Healing Trauma While Navigating A Custody Case | Heal Your Body Cure Your Mind | Dr. Ameet

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hi there everybody it’s wendy hernandez and welcome to the command the courtroom show today i have a really special guest for you dr amit and dr amit is a very accomplished naturopathic doctor he’s a psychotherapist he’s a homeopath emdr and family constellations therapist he’s the best-selling author of heal your body cure your mind it’s available in six languages you can get it on amazon it has fantastic reviews you have to check it out we’re going to talk more about that during the interview dr amit was voted one of the top 43 therapists worldwide and today he and i are going to talk about as you navigate through your case if you’re a victim of abuse or you suffer from ptsd how you can get through your case and deal with the effects that you’re experiencing and go on to heal your body and cure your mind so thank you dr amit for being here with us today and welcome to the show thank you very much wendy and thanks everyone for tuning in um i just want to connect with your heart with a pulse of love as you’re listening so thank you thank you dr meat so you and i were talking for a few minutes offline and i was describing um the people who listen to my show who watch my show and also the types of clients that i deal with on a daily basis and as you know i’m a family law attorney and i deal with a lot of clients who are victims of abuse and who i’m working with and who are now trying to navigate case on their own a case on their own or being single parents and also now co-parent with somebody who’s an abuser and what i’ve experienced is a lot of my clients and i know a lot of people who listen to this show sometimes feel overwhelmed by the effects of the abuse for example they might feel depressed they might feel anxious a lot of them have i know physical issues i know one of them suffers from chronic physical issues one of my viewers who’s listening right now um and so i you know really wanted to have you on the show to talk with all of us about how people can navigate um through the trauma to get through their case and get on to heal their lives and i know you discussed this within your book so can you talk a little bit about why trauma might cause some of these effects like depression anxiety loss of memory ptsd etc absolutely absolutely so trauma is a big event in your life yeah it’s a sense of being overwhelmed and inability to cope sometimes trauma is what happens to us from the outside and also within you right so often people think it’s the sexual abuse or the physical abuse but also look what happens within you there’s a dissociation there’s fear there’s rejection there’s negative thinking there’s a drop in self-esteem right there’s a collapse of your personality there’s a change in behavior yeah so those are all elements of trauma as well that you have to cope with as you try and find your way back to your authentic original self and a sense of self love and confidence and this space that you’re in of being traumatized you know you go through a lot of loss of self-worth a lot of self-doubt and you make the wrong decisions or you’re scared of making the decisions because you don’t trust yourself anymore and you feel this lack of support in your life it’s like oh gosh am i doing the right thing or not because your foundation has been broken yeah or you don’t have the the support or background of either your family or your ancestors or any any family energy or support really yeah and so that leaves this empty feeling or lack of self-confidence and in that gap then it’s really hard to move forward because like you’re grasping for information but your soul your body is so scared of you know clicking that button or making the decision or writing that sentence down because other intrusive thoughts creep in and i’ll explain why all this happens okay yes please so when you’re traumatized any any experience that feels threatening to you or overwhelming sends you in what we call a fight-or-flight response and the fight-or-flight response is your way of escaping from danger right your way of running away from the threatening lion in the old days and the fight-or-flight response basically gets your body to produce adrenaline and cortisol these hormones and produced by your adrenal glands and unfortunately people in abusive marriages and abusive relationships are stuck in them for a very long time and they might or might not also have a history of childhood trauma what we call adverse childhood experiences aces and childhood traumas when left unresolved plus the trauma of abusive relationships and non-working marriages and the stigma of divorce etc and financial stresses all of these compound onto your nervous system and they burn your nervous system out and you go into what we call adrenal fatigue or just burnout and when that happens basically the chemical messages the the cortisol and adrenaline that’s meant to be produced in in a nice rhythm in your body now gets disrupted distorted and you get a cortisol and adrenaline balance and when that happens all your brain chemicals start dropping serotonin dopamine melatonin and gaba these are brain chemicals that help fight depression anxiety insomnia chronic fatigue