Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈
today i’m going to talk about four ways that i entertain this wild crazy dude indoors when we can’t get out to exercise the way that i want these are all diy easy things that you can do at home today so let’s jump into this video write me out first things first go ahead and grab yourself a towel or throw blanket like this we’re not gonna play tug of war wally loves this this is our grounds and hounds dog throw super cute not super big um and what we’re gonna do here is well first off you can play a little bit of tug-of-war that’s a really good way to get your dog a little bit of physical exercise with mental stimulation because what you can do with it is drop it yes good boy okay get it good job and then play a little bit tug play a little bit of tug of war here we go let’s just jump into the chuckle boy game that’s a fun one and then drop it yes good boy the way that i got him to drop that is by becoming less exciting on mine so then it layers it and makes it a little bit more engaging and satisfying for the dog but that’s not what i’m even using this for he was just excited to play some tug what you’ll do is you’ll take a towel a hand towel or a throw like this take some of your dog’s dry food if they’re eating a kibble or some treats right now i’m using the bark eats 100 beef bites from the bark boxes and you take a few of the treats you want them to be smaller in size to start and then you’ll look at wally going to his place cube yes good job wally i’m going to reward that then you’ll lay the blanket or the throw out flat make sure you guys can see me here good boy wally he knows to wait there we go and you’ll oh can you place good boy so i’ll put him in his place q officially and right now what we’re doing is we are challenging him just by him being on his place cue which if you want to know how to learn that i’ll give you some tips towards the end of the video so stay tuned for that but what i’ve done is now he has to think he wants the treats i’m putting down i’m scattering them randomly every little thing you do even if it seems basic is giving your dog a job to do and this is so much what they crave then i’m not gonna let them get it yes good boy then what you do is you simply roll the towel up now this is level one i’m going to show you level two in a second roll the towel up he’s so tempted yes go boy we’re not gonna let him get off until we do it and now the treats are randomly or the food is randomly rolled up in the towel or the blanket as such then what we’ll do is i’ll put it over here so you guys can see a little bit more of it okay i’m gonna make him wait a little bit because waiting practices impulse control it practices his ability to make good decisions then he simply has to get the toys out by unrolling it with his paws and nose of course i supervise this activity and if they’re just starting out you can roll the towel much more loosely to make it easier you could move this place bed out of the way i do have the bandana that he’s wearing and his blankets from grounds and hounds linked below it’s all on my shop page if you’re interested look at that now instead of giving them a dog bowl to feed their dry food if they’re eating a kibble you could just roll their food up in an old towel or blanket this is an excellent way to get your dog using their paws their body their senses getting rewarded as they go through it and of course i don’t let them chew on the blanket too much but usually i find that if you fill it up with treats or even toys if they’re super ball motivated they’ll more they’ll be more focused on that instead of chewing on the blanket pro tip with this is to do this when you have friends or family come over so instead of your dog being super engaged with jumping on everybody or counter surfing while you’re having a dinner party they’re engaged in this and people love watching dogs play with it look at it he pulled it on the bed now let’s make this one next level harder for those dogs who get this really quickly all you have to do is take that same rolled up towel or blanket that you had and if it’s long enough you can tie it with the treats still inside so i just put more treats in and tie it just a little bit like a pretzel almost here you go so then they have to untie it and then unroll it to get the treats out wally they can’t see they can’t see so i love to give this to him go ahead and get it there you go and again this just adds a little bit more complexity to this remember mental stimulation will tire your dog out twice as much as physical exercise alone so again this is something we want to try to do at least once a day now for the second one super easy find any cardboard box you have lying around your house well not any maybe not too big not too small but one size that would big enough your dog to get their head kind of into i’m actually using my bark box cardboard boxes and on that note i am going to unbox the while he’s going to unbox the bark boxes that we got this month just because it is the holiday season box for christmas so stinking cute and you guys always asked me to share these so i’m gonna show the super chewer first um so for this spark box look at the reindeer head the coolest thing that came out of this one or about this one is that it has another toy inside and they call it two layers of play clearly uh wally’s really excited but we got little rudolph the reindeer what do you think look at that look at that cool tag um the cool thing i love about these two is on their tags they have an entire safety section the other things that come in this box maybe he’ll let me show it this time again this is the super chewer box for december rudolph the red-nosed reindeer theme look at this we have the abdomen abominal oh my god i can’t even say it the snowman you guys you got you know who this is also two layers of play so if they’re even able to rip this outside layer off here wally you can try then they’re able to uh get the other toy inside here i’ll give you this one come over here you sit good boy and then i’m gonna show you how i do a special brain game with these go get there you go he loves it and then this final one is so cool it’s sam the snowman and the reason that these are the super chewer and the reason i get these is