The Only Cure for Imposter Syndrome (*This Book Works*)

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there’s one single thing really one single belief or mindset that you need to master in order to totally cure imposter syndrome me me give that to me I want to know that right now you’re in luck because we’re gonna get into it right now [Music] hey hey Courtney Sanders here welcome back to my channel if you’re new to me I’m a full-time online life and business coach as well as wife and mom I wear all the hats and do all the things but I wouldn’t have been able to do all the things or even get to the level that I am right now or let alone start my business had I not mastered overcoming imposter syndrome and I know how much of a struggle that can be especially when you do want to start your online business you want to coach others you want to share your expertise but you have this nagging thing in the back of your head that’s like uh but can I really do it how do I overcome this so I really was thinking about this because I know that so many people struggle with this especially so many women struggle with this and I realize that there’s one single thing really one single belief or mindset that you need to master in order to totally cure imposter syndrome and so if you’re wondering what that is because you’re like me me give that to me I want to know that right now you’re in luck because we’re going to get into it right now all right so when you ask most people why they feel like an imposter or you know you’re so successful or you’re so smart you know what you’re doing you know you want to start this business and help others why do you feel like an imposter I find that It ultimately boils down to them believing that they are someone else other than who they desire to be I’ll say that again imposter syndrome ultimately boils down to believing that you are someone else other than who you desire to be which makes sense because if you are trying to start an online coaching business and you’re like okay I’m gonna put myself out there and I’m gonna put myself out as a coach or an expert or a personal brand or whatever if you see yourself as not that person but then you’re trying to be that person and sell those things yes you’re going to have like some dissonance there because you don’t see yourself as that person and so this kind of could sound like splitting hairs but the single thing that you have to learn to do is to see yourself as the person that you want to be from the outset right and I find that a lot of women especially have this false belief that they’re not allowed to see themselves as the person they ultimately want to be because they look at their lives and they’re like well I don’t have the things that that person would have right how can I say that I am you know a great coach when I don’t have all of these clients or I don’t have you know all of this money in the bank or I don’t have all of these things not realizing that all of those things are actually an outflowing of you deciding the type of person that you want to be and I’m recognizing this because if I’m honest this is something that I mastered at a really early age because this was you know preached to me by my family right I think both my parents have been really instrumental in really instilling that self-confidence but especially my mom really Drilling in me that you decide the person that you want to be and then you operate from that person and all the things in your life will start to kind of Orient to you being that person and operating in that identity but I find that so many people have it backwards where they’re like well I don’t I can’t operate in that identity because I don’t have all the things right I don’t have all the trappings of what that person would have not realizing that the reason you don’t have all the trappings of the things that that person would have is because you didn’t decide to be that person from the outset so I know this can sound kind of like wait what so I’ll give you an example even just in my college Journey so if you’ve been watching my channel for any amount of time maybe you’ve even sorted my channel by like most popular videos and you’re like what the heck are all these like hair care videos I just want the coaching videos well I actually got started like decades ago not decades but probably about 15 years ago first trying to build a hair care business and um that did not go well but that’s why I was doing the hair care videos because I was you know trying to I guess be a hair blogger and like promote myself I don’t know but anyway that first business failed but not only did it fail my college grades failed in fact I had a full ride engineering scholarship and I had stopped going to class in order to build this hair care business which is a very dumb thing to do if you were an engineering major because that’s one major where you absolutely need to be in class and so by not being in class obviously I was failing a lot of tests and so my GPA plummeted and I ended up getting my scholarship revoked and so that was like very traumatic to me and I had to spend all this time working my way back into school and getting another scholarship and kind of getting my grades back together but what was really interesting was one thing that I realized that I needed to do was I had to decide to be an a student before my transcript reflected that I mean think about it so many of us in life are like no I’m not going to go to class I am not going to you know ask the professor questions I’m not going to do my homework because that’s that’s a student type stuff I’m not going to be a student until my report card or my transcript says that I have an A but that’s not how it works in fact I was an a student for about two whole semesters before my transcript actually reflected it right because it takes time right for the grades to turn around and for the averages you know to average out for my GPA to rise back up but when my transcript or my report card actually said that was that I was an a student I had been acting and operating like that person for at least two semesters prior to it showing up on my transcript I said what does an a student do how does an a student think how does an a student behave let me show up as that person even though my transcripts right now doesn’t say that I’m that person but let me show up as that person and understand that the more that I continue to show up as that person I’m an a student right now my transcripts will just catch up and so I think that that is the key key differentiator that so many people need to understand not just in business but really in life the moment you decide to