etc and also motivation low motivation so when these start dropping you go into these ocd behaviors self-doubt low self-esteem depression anxiety tearfulness and small tasks now feel overwhelming for you so you break down in tears easily feeling of unsupport or ungroundedness yeah because you’re depleted and there’s things you can easily do to fix this and i talk about this in the book in the online course and i’ll give you some tips yeah oh please wonderful i mean all of this is resonating uh with me so much because i i watch my clients go through this i hear from this about this from my viewers so thank you i mean thank you for connecting the dots and helping at least me understand what’s going on i know you’re helping others so please let’s talk more about some of the tips that you put in your book or that you have in your book in your course about how people can start healing themselves okay first things first is of course to heal the trauma yeah so as a psychotherapist i use emdr family constellation therapy other psychotherapies to release the trauma because that problem is embedded in the nervous system and is controlling your response to life to your belief systems to the way you receive information from other people the way you engage with your ex partner the way you engage with your family or your parents etc right and because you’re traumatized you might feel weaker or more angry or insecure or compensated and all of these things drive your adrenal glands to burn out further yeah so very important is to do some simple tapping techniques emotional freedom technique i use emdr where we move the eyes from side to side and say certain sentences of course there you need a qualified therapist i’m happy to do online work with people of course and the other thing is also something i use often is called the havening technique a brilliant technique where you imagine like a beautiful scenery like a forest or the ocean or somewhere where you feel really supported and as you’re imagining this i’m i’m simplifying it but i just want to let people know that there’s really useful techniques out there that resolve trauma which is very different from psychology which puts you in analysis mode yeah so i do more trauma release and embodiment techniques and somatic experiencing techniques that release trauma rather than send you in an analysis mode in your mind that doesn’t let your body rest okay so the havening technique is another technique that i love where so you imagine it’s beautiful scene and then you start rubbing your arms up and down right just like you were you’d be as a baby a lot of babies when you’re young or something you’re comforted this way and the therapist will ask you to close your eyes and imagine the scene and i’ll count from 1 to 10 really slowly and with each count i’ll ask you to take a step in this scene or notice something beautiful or comforting in the scene it could be a flower it could be the sunset it could be a dolphin whatever it may be and as you’re doing this technique and the counting it helps the frontal cortex the thinking part of your brain connect with the emotional memory the emotional charge of the old stuff in the past and there’s a resolution that takes place it takes you out of the fight-or-flight state and your nervous system calms down and when your nervous system calms down your adrenal glands have a chance to rest and when they rest then they build up slowly and when they build up slowly then your cortisol levels come into balance and your brain chemicals come into balance and that’s one way of treating the root cause of anxiety depression is to remove the traumatizing information from your nervous system that’s driving you deeper and deeper into anxiety and depression yeah more than relying on pills and supplements etc and i’ll get to supplements because those are super important as well but it’s very important to resolve the emotional charge may i ask a question about that um so this technique that you just described is this a technique that would help somebody when they are experiencing an overwhelming moment if they’re shutting down or is it something that’s effective over time um only over time or or both does that make sense yeah absolutely so i would say both i would say both because it does reduce overwhelm especially when you’ve done it properly with a therapist first and then you can practice it on your own time and then long term also yes because as you continue doing this and your body feels safer and safer and further and further away from the danger of the memories the painful memories you know that that sense of being further away or safer then rewires your brain automatically you get a different perspective a paradigm shift and like okay hang on sick i’m not under threat anymore or i realize how closed up i was or guarded i was and that relaxation then changes the nervous response in your entire body and then you go on living a bit differently and each day as you heal and you go on living differently and create more trust then you stop the fight-or-flight response going on that’s sending your adrenal glands into fatigue and then you’re more likely to stabilize your brain chemicals your cortisol levels and then therefore your brain chemicals got it thank you yeah and when i combine that sorry i