The Cure for the Chronic Life – Deanna Favre and Shane Stanford

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uh several years ago I had the opportunity to meet Deanna Favre no matter what she’s accomplished no matter what she has in this world she’s always so humble it’s always so quiet and we talked about our stories and we realized that during her struggle with uh cancer and uh and also in her healing that she had sort of Taken on a life that was more chronic than she knew it was more than just about living a chronic physical life she had been living a chronic spiritual and emotional and relational life and I knew that I had been through the same things and we just offand said you know we ought to write a book about how to you know Live Through The Chronic life you were tough I mean you through the 1990s being a single mom and dad git you were going to you were going to survive with or without Brett you wanted to survive with Brett and then you went through the addiction and you kind of helped him write that ship um but you had become so strong and then you prayed and and I think this is so funny because I remember doing the same thing I remember thinking when Lord you know I’m I’m strong I’m tough expand my boundaries and now I’m wondering is there like a reverse pray I can God rce my boundaries we sent it to some Publishers and found a publisher who liked the idea of us telling our story together but then also sharing what we felt were the principles that God had given to our lives to be able to not only survive that chronic nature but to Prevail against it God wants you to be cured of a chronic life God doesn’t want to just treat you for the chronic uh existence he wants to he wants to cure you of that it’s not a complicated formula but but if you think about it this is what Dean and I realized if you think about it God’s not complicated it just I would love to get back to the Simplicity of of that life M and not care about you know what shoes someone has on or what jacket or handbag they’re carrying who cares it’s just stuff it is they’re just things and it doesn’t belong to us like like your mom always said it can be complicated God could have made it so Out Of Reach for any of us but God didn’t um he made it a simple simple formula for us to be able to get out of ourselves to connect to our brothers and sisters and that would not only rejuvenate our lives but it becomes a regeneration uh of of our community life together I don’t ever question that now but you know for a long time I was like why did I stay with him why am I going through all of this and I don’t want to be in the spotlight this book has been a journey into itself and it’s been a great journey but more than anything we we wrote this book because we don’t want people we don’t want you to go through the the same difficulties that we went through if we can help you not go through them if we can give you a heads up on how to avoid certain turns and twists in the road and trust that God has something better that there’s a new normal and that God wants something different for your life and so we hope that this will indeed be a cure for uh The Chronic nature that hits all of us …