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if you spent only 10 minutes a day working with your dog on just some basic easy tricks and cues every day you could completely transform your dog to get rid of most if not all of The Unwanted behaviors you’re struggling with right now and that’s what I’m going to show you today with my newest puppy Marla with our daily 10 minute pup drills despite the name a pup drill works for any age dog and it’s simply where I take five basic cues Marlo middle just like this yes and I work on each cue for two minutes and before you know it 10 minutes is up so let’s start with the middle cue or some people call this peekaboo and this is where your dog goes in between your legs and let me tell you Marlo is if you’re not familiar my puppy mill Survivor rescue puppy we just adopted her and she is extremely nervous so if you have a small dog or a nervous dog and you think they can’t do this I promise with some slow gradual practice they can make it so the way that I’m teaching this to her because she’s still learning is I just take a treat or a toy or even just my finger and lure her behind me like so and then if you’re having a problem with your dog getting behind you you can even try dropping a treat behind you like this and then pull one in front like this yes good girl and there you go you have middle why would I teach the Middle look at her offering that behavior good girl three main reasons the first primary one is for safety let’s say Marlo and I are out walking and we’re getting charged by an off-leash dog or somebody’s trying to run up to us going can I pet your puppy which makes Marlo very nervous I can ask Marlo middle yes good girl and let’s put this puts her in a more secure spot if obviously I can’t get away safely and in time now this next one is going to make leash walking so much easier whether you’re just starting with your puppy now or you’re struggling with a dog that lunges and Barks on leash this has made a night and day difference for Marlo and she loves doing it I get a high value treat a reward again if your dog’s not food motivated you can use toys or verbal praise as the reward Marlo heel and you’ll notice that I have her following me make sure I’m staying in frame yes and I’m rewarding her with my marker word or my marker Q which is y-e-s as she follows me so I’ll just do a few rounds good girl yes you notice we don’t have a leash or anything on all I’m doing is reinforcing that position of being by my left side soon you start doing this and you’re gonna find that your dog is heal following you everywhere you go you practice that around your house up your stairs down your hallway and start in short durations and then when you’re walking your dog on leash you can ask for a Marlow heel yes go girl oh let’s do an hard one whoa good job yeah I am working on this next cue because guess who doesn’t love to get their nails clipped so if your dog doesn’t love their paws touched or to get their nails clipped or filed this is going to help tremendously and this is where we teach our dog to Paw or shake and the way that we do this it’s a lot of fun come over here is I get down here and ask her for a Sit yes oh excuse you and I simply hold my hand out in front of her chest and wait for her to give me her paw and then I Mark her mark it with my marker qyes yes good job that was good we’re just learning this now if she starts doing this or pawing at me I do not reward that I don’t repeat any cues I just wait for it to come I’ll lure her up I don’t even have a treat yes yes good job now in the very beginning your dog’s probably not going to give you their paw so what I do is I wait for them to even just kind of barely lift their paw and as soon as that movement happens I give my marker cue which is yes and follow that immediately with the treat hold your hand here and wait for the slightest movement yes good girl so that right there how she kind of lifted her paw that’s where you start and then eventually I’ll give her the treat only when she puts her paw in my hand and what we’re doing is desensitizing the touching of her paws we’re making it into a game so she’s actually offering me her Palm when it’s in my hand I’m kind of touching it a little bit but she’s getting positive verbal praise she’s also getting food praise which in turn will make clipping nails a lot easier now this next drill is a very popular cue that most people think that their dogs can do no problem but I think a lot of us are training wrong and that is the sit downs and stand and let me show you what I mean by that so of course we’re doing the typical sits with the yes girl down yes girl we’re we’re luring them into place and rewarding that that’s all great and dandy but can your dog go from a down to a Marlow sit yes good girl like that that’s one way to level up the queue to give them more enrichment mental stimulation now the reason I think a lot of people are doing these Rock release doing these wrong is that we’re not adding implied stays to these cues because what I like to do and I’m still working on it with her she’s still just a new puppy for us is when I ask her for a down or an s-i-t I want