How I Cured a Previously Uncured Autoimmune Condition Through Changing My Thoughts

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hey i’ like to welcome you to another episode of mission matters my name is Adam Torres and if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show just head on over to Mission and click on Be Our Guest to apply all right so today I have Clinton Crawford on the line and he is an EOS implementor over at EOS worldwide and he also runs several young entrepreneur support groups in Southern California which we’re going to get into um first off hey Clinton just welcome to the show thanks Adam I’m very stoked to be a part and be on Mission matters all right so uh so we met uh was it this week no last week man time is flying Clinton we met over at the Newport Beach investor conference man how was it I had a ball H how was your time oh that was an awesome conference I personally loved the fact that there was an outdoor Sona and cold plunge to be able to do something for your health at an event like that I I have yet to see that so that was really cool I was amazing oh man I did uh well first off I was working so I I’ll be I’ll be a candid I didn’t know about that that dang thing I was behind a booth promoting the show and uh and you know doing what I do but but I didn’t know I would have partook I didn’t even know that was there was that that big tent yeah that probably was should have came and grabbed you that was my bad man ah no it’s okay it’s okay um all right well that being said let now now that I missed out on that no just playing um let’s get so today’s topic for everybody that’s listening um we’re going to be talking about um we’ll be talking about of course some EOS and really one of the things that I’m really interested in about your story is how you know you you were able to work through an autoimmune condition by really changing your thoughts and changing your mind like like where do you want to start with that one like that that’s a big one yeah no for sure that’s definitely a lot to unpack there but I kind of want to start with that one with backtracking so I was at the time 27 I was a VP of sales at a health and wellness startup and running my own medical record review business at the same time doesn’t sound like you were very busy to me no I didn’t really have much going on go ahead go ahead and as I’m on the leadership team of this company they Implement EOS the entrepreneurial operating system into the company and I fell in love with this process because it was a simplified approach to helping scale an organization I loved it so much that I started implementing it to my own business while being the VP of this company and it un it opened Pandora’s Box and I saw all the things that I didn’t realize I had done wrong so I’m working way more than I had been initially and at the time going through relationship issues with a girl that I had been dating and living with and my entire life i’ had been a very intentional individual managed my stress well never let things really get to me too much and I kind of hit a breaking point and I wasn’t equipped to to handle that level of stress so at the time you know there’s a woo there’s a woooo component to this I want to just just let’s go to that that just a little bit longer let’s let’s hang on that part because I I feel like there’s a lot of um you know entrepreneurs and people that you know I mean we’re post-pandemic there’s some other things happening in many lives a lot of disruption like and I I just I appreciate you sharing that that’s all I appreciate you sharing that because it’s not always easy to talk about that so go ahead please didn’t you yeah no so at this time you know I’m living in Southern California I’m 27 you know the social life is you know a lot going on and I hadn’t been drinking a ton but I drank with my friends going out and I felt that I needed to make some sort of change in my life wasn’t sure what that was but I knew I needed to do something different to get a different result and get control of my emotions and handle my stress better so I told hey you know why don’t you just stop drinking you’ll feel better the next morning you won’t feel like crap you’ll have more clarity and hopefully that will allow you to assess things more clearly so you know I set out this determination to be able to stop drinking and I just kept falling into peer pressure I never I just couldn’t do it and at the time the company I was with told me I needed to go through an energy clearing so I was like what in the world is an energy clearing so I’m like you know what it doesn’t matter like I might as well if I’m going to do this I have to I should probably give 100% effort because if you don’t go 100% you get nothing out of it so it’s like here’s the perfect opportunity for me to clear whatever blockages I have to find the willpower to stop drinking so I go into this energy clearing it’s a phone call with a random stranger um to me at least he had been brought on by the company and we’re just having a conversation there’s nothing special about it until he mentions the word mentors and I just broke down and cried for an hour and that’s not that’s not mymo it’s not what I normally do for sure so we start digging deeper and we kind of unearth that I was grieving the loss of this Mentor that I had had so when I was 14 I met a man who was 87 and we just had this instant Soul connection really unique relationship he was a human studies professor at a university in New Jersey which is where I’m from and his name was Richard and Richard and I would go for multi-hour walks on the boardwalk when I’m 14 and he explained to me kind of like the executive summary of his um human studies course and everything was just stuff that clicked to me it all made sense it was all things I thought before but never been able to verbalize which was obviously a unique situation looking back on it that I was able to con understand those Concepts so Richard had been very impactful in my