot the next time but they know the jackpots are coming now a couple of huge tips you can’t overuse the recall with your dog you can’t be always calling your dogs that’s probably the biggest mistake people think that the dogs are like you know remote control cars you just shout or press the button and the dog’s gonna come running well after a few unless you’re rewarding your dog every time which you know you need to be careful of that because your dogs will get fat but so you don’t want to overuse you don’t want to abuse this command however you also can’t use your dog’s name for telling your dog off so that’s one of the other big mistakes we used our dog’s names you know we say photo stop that don’t do that photo knock it off Fido stop it let me shot photo dog goes oh dear I’ve done something wrong so you need to keep your dog’s name as a positive thing you can’t go around using it as a negative most of the time and then expecting your dog to come running when you use it as a recall now one last suggestion when I call my dogs I always give them a reward not a food reward it’ll be a pat a cuddle I’ll throw the ball I’ll you know or give him a little treat but I have something called a bomb proof recall I’ll share more about this later another time but the bomb proof recall is when I use a whistle and when I use the whistle I reward my dogs every single time so if I blam my whistle my dogs will come like rockets because they know they’re going to get this amazing treat and I suggest you train the whistle or a different sound for your dog so that if you ever need it to them to come running like have 200 you’ve got a way of doing that alrighty so hopefully that’s given you some understanding of what’s going on with the recall it’s the most important command it’s pretty simple use treats you can fade them out if you want but I suggest you keep one sort of recoil sound or the whistle for when you really do need your dogs to come and of course if your dogs turn up kind of late don’t tell them off but don’t give them a reward just kind of go hey what time do you call this that’s not good no treat for that and they’ll get it they’ll know that they get the reward the amazing chicken cheese and bacon when they come first time when you when you call them alrighty I’m doggy Dan that’s another edition of pup dates I hope that’s been helpful and uh yeah I’m gonna blow my whistle and see if my dogs come running alrighty take care guys bye-bye good boy come on Mosey Mosey come on good boy [Music] …
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