combined that therapy then with naturopathic medicine where we use herbs and supplements to stabilize the adrenal system yeah because they need nourishment now because they’re burnt out and depleted so only therapy does not work from what i’ve seen personally they need to be rebuilt okay so with the adrenals um are there signs and symptoms that somebody is suffering from adrenal fatigue besides the anxiety the depression the sleeplessness um or if somebody’s experiencing the anxiety the depression the sleeplessness can can they be sure yes i’m suffering from adrenal fatigue or do you does it depend it depends it depends and that’s where it’s important to see a naturopathic doctor as well okay yeah and because they’re self-diagnosis just in a loop of like google searching supplements and you’re popping this supplement and that’s something but you’re not really treating the root cause yeah okay and people end up just getting disappointed sometimes sometimes they get help but sometimes they get disappointed or they’re on supplements for too long yes um somebody in anxiety and depression from an acute trauma and but they’ve had a stable life generally and they’re not fatigued beforehand then i wouldn’t say they’re in adrenal fatigue they just need to come out of that shock and trauma but people in innuos trauma and stress and financial issues and hard work whatever they’re likely burnt out and they might be carrying adrenal fatigue okay okay yes the other thing that contributes to adrenal fatigue is the diet and inflammation and toxicity and that’s what make a mistake of only taking adrenal supplements or only going for therapy right because you see what happens is another thing stresses your mind your brain chemicals and your adrenal glands and that’s inflammation now inflammation comes from the foods you eat and from the health of your intestines your gut your gut is like an um a tube a nice lining kept healthy by good bacteria and good food over time with antibiotic use poor diet etc this lining gets damaged the good bacteria get killed off then you get holes in your intestine toxins leak into your bloodstream cause inflammation everywhere leading cause for asthma exam arthritis all these chronic conditions oh wow right and then the chronic inflammation requires cortisol from your adrenal glands so chronic inflammation also stresses your adrenal glands to produce cortisol and therefore your adrenal glands burn out so inflammation plus chronic stress plus unresolved trauma which is stuck in your brain and driving you crazy all these things plummet plummet or yeah plummet your adrenal glands into just exhaustion and so you get this burnout feeling fatigue depression lack of will to live lack of will to function yeah low performance anxiety etc and also then this inflammation creates toxins which go to the liver and your liver is the master control of hormones and other brain chemicals and a lot of your brain chemicals are actually produced in your gut not your brain they’re produced by the good bacteria in your gut so now you’ve got a compromised gut so compromised brain chemical levels then you got a toxic liver and then when your liver stalks it produces less bile so then with less bile your gut your gut health is even worse because bile is this beautiful juice that helps with digestion so now you’re you’re the chemical production in your gut and therefore brain chemical production is all messed up you know yeah yeah yes that makes sense and then the liver controls the hormones and so when the liver is all stagnated or toxic then you get a hormonal imbalance usually progesterone deficiency or estrogen excess then a lot of women will get pms symptoms and worsening anxiety sadness depression insomnia etc yeah really about healing the mind and body together very very important yes so yes you i mean you just stated it perfectly it’s not um just one thing it’s you it’s a we as humans are a whole system and if we’re looking to heal ourselves we can’t just look to the mind or the body we need to take kind of an integrated approach is that what you’re saying absolutely absolutely and that’s why it’s important to see a naturopath and a psychotherapist together yeah or a naturopath who practiced hypertherapy yeah okay because you have to heal and release emotional trauma for your nervous system to resolve then you got to build up your body clean out your gut clean out your liver nourish your adrenal system then you get more stabilized then you make better decisions for yourself your confidence returns you can say stop to the abuser you can leave the abuser easily you know you can communicate differently with your parents and say look i need the support you know don’t shame me please you know a lot of a lot of cultures have a lot of shame around divorce and being alone and being a single person yeah and all these belief systems can be worked on so that you regain that sense of self-confidence really and certainty in yourself and you learn how to speak the right language to get the right type of support because a lot of people’s lives are miserable because of the lack of support in the right way of communicating once the right language comes out of your mouth you’ll have the right type of impact on a person your life changes yes okay i agree 100 so question for