life and understanding how to actually manifest things into your life which is a combination of thought process and action so super impactful kind of gave me a more clear path on how to achieve what I wanted in my life fast forward Richard passed away when I was 22 he was in his 90s I didn’t think much about it so this energy clearing was actually me grieving the loss of Richard and so super impactful and then the guy took me on what was called a hardcore meditation and this is the woo woo part but he basically said you’re going to go to this dimensional plane called the quantum which is a plane of existence where only Pure Energy exists without attachment to a physical form I’m in my head saying I have no idea what you’re talking about you sound ins this sounds super weird but you did this make me cry for an hour so I will concede and I’m I’m in like let’s do it I’ll go 100% again so we do it and I as crazy as it sounds um I fully transcended my body and entered to this different dimensional plane where there was only pure energetic existence it was just this dark space and the same feeling you get as if you’re about to like fall asleep in a warm room and someone passes through the room your eyes are closed you’re still a little conscious and you can feel something pass by you don’t know who it was but you know something was there so I’m in the quantum and he says open up the space for Richard to come to you and lo and behold I was had the opportunity to reconnect with Richard on an energetic level he was told me you know I love you you’re doing great I’m super proud of you I’ve been downloading everything you need to know along the journey you’re prepared for what’s ahead and then he leaves I come out of it being like what was that super just like that was the most insane thing I’ve ever experienced m and I’m like okay but like whoa what do I do with this information like that was really cool but I can’t even tell anybody about this because I sound absolutely insane as I probably do to a lot of people right now and basically the guy didn’t really give me much info so I was like okay I guess I’m just going to go back to living my life whatever and couple days go by I just gotten back from a trip I’d surfed in the ocean after it rained so there was a multitude of oper like Ables for me to get sick Peak Co time at this point and so I start getting sick I’m thinking it’s covid body aches chills fever the whole nine yards and then it started getting I started developing a shoulder pain and I was like man something’s up this doesn’t feel right and I go and I look in the mirror one morning and my body is completely yellow so I’m experiencing an episode of jaice I’m like okay this stomach pain is starting to make a lot more sense now and and go to the hospitals the doctors run a bunch of tests and they come back and I’m like in a probably like a nine out of 10 pain very uncomfortable oh my gosh they’re like you just had an episode of liver therosis and I was like oh okay well why do why they start asking couple more questions and then we come to the conclusion they’re like we think you have this rare autoimmune liver condition um called primary sclerosing colangitis PSC for short and they’re like you’re going to have these serotic liver episodes every year to two years and if you want to control the severity of them you can never drink or do drugs again I’m like come again they’re like you can never drink or do drugs again and I was like are you kidding me that’s the coolest thing I’ve ever heard of I’m excited yeah I just went through this energy clearing and had a connection with a dead mentor and he tells me prepared for what’s ahead I was looking for The Willpower to stop drinking I was like this is the most aligned scenario I’ve ever heard of I was like cool done deal this is supposed to happen like end of story and my whole life I grew up very privileged I my father’s a physician I grew up in a Suburban upper class neighborhood on the beach I’ve never I’m I’m a white guy like I’ve never had trials or tribulations there’s been nothing but opportunity and open doors and I recognize that mhm but I’ve been told by Richard if your character goes untested it remains undefined so I was kind of like I need something really messed up to happen to me I need something bad to happen otherwise I’ll never actually know who I am like I got to put it to the test can I be this positive guy who can overcome anything it’s kind of hard to tell if you don’t have to overcome anything yeah so all these things line up and I go this is my challenge I will this disease into existence so like now it’s time to take it head on so I’m prepared I’m like let’s do it they’re like well you don’t do anything and I was like what do you mean they’re like this disease is understudied underfunded um the only thing that we know about this disease is that you’re going to have these theerotic liver episodes and in 20 to 25 years you’re going to get cancer or you’re going into total liver failure 100% chance oh wow and I and I’m 27 at the time that’s a pretty geez that’s young age you’re like so wait a minute I’m not going to make it to 50 yeah so like obviously a bunch of thoughts raced through my head but then I just come back to everything that just lined up for this I was like doesn’t matter I got this this is my challenge so like let’s backrack why do you think I got sick they’re like well you sounds like you were stressed out for a really long period of time and I was like yeah they’re like well you most likely our guess is you increased your cortisol levels shifted your biochemistry and then your Gene started interfacing differently with your biochemistry because of the change and you turned on a predisposed Gene and I had really cool doctors that were very upfront with me so I was like I got sick because of the way I thought and my thought process because that’s the only reason you can get stressed you’re like well yeah they’re like we know that sounds crazy and I was like okay so