5 Puppy House Training Tips EVERY Dog Owner Needs

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hey guys welcome back to the channel i’m going to be talking about how you can achieve perfect toilet training with your puppy as quickly as possible to remove the headache of them having accidents all over your home nice now this is puppy puppy is my dog that i fostered and then rescued the first few months of her life were atrocious she was stuck in a cage with all her litter mates and she spent all of her time in her own urine and feces and it was terrible and it made toilet training her the biggest challenge i’ve ever faced in all of dog training but fast forward a year later and with dedication and commitment she is now perfectly toilet trained so if she can do it i promise you you and your dog can do it you can do it and in this video i’m going to show you exactly how oh yes oh good kill now you might be asking what if you’ve got an eight week old puppy from a great breeder just like riley was here where the breeder might have already started doing some work on toilet training well that’s amazing and luckily for us in this video all of the tips i’m going to give you are exactly the same the only difference will be that it’ll probably go easier with dogs like riley the first step is that we absolutely must remember to reward the desirable behavior so when your dog does go to the toilet in the place that you want them to as soon as they’ve done it let’s make sure that we’re marking it with a yes giving lots of praise and food rewards helping them understand that this is where we want you to go so my second tip is going to be my on the hour every hour rule my on the hour every hour rule is just a really easy one for you to remember set an alarm on your phone set an alarm on your watch the on the hour every hour a little beep goes off and you’re just going to have to be disciplined you’re going to have to be consistent give them the opportunity to go to the toilet where you want them to go to the toilet and then when they do reward and praise that desirable behavior then you might be asking the question well okay cool i am rewarding my puppy every time that they go to the toilet in the right place but they’re still having accidents and i feel like i should tell the dog off when they are making mistakes well don’t worry because later on in this video i’m going to answer that exact question of should you correct the dogs when they make mistakes going to the toilet in places that they shouldn’t but for now we have to remember always reward the desirable behavior yes and our third point guys is crate training crate training crate training crate training is going to be your best friend when it comes to toilet training if you haven’t started crate training your dog yet start crate training them if you have started continue to work on it crate training your puppy your dog will help make toilet training incredibly efficient now another tip that i can give you is to give them the chance to go to the toilet when they wake up on the hour every hour is great but it isn’t always your best friend it gives them opportunity to go but especially with young puppies when they wake up from a nap they often need at least a number one so when they wake up from a nap give them the opportunity to go to the toilet where it is that you want them to during a play session when a play session comes to an end or when they want to start play they often will want to eliminate their bowels or go number one so making sure that you give them opportunity and then on top of that observation is key a really really telltale sign is sniffing the floor and starting to circle if you spot that pick your dog up pick your puppy up take them where you want them to go to the toilet and give them the opportunity when it comes to toilet training some of these tips aren’t rocket science it’s just about dedication consistency putting in the work being observant and setting your dog up for success fifth step is that timing is everything you have to remember the one second rule when it comes to toilet training your dog you have to help them understand when they’re doing something right and when they’re doing something wrong but we only have one second from them displaying the behavior for us letting them know great job do more of that or hey buddy i can’t have you doing that anymore please stop doing that so when your dog goes to the toilet in the right place you have one second from when they finished to mark and reward that behavior now puppy would really appreciate it if you hit that subscribe button so we can see you next week on the next episode …

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