basic puppy obedience Training
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hi everybody I hope you are well today’s video is about the 10 basic commands every dog owner should know and the first and one of the most important is getting your dog to come to you very important because if your dog is off lead and it won’t come when you’re called they can get up to Mischief or worse they could get in trouble or in danger so it’s very important to teach your dog to come to you when called so how can you do that well first start off on a short lead don’t give the dog too much Freedom until they listen to you on a short lead and here you can practice calling them to you Sky come if she comes your dog comes give them a treat a praise if they don’t come you could use the lead and bring them and show them what you’re asking once they come to you 100 of the time on short lead then it’s time to practice on a long lead and again same process have your dog on a long lead if your dog comes give them a treat or some praise if they don’t come bring them in with a long lead once you’ve perfected that the next is off lead and again the same process you call your dog to you Sky come if you won’t come then I would have walked off but obviously don’t do this when there’s distractions around first build up get that right and then slowly get closer distractions over time next up number two is teaching your dog to sit now teaching your dog to sit can be very handy when your dog’s not listening and you need them to stay put so to teach a dog sit you can use treats or perhaps just praise and use your body language to show them what you mean so I’m going to ask guy to sit now Skye come Sky sits good girl and see how I put my hand back naturally and then she goes back into that seating position so I’ll show that once more sky come here darling good girl sit there we go go girl good girl okay number three is stay stay again is very important because that could potentially stop her from being hurt or at the very least you’ve got good control of your dog when you get them to stay put somewhere so to teach your dog stay what you could do is put your hand out to communicate I want you to stay there there and you’ll say the word stay and then take a couple of steps back stay I take a couple of steps back you could do it again stay then when she’s staying you can release your hand and call her to you come good girl well done Skye good girl and number four is teaching your dog to walk to heel now this is so important because if you take your dog out for walks and they’re beside of you or behind you it’s a nice relaxing walking your dog’s not too stressed as well but if your dog is pulling to get to every dog or pulling to smell everything it can get quite stressful so to teach your dog to heal walk around practice in the house first and if your dog ends up pulling you’ll stop you’ll bring the dog back turn them around get them behind you again this has got the reset wait for them to come and then move on again and what you can practice is speeding up is slowing down it’s speeding up and stopping and just getting them in the habit of following your pace in your direction I promise you if you get this one in it’ll make your life so much more comfortable with your dog number five is getting your dog to heal off lead now this could be very important because you may be going past joggers or skateboarders and your dog’s off lead you want to walk past them with your dog listening to you now to do this you again would call your dog over to you Skye come good girl good girl heal and I’m just showing her where I want it to be and then as I’m walking heal good girl now because we’ve practiced this on short lead and because recall is already good this is quite an easy thing to put together but let’s say she didn’t listen for example and she did decide to go in front well you’re using your hand as you would the short lead and you’re just bringing them back if they went in front and putting them back into position and then reinforcing what you’re asking again Skye heal come on heal good girl number six is teaching the look at me response now this one’s important because if your dog’s totally distracted by something else you can get their attention back onto you by touching your nose and saying look at me so I’ll just give you an example of that Skye come come here good girl good girl what’s this said good girl look at me this guy look at me good girl good girl well done good girl so yeah you just point to your face you say look at me once they look at you you then reward them with either praise or a treat okay and number seven is teaching the leave command now this is also a very important command because there’s going to be things your dog is going to pick up and you will not want them to pick up that could be other people’s food that could be stuff of other dogs on the floor so to teach the leave use the word but say it quite assertively like leave like you really mean it you can even put a bit of body language in there as well so I’m just going to practice this with sky at the moment I’m just going to throw a bit of food on the floor nope she knows not to go for it she’s already thinking okay so I’m just going to tap my foot to kind of show as you can go for it it’s just leave Skye leave you see how my body language and my hand went down leave and then I want to give her the cue that she can actually have it come on then good girl number eight is stop this is necessary in case your dog is doing something you don’t want them to do here is Sky chewing her bed and I wanted to stop so I say or you could say stop if your dog doesn’t stop then your words need backing up with actions by either gently moving them away from what they are doing or putting them in another room so they know you mean it number nine is away if your dog is near you whilst you are eating exercising or cooking and you don’t want them around say away if they do not move away again move them away so they know what you mean number 10 is off if your dog is somewhere they shouldn’t be tell them off if they do not listen move them off so they know you mean it so there are my 10 basic commands I hope you learn and utilize them with your dog for more tips and training Please Subscribe if you found that video useful please like and share bye for now foreign [Music] …
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