if I change the way that I think I could in theory change my biochemistry again and reverse the disease they were like I guess yeah but like we don’t know how you do that and then from there the decision was made that was now my mission nothing else mattered besides curing this disease and changing my thought process so I started getting really detailed about my life because my life depended on it so I started looking at you know I knew I was on the right path to the level of success I wanted but the only thing that I needed to shift was my perspective my activities in the day-to-day weren’t going to change where I was living wasn’t going to change nothing besides just purely how I viewed it all so I started diving in and I said okay I have to bring awareness to how all of my external influences in my life affect me energetically and emotionally from worst to the best from things I enjoy doing to the work things that I hate and once I gained an awareness of understanding how all of those things affected me emotionally and energetically then I had an understanding and once I had an understanding of how those things affected me I was able to in act with intention and start changing the placement of activities based off of how they affected me emotionally and energetically so then I could reframe myself properly because I had an awareness and understanding and through this process you know there was a lot of tools that I had to come up with on my own but also going through EOS at the time the entrepreneur operating system there’s a lot of people management tools within it that I actually saw as an opportunity to modify for my own personal life because they were structured and objective because I had to take an objective approach to managing my emotions so I was able to lean on some of the tools like a people land anzer um a 10year goal and really starting to dive in uh understand how I could objectively view these very emotional things in my life and started documenting this process once I started documenting the process I was like okay if you can figure this out dude you’re going to have something really valuable that you can share with the world and other people that can be super positive yeah so after a year and a half um of taking myself through all these different EX exercises getting blood work done regularly MRIs by anually and checking with my doctors the key indicators that give you um an understanding to the state of your of the disease is your liver enzymes the only indicators they currently have and after a year and a half I was effectively able to bring my liver enzymes back to Baseline because normally they stay elevated and the doctors told me you know we’re not really sure what did but whatever you did brought you back to normal wow and we’ve never seen someone do that before so whatever you’re doing keeping working oh man yeah it was a powerful thing and since then I’ve done I called it my intentional lifestyle design I’ll eventually come up with a better name but I’ve done it with over 50 CEOs I’ve um done a couple International Keynotes on the topic because like my mission is to be able to share this program with other people to be able to help them just have a full awareness of how their outside world affects their internal so they can live a more intentional life and how was your I’m I’m curious like during this whole time I mean wow you must have had a an amazing support system I mean this is a lot to go through at 27 I feel like like being diagnosed and all these other things like how how was the support system around you like I this is uh this is deep yeah I think you know my family is crazy crazy supportive you know every wild Endeavor I’ve ever taken supported me through it which has been really really lucky and I have a great group of friends um and a lot of it was the support system was fantastic from the core of it um but and you can’t do anything without other people truly course it is it takes a village but a lot of it I did have to go inside myself and kind of just be like hey you need to learn how to be your own support system here and like really learn how to calm yourself down and get your own mind right because that was the objective like no one else could change my perspective for me it was really only me but you know it was a scary thing for sure but I had a great you know great family great friends yeah so I was very very lucky to have that I’m sure if I didn’t have my family on my side and they weren’t as supportive as they were or the close friends that I had you know I told sparingly I told people slowly because it wasn’t something I felt that needed to be shared with a bunch of people yeah I started getting all my friends sending me books and cook books and all these different mindset books and Joe despenza books so I I had an in incoming flow of just you know a lot of appreciation and gratitude for all my friends that’s awesome and I feel like I feel like um you know as you as you shared and you saw that feedback like that must have been not gratifying from the standpoint of you want to go through anything like this but just understanding like the what like that support system and even have additional appreciation for those in your life so I think it’s a it’s an amazing story and I I do want to jump around a little bit here Clinton so I I want to spend a little bit of time with what we have left here getting into your um the support the speaking of support groups and now from what I’ve known in our couple of conversations we have some of this other stuff makes sense like why you would uh why you would run uh um entrepreneur support groups and why you put yourself out there and you’re a connector of sorts in the in the community of entrepreneurs so maybe talk to me a little bit about the about the um what you’re doing with entrepreneurs in uh SoCal yeah for sure so you know as I’m going through my EOS Journey I’d gone through being a VP having my own company it was it was a lonely road being younger and