be the person and you start operating as that person you are that person even if the circumstances are catching up right if you want to be a millionaire business owner the moment you decide and start operating as that millionaire business owner you will in actuality Be A Millionaire business owner before the money actually shows up in your bank account for me to hit my first seven figure year I had to operate as a seven-figure entrepreneur before the seven figures showed up in my bank account but when was I a seven figure entrepreneur did it did I magically become a Seven figure your entrepreneur just when the money showed up or was I actually a seven figure entrepreneur in terms of my identity before the money actually showed up in in the bank account it works this way with everything if you want to be you know a fit and healthy person in fact I remember I was really struggling to get back on my fitness game after I had my daughter because I was tired right who isn’t tired as a new mom um and you know we were working through the whole sleep schedule thing but once we finally got her in a position where she was kind of sleeping through the night and going to sleep more consistently I think it was around nine months I noticed that I did have the energy to jump back into workouts but because my identity was still very much wrapped up in this like oh I’m like a tired mom you know I don’t want to do that I kept making excuses it was so easy for me to not hop on my Peloton bike you guys know that I’m a super fan of Peloton and I ride my Peloton all the time it was very easy for me to make excuses not to do that because my identity was still trapped in this like frazzled Haggard like new mom and because that was the identity that I was operating under I found that I couldn’t do things things that were not within that identity however one day I had a realization you know I think I was getting my makeup done for a branding shooter different things that we were doing and people were recognizing me from YouTube and I had a realization of like oh my goodness I’m like a public figure this is so bizarre right and I have been spotted out on the street I was actually flying to South Africa for my retreat that I did back in February and the guy at the checkout counter like next to me was like are you on YouTube I feel like I recognized you so shout out to if you’re the guy that saw me in the Houston airport but you know I get recognized a lot more frequently now and so I think just everything that was going on that day and with me like having this realization I was like oh my goodness I’m like a public figure and with that I was like hmm I’m a public figure I should probably get it together and like be more consistent with my workout routine so that I can be in shape and don’t you know it was like night and day it was so much easier for me to be consistent I magically stopped making excuses why identity shift all I needed was that identity shift of no I’m not a tired frazzled Haggard Mom I’m actually a public figure it was much easier for me to work out consistently as a public figure because that falls in line with the identity of what a public figure does so again if you are struggling with imposter syndrome really this boils down to a a self-image and an identity issue right and so you have to learn to identify with the person that you are Desiring to be before the circumstances validate that identity because there’s always a lag right you operate as the person and then the things in the Life show up right you you do the things financially and then it shows up in your bank account you do the things from you know a grade standpoint as a student and then the grades show up on your transcript but you are that person the moment you start deciding and start acting as you are that person again everything really just starts to to show up and so one thing that I’ll leave you with is one of my favorite books ever that I talk about a lot if you’re really struggling with this and you’re like I want to cure imposter syndrome like trust me read this book I don’t have any affiliate links women I’ll find an affiliate link right maybe like an Amazon link and we’ll put it in the in the description but I don’t know the author like I have no connection to this book whatsoever but this is my book okay it’s not my book but I own this book and I feel like you know this book is just everything and I’ve taken so many notes on it and if you’re like oh Courtney I hear what you’re saying I want to believe it but it’s just hard for me trust me read this book it really validates everything and so one quote that I’ll leave you with from the book is human beings always act and feel and perform in accordance with what they imagine to be true about themselves and their environment right I’ll say that again human beings always act and feel and perform in accordance with what they imagined to be true about themselves and their environment therefore if you want to act in a different way and you want to act according to who you want to be and not according into this imposter syndrome that you were dealing with it’s really important that you change how you see yourself and how you see your environment because everything really flows from that so this is the only cure I know for imposter syndrome hopefully this was really helpful to you if it is actually talk about this and more in depth inside of my program the package this is like one of my favorite programs ever we put it together not too long ago it had some really amazing trailers and everything for it but I basically everything I just talked about and everything that we talk about in this book I really put that from a business and from a marketing context and how to show up as that person even though you are waiting on the clients to show up or you’re waiting on you know whatever you’re waiting on the followers how do you show up as the person that you ultimately want to be and then attract followers and clients and hire ticket clients and higher pricing how do you attract all that to you I teach you that inside of the package so you’re interested to learn more about that you can click the link below to learn more about that program but I hope you enjoyed this video I hope it was eye-opening for you if it was don’t forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe and if you can’t wait for my next video definitely subscribe to my podcast the Courtney Sanders show on both iTunes and Spotify if you can’t wait for my next podcast episode or my next YouTube video make sure you are following me on Instagram it’s Courtney L Sanders on Instagram and with that I’ll see in the next video bye foreign …