because all of my boys mostly finn and ben are more super chewers and so i like that these are more durable than just a standard soft shoe that you might find anywhere else plus they are free completely free shipping there’s special links for the most aggressive offer i’ve ever seen linked in my description and bio below okay get it get it get it and then for a bark box look at this so a similar winter christmas theme the rudolph now bark box my goodness uh they come with the more traditional stuffing uh stuffed toys look at this rudolph the reindeer look at that so cool what do you want you want this one i’ll take the tag off okay and then so this is something we love to do together every month is go through all the toys here’s their softer version of this so stinking cute i say this every time i show one of these is that i think i get more pleasure out of these than even the dogs just because it’s it’s fun it’s fun to get boxed oh my goodness look at this this santa comes out and look at nice to see the tag here so the tag says for bonus play popple chris can go out of a suit then hide a tree inside you guys so this was going to be my next after this one my next enrichment idea so here’s santa’s bottom path not his body but his bottom like suit you put the tree inside put the santa in and now he has to go get it out there you go that’s so stinking cool but what i was gonna say that i do for mental stimulation in addition to using mental stimulation toys like that is i take their boxes every month that they send the bark box in and i take some of the treats again these are the bark box treats that just 100 beef nothing else in it i take some of them i break them up i put them inside oh he already got it here you got it there we go i put them inside the box just like this then i take all the toys and if you’re just starting off you could start with just one or two toys i take all the toys i put them on top of the treats you gotta wait on top of the treats like so and i close it up now if you’re just starting you could leave the lid open uh you want to do it progressively and slowly you don’t want to make your dog nervous now watch this and then we oh there he goes he’s already getting into it so now he has to go in there and dig out the treats oh he’s more interested in me i don’t have them there there we go there you go and then what he’s doing is he’s using his natural foraging skills he’s using his scent skills which is very natural for a dog look at him getting there and now he’s digging which if you have a dog that loves to dig this is a good way to satisfy that desire this is such a great thing to do for puppies look at him dig in there look at his body right now how stinking cute is that and what i love about this is this is also socialization what do i mean by that dogs get super nervous many times putting their head inside of something it’s not a naturally comfortable position to be in so if you can get your dog to do this naturally and be comfortable with it it’s a really great way to build their confidence now i want you to try this wallace can you place yes good boy i took some of the same treats or you can use their food i put him on a p-l-a-c-e good weight and the rules on place are he cannot get off he can have one paw dangling off but he can’t bark or jump up or whine and he has to wait there there until i release him then i take some of the treats and i break them up into little pieces and he’s watching me do this so even me setting this up which takes just a few seconds it just takes me longer because i talk a lot is getting him to engage his mind because he has to hold that impulse to jump out then i take a bunch of their toys i’m going to use the bark box toys and i scatter them around the room we always do as we get the new shipment in and i put them all around in different spots good way you see how he’s having to hold back this is working his mind and enriching him good boy yes i’m reinforcing him i’ll give him a little treat for staying there and being good and then i’ll take little bits of the treats and he’ll watch me do this and i’ll take the treats and i’ll put it right under the toy okay we’re gonna call this hide and treat take a little treat put it under the toy i love doing this with different toys because it adds a different layer of complexity which is why i love getting these toys every single month and again big thanks to barkbox for sponsoring this video i’m just a huge fan because it just gives me all this opportunity to work with my dogs and engage with them so that i have another treat and you could do this with their food too and i’m just putting it right under the toy and he’s in a good weight and he’s calm then we’re gonna free wally good boy and now he’s good to go dig out the treats there he goes there you go there you go good job so there he goes engaging it again this is a fun party trick you can do when you have friends and family come over it keeps them busy it gets them tired it gets everybody watching and of course for a little shameless plug everything i’ve been doing here with hand feeding or doing snuffle type toys or enrichment toys or giving some healthy treats is part of my merch line i just launched a team no dog bowl which means that during meal time we actually don’t love always using plain regular dog bowls during meal time we love to give our dog activities like this to feed them their food so that they get engagement and mental stimulation and enrichment every single day even if we’re just using slow feeder type toys or kong type toys or activities like we showed today so this is linked below if you do love this if you’ve learned anything in this video and you’re on a mission to have a healthier happier pet just like i am please click that subscribe button it makes a world of difference and comment below which of these you plan to do next with your dog now i want to talk more about the place cue and how we use that to stop jumping barking even pulling on leash jumping on guests barking out the window click the video right here and i’ll jump over with you there to do that together or if you want to learn more about some of my favorite foods for dogs click the video right here and i hope you have a beautiful day [Music] …
Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