doing something like that a lot of your friends are working nine to fives which there’s no there’s nothing wrong with that but they just couldn’t relate to a lot of the things that I was dealing with the stressors the problems um didn’t have a lot of people to lean on that understood the stage of life that I was at you know you obviously have mentors that are older which is great they have a bunch of wisdom but like what we’re experiencing today at this age is a different world than your mentors experienced at that age so I didn’t have a bunch of people to lean on from that perspective I tried finding networking groups in Southern California I tried finding you know I just couldn’t find anything where I was like these people are doing the stuff that I would do on my own and they’re the type of people that I’d want to spend my time with I couldn’t find that combination anywhere so I just decided that you know the age-old quote be the change you want to see in the world I was like there’s got to there has to be other people that are feeling like I am so I started reaching out to all the young entrepreneurs that I knew talking to anyone who was connected with young entrepreneurs and telling them that I was doing these groups where I bring them to um a breath work studio in Carl’s bad and we do called breathe degrees and what we’ll do is we do a breath work session that’s a guided one and then we’ll do a cold plunge together in a group tub and then after we’ve done that we sit down for dinner and I facilitate a um kind of like Mastermind Round Table everyone will bring up what their business is who they are a win personal and professional and then everyone raises up their largest Challenge and each person gets 10 minutes and the group helps um walk that person through that issue by asking questions and I will facilitate that I do it um virtually for international people that I know and then I run several groups in San Diego and I’m part of a couple up in Los Angeles as well but it’s kind of like the whole objective is to create a trauma bond in in it’s a funny word but or phrase a trauma bond that brings everyone together to have a common shared experience that lowers their walls and brings everyone together so that way we can have a more open discussion about the things in our business and it’s something that the objective is to create friendships of course you know it’s not to facilitate any business of anything like that it’s purely to create a support group of friends that you can call when you have a problem or you need a referral for something you can know these people have your best interest in mind so that’s what I’ve been doing in uh Southern California because it’s been super beneficial for me selfishly to have this group of people that are there supporting me yeah I’m a I’m a big fan I mean I love um that’s part of why I do what I do is I just I love bringing together the entrepreneurial Community I love you know connecting people and seeing them do you know great things and I feel like just being an entrepreneur is hard enough doing it on by yourself is uh it’s it’s hard like it’s not it’s not an easy thing even and so to bring these PE bring people together because even outside of you know your teams and the people that work for you right like you need those other you that commonality of other entrepreneurs that are out there doing the same thing because you know it’s different it’s different and having that support group can not only help in making uh you successful from the standpoint of exchanging best practices resources ideas um but also just enhance your quality of living like and just make sure that like hey this is this it’s hard enough to be an entrepreneur and go out here and do this route so at least while you’re on that journey I like the word you said it’s trauma Bond I like that I feel like all all of us entrepreneurs have a certain level of a trauma Bond going in the ecosystem of Entrepreneurship because we experience things differently for sure um so this is a more I would argue concentrated version of that where you get to not just be part of the quote unquote Collective but um but uh you know to build you know real meaningful friendships and relationships so um Clinton I I think what you’re doing is great there um we’re about we’re about out of time for this episode but I know you have so much more to give um so that being said I there’s a bunch of people listening right now that are going to want to hear more about you know your story more about the the support groups and the entrepreneurship groups you have more about EOS uh worldwide so uh in short how do people connect how do they follow up with you Clinton 100% And I appreciate your time today as well so the best way to reach me would be at my email which is clinton. Crawford eosworldwide [Music] docomo is so crawfish and Then followed by is anyone can reach me on there if they have um any interest in learning more about the entrepreneurial support groups more of my story or if they’re interested in the entrepreneur operating system for their organization or just learning more about what it is they can reach me there wonderful and uh for everybody listening to this we’ll put of course put Clinton’s info in the show notes and uh so you can connect with him on social media or otherwise and speaking to the audience if this is your first time with us and you haven’t hit that subscribe button hey this is a daily show each and every day we’re bringing you new entrepreneurs new stories um new insights and uh we don’t want you to miss anything so definitely hit that subscribe button because we got a whole lot more uh to give and programmed for you over here and if you’ve been listening for a long time and haven’t left that review uh you already know I’ve already asked you at least once once once a day for the last couple months you better get that review in there and uh Clinton again thank you so much for coming on the show it’s really been a pleasure he thanks again Adam …