her to know that that cue is still active until I release her and so what I want her to know is until I say release or give another cue that I really want her to stay in this position and this can be a really important safety technique because if I need to quickly across the street yell d-o-w-n really quickly to her to not run across the street that can be a great way to keep her from getting hit by a car for example and the way that I do this is when I ask for the queue I just continue to reward this is the very beginning yes yes so if they’re in a down or an sit uh it’s really easy just to take your hand have it flat out like this and you can use a treat in the beginning if you need to that’s totally fine in my opinion and I hold it out here in a position that when her nose touches it she would be in the St a standing position so I don’t say anything I just hold my hand can you not see me yes good girl and then I reward and the reason I think most of us are getting sits and downs wrong is because we are not realizing that dogs are very situational meaning practicing in here which we practice in here a lot or we practice in my living room and dining room is very different from practicing in the backyard a lot of times our dogs really only know the cues that we’re teaching them within the context that we’re training them and this is why I like to practice going from a down to a Sit because it really solidifies what that sit position is it’s why I like going from a down to a stand and back down to a down and it’s why I highly this is a huge bonus tip to practice these cues in as many different places as you can and it’s okay if you’re in an apartment or you don’t have a yard you can do it in your garage you can do it outside your apartment complex you can do it in your backyard if you have one you can do it down the street you can do it at a park or on a trail now before I show you how I’m teaching Marlo to stay which is a life-saving cue and command that your dog needs to know if you’re getting value from this click that subscribe button to help us on our mission to save all the damn dogs and stay tuned because I’m getting ready to show you some of my favorite treats for training my dog now with this cue and honestly with any training cues it is so important that our dogs are succeeding or doing it accurately at least nine times out of ten and if they’re not we just need to slow down and go back a couple steps to make sure we’re setting them up for Success especially with this cue because we need to solidify the actual meaning behind it so when I say stay yes I might only start with lifting one leg yes and I’m rewarding with my verbal word yes which is telling her that what she’s doing is accurate why is that valuable to her because I have charged or loaded the word y-e-s bye here’s exactly how I do it yes yes do that five ten times a day where you give the verbal cue they don’t have to be doing anything and you follow that with a treat within half a second you are putting extreme value on that word and that way when you say it during training they know okay this position is what mom or dad wants good girl now as they’re holding it you don’t want to push them too long you can step back a step yes I only reward when I’m next to her I’m gonna do one more okay we just pushed it too far that’s fine come in yes there we go and then we’re going to end on a positive note yes release good girl yeah now let’s do it with a dow in stay so this time around I’m not gonna go yes I’m not gonna go as long because I want her to be successful and usually they’ll start to give you little cues that they’re about ready to get up it’s hard for me when I’m also filming but I want to show you guys you know successes and failures because Lord knows we have many failures yes good girl now for the treat reveal so if you follow me for any length of time you know that I am so picky when it comes to my dog’s treats and foods and that’s because 98 of them out there in my opinion based on what I feel comfortable feeding my dogs aren’t good enough one of the treats I really love are Dr Becker’s Bites and these are literally they’re called trainers and they’re literally just two ingredients beef liver and ginseng and look at this these are air dried so they’re not overly Ultra processed so see these are some of the trees I do have these linked below plus all of my favorite treats and food on my shop page and that my friend is how I work on my dog’s unwanted behaviors that’s how I get their extra energy out that’s how I get their separation anxiety worked on so if you can’t exercise your dog that day just give them 10 minutes of working with them I promise you’re going to love it your dog is going to completely transform and make sure you click that subscribe button for your daily dog tips and if you want to see part two of this video where I show you five more cues you can work on your 10 minute daily pup drill click the video right here or if you want to see more about leash skills and how to stop our dogs pulling Unleashed click the video right here and I hope you have a beautiful day goodbye foreign …
Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