the person who’s watching this and right now is feeling overwhelmed and they’re thinking oh my gosh i have to find a naturopath oh my gosh uh i have to go to psychotherapy oh my gosh like oh it’s too much you know because i feel like there might be somebody out there and i agree with you i i agree with you a thousand percent what would you say to that person who’s right now having anxiety because they feel like it’s another couple things they have to add to their list and they’re going through a divorce so they’re going through a custody battle and they can’t keep it together okay so i’ve made a really simple couple of things i’ve got some free exercises on my website you’re welcome to go there it’s some deep emotional healing exercises and just a summary of how to start healing your gut and your liver yeah and that’s i think you have the link there doctor meat.com d-r-a-n-e-e-t dot com yes they start with that yeah and there’s a lovely exercise i’ll show you right now how it goes and then it goes deeper in the videos or you can do this you can put your one hand here one hand behind your head okay okay this helps connect the different hemispheres of your brain it’s based on a technique called tapas and then you take it take a couple of deep breaths in and out just calm yourself down and then i’ve added this technique i think i just channeled this i’m not sure how it came but what i get my clients to say is it’s safe to feel tired from time to time and it’s safe to feel scared from time to time it’s safe to relax once in a while so i’ll use the words that i pick up that the client might be feeling and i’ll ask the client to use words that they’re feeling and you can use both quote unquote negative words like exhausted paranoid fearful freaked out as well as relaxed comfortable releasing and always end the sentence with once in a while that’s really important because these are not affirmations where we’re trying to force ourselves to think differently it’s giving our body and our mind permission to experience the full spectrum of where our emotions want to go when you allow the release when you allow the mind to experience um the full spectrum then there’s less resistance and when you have less resistance you actually go to the resolution of the the emotion that you’re struggling against what your risk persists but when you allow it and you say once in a while and it’s safe once in a while you you have the strength to not feel it and feel it at the same time and automatically your body just starts getting more comfortable with it and then it’s less permeating or penetrating into your mind you know and i i did that um in my head and i instantly felt like a release or relaxation question so if somebody’s um doing this exercise should they be repeating the phrase in their head or out loud um depends on depends on the person some people prefer to say silently i i experiment both loudly and in silence and see which one works best i prefer bring it out loudly to be honest um and obviously don’t do this while driving or operating machinery that’s a good good disclaimer um but just try it out and see which one works for you ending with once in a while from time to time and then there’s deeper sentences on the website um just sign up for the free video course there and it’ll guide you through you know some deeper emotions that really touch and support your vulnerability okay excellent so all right so you have the course on the website which is free and does the course also delve into um physical you know the things you were describing with the gut for example um and what are some you know quick things that a person could do to start shifting it around physically if they you know they can’t get to a nanopath right away yeah so the course is free and then there’s a deeper course of course people are welcome to purchase that helps my community projects in kenya um the free introduction does help you start healing your gut detoxifying your liver etc the first thing to heal your gut and is to reduce inflammation and that’s by changing the diet you know avoiding inflammatory foods typically it’s dairy or gluten for a lot of people yeah and so you can find out how to do this um by writing a diet diary for example and seeing what triggers you what kind of foods trigger you and um then of course also cleaning up your liver so having more bitter foods because you need to touch your liver if you a lot of people make the mistake of only taking probiotics and going on strict diets without cleaning their liver and and they fail in healing inflammation they got because the liver is the master controller of most of your organs and it produces very important juice this digestive juice called bile and it activates your hormones it activates your immune cells it stores glucose and it stores your vitamins it does a lot of things and when you ignore your liver the seat of your health a lot of problems surface okay what can uh so a couple questions i had a question earlier when you were talking about the intestines and leaky gut is can people fix that is it once you have holes can they be repaired yeah it’s not really holes per se it’s just an excess of permeability okay your gut lining has um all your immune cells most of you 70 of the immune system is in your gut and there’s a nice