Training your dog to come

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[Music] today we’re in the central business district here in New Orleans and we are going to work with the cutest puppy you have ever seen in your life Cheeto the puppy is going to learn how to come when we call him you know come when called is one of the most important skills that our dogs need to know we should practice this early and often and in lots of different places by the way did you guys see my last video on how to teach your dog to listen to you around other dogs if not check out the description like me on Facebook too at theack George so that we can get to know each other even better and I have a pretty serious question for you are corgis the cutest puppies ever think about that as you watch this video and tell me in the comments [Music] below we’re here with Aaron and Walker and Cheeto the coru how reliable would you say he’s been on cumin call to this point in various environments about 60% okay so we got to get that up a little bit don’t we when we’re teaching our dogs to come to us the first thing we want to do is get it really tight really solid in an environment like this in the house so I was thinking we would practice in here for a little bit then maybe move on to a little bit more of a distracting environment and then maybe even more distracting if he does well with that I’m going to go over a game with you that you can do with your dog to teach them to come to you when you have two people in the household always call your dog in a very enthusiastic and happy voice we want to make sure that our dog is enjoying the training process never call your dog in that firm voice because well they’re not going to look forward the training as much if you do that Walker what kind of currency are you going to use with Cheeto today so today we have his liver training treat we’ve got Walker over here we’ve got Aaron over here and we’re going to call him back and forth cut him off yeah look at that look at him go that’s it that’s right we want our dogs bolting to us we want them running to us with a dog like Cheeto the more genuine the more enthusiastic the more energetic you are the more likely they are to come running to you now if your dog doesn’t respond so much to this high energy approach maybe try using a soft gentle more understanding approach if they tend to be a bit more reserved Cheeto and look right here now now actually let’s pause here for a moment right now you’re calling him Cheetos like I don’t know I I’d rather be over here with my dad he’s got these treats and everything look for those small moments when your dog is thinking about listening to you and sees those moments in order to really encourage them to listen to you if they look like they’re thinking about coming to you do everything you can to keep them in that mindset if you notice that your dog is coming to you halfway and then they’re like ah I don’t know so much it’s important to shorten the distance make it a little bit easier remember the best dog trainers will not hesitate to take a step back on their training in order to teach and show their dog what to do why don’t you guys go ahead and practice at a closer range and see if you can have some more success here reward him heavily uh with a skill like comein called we want to reward very generously with our dogs in order to really give them that good association with listening to us the next step is to start calling them randomly when they’re least expecting it now let’s see if you can do it with your back turned a bit you know to throw them off make things a little bit different because come when called really matters most when they are not expecting [Music] it and look he’s doing terrific fantastic wonderful job what do you think about trying it by the fridge come over here come over here very good you’re a good dog so cute I’ve somehow talked Walker into lying on his back to do this but in all seriousness teaching your dog to come to you when you’re assuming different positions really challenges them to think more and makes them understand the general concept as opposed to just the training drill if that makes sense go ahead and call Cheeto and see if it comes to you Cheeto come down come come over here and you see how thrown off he is and you have your currency with you to let him know good all right he sees that go ahead come and this is all very normal don’t be discouraged this is why we teach them this is why we train them maybe scoot up a little bit look at that very good so right there we provided the proper incentive it’s much more important that we get the desired Behavior than it is we get our dogs off of treats now if you want to see a video on how to teach your dog to listen to you without treats see the description of this video and I’ll show you the formula on how to accomplish that but I think that we need to up the difficulty level a little bit and practice in a less familiar but still somewhat familiar area what do you think about going out here to the hallway and seeing how he does okay so Cheeto is familiar with this area but he doesn’t live here and that’s a new setting for a dog that’s a completely different variable for them that we need to be understanding of we’re going to start pretty close up and then we’re going to work to a greater and greater distance hopefully but we’ll see how Cheeto does come on look at [Music] this Cheeto come back here come back here come back a this is great guys if you do have a long distance like this and you’re trying to get them to come to you you can do something like this come on let’s go let’s go come on Chase because dogs love to chase it’s turned into a bit of a game but see this is why you practice in a controlled environment right here cuz often times if they get pretty amped up they’ll try and run past you and turn it into a game of Chase which is okay but we want to make sure that happens in a really controlled environment so they can’t get away from us look at that boy I might confuse him for a greyhound I’m going to try and throw a wild card at him and see if his parents can get him to come to them while he’s distracted so I’m going to try and throw him off a little bit so go ahead Aaron and and call him Cheo come to mom come to Mom mom come to Mom that’s what you want here’s another quick tip for you on come when called let your dog go back to doing what they’re doing after they come to you don’t as they come to you do a sit or a down stay for 30 seconds really make it easy for them to succeed Cheeto is clearly too cool for school here he’s doing terrific we’re going to go outside now and see how Cheeto does in a completely new place I’m very optimistic from what I’ve seen so far so we’re going to have Aaron and Walker call Cheeto back and forth and see how incredible he can do and if he does well with that I’m going to show you the next step it’s important to let your dog adjust initially it’s also important to have good control over them which is why we have a really long lead on Cheeto so he can still run but we also still have control of him why don’t you go ahead and call him Walker and see if he comes to you right here cheah cheah come come here make sure you reward big to because it’s a new environment look at that look at that that’s it the more embarrassed you are when you’re calling your dog the better job you’re doing you got to be prepared to be extra patient go in slow motion because it’s much more challenging to teach in this situation so good good now I ran behind him snapping my fingers giving him a mild distraction there you know really proofing it he’s still listen to you that was fantastic there he goes yes good job that’s it that’s how you call your dog that was awesome man one thing that I like to do as my dogs are showing more and more success is start to pair certain behaviors together for example maybe calling your dog and then asking them to sit this teaches them to start generalizing a multitude of skills look at this good ask them to sit he’s really really doing a terrific job uh congratulations on your recent engagement too thank and I have to know from all of you are Corgi puppies really the cutest puppies ever tell me in the comments below make sure you click thumbs up if you want to see more videos like this and like me on Facebook as well theack George the link will be in the description and we can interact with each other lots more over there okay guys we’ll see you in the next video good job buddy really good [Music] …

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