mucosal layer that lines your gut but when that layer gets a bit disrupted then your immune system is exposed to a lot of toxins and undigested food particles and that also triggers an immune response so yes you can heal it by one changing your diet and then i talk about different supplements etc in the online course and in my book that you can use to heal your gut even further yeah probiotics is something that people typically use of course and then there’s other supplements like vitamin d and special amino acids you can use to really balance your gut and minimize leaky gut okay so when when people take this integrated approach towards healing their whole person um can they expect to re-discover who they are absolutely absolutely i’m smiling because i’m getting chills right through my body because of the stories i’ve heard from clients of mine for people have taken the course you know um messages from around the world about the book i live in kenya so it’s it’s a gift to receive messages from all over the place um absolutely because remember the state you’re in is not your personality yeah you’re anxious or depressed because you’ve been traumatized you’ve been overwhelmed you’ve gone through too much in life yeah and what you’re carrying the baggage of the past the baggage for other people feelings the anger of your partner you know the abandonment by your parents etc all these are stories and is that once you start releasing them and finding security in your own sense of well-being in your own nervous system in your own sense of energy and you optimize the health of your body and therefore your brain chemicals you’re going to feel a lot much better a lot better right and when you get that confidence coming back you start trusting yourself more you start believing yourself more you start saying the right words you start attracting right relationships right you start hanging out with the right people and so yes um it’s it’s amazing i love it when people really get their emotional resilience and their personality back or a healthier version of themselves back awesome i love it so whoever’s watching this and and needed to hear dr amit’s message this isn’t all there is isn’t this isn’t all that he has to offer remember to go check out his book heal your body cure your mind it’s available on amazon and i looked at the reviews again and they’re amazing he has the free online course and it sounds like there’s some other courses that you can take with him but um you know and try out those exercises if you’re in a moment and you need to immediately calm yourself i’m surely going to do it so dr amit thank you so much for sharing your time with us your knowledge your wisdom your experience i know it’s going to find the person or the people who need it and um quickly how can people find you so it’s d-r-a-m-e-e-t dot com hopefully you can just put the link in i will i absolutely will and then what’s coming to me intuitively is also deep breathing deep breathing is very important because it calms your nervous system down then check out something called alternate nostril breathing it’s in the book actually okay that comes it’s like you breathe in switch your nostril breathe out breathe in switch your nostril breathe out um and that really balances your nervous system and deep breathing is super important also because it stimulates what we call the vagus nerve the vagus nerve is a huge nerve in your body that controls all your organs and your sense of well-being etc and the more you can calm that down the more your body will heal as well okay much uh you guys so take these tips as you’re going through your case and you’re feeling stressed out feeling freaked out you’re having a moment of things overwhelm you to start with these exercises the deep breathing and was it the haven exercise did i say that right one technique i would definitely see a therapist okay to add you to the right emotion the right technique okay um then i also use emdr which is one of the best i’ve seen for trauma release combined with evening technique okay so i think definitely definitely start calming yourself down with some tapping with some some of these techniques in them in in a mild way but severe trauma i always encourage clients to see a therapist because they can hold a space in the container in the right way rather than you feeling a bit overwhelmed with the trauma when it comes up or unsupported or in your own mind yeah a therapist has outside perspective and can really reflect back to your experience so you have some contact with the outside world and yes that contact with outside well helps you re-reintegrate with life got it okay and so dr amita you’re available for online consultation one-on-one too i am i am i am and of course this wonderful therapist all over the world or in your town as well if you prefer somebody face to face but definitely you’re more than welcome to do online sessions it works amazing all right this was wonderful thank you so much and so you guys i hope you check out more of dr meat and until next time you just remember to keep on trucking you guys and get out there and command the courtroom and i’ll talk to you soon thanks thank you and love yourselves yes yes yes love yourselves love yourself yes thank you i needed to hear that too okay bye bye bye you …