Cross Stitch & Knitting to cure my malaise! Day 5 of 7 Daily Making Vlogs

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[Music] good morning it’s Monday and I’m not a successful human this morning I’m still in my pajamas but that’s not my fault that is because Dan went into a meeting just as I was coming in to get dressed and his desk is right in front of my wardrobe so I’m going to have to wait until he finish his meeting fortunately I don’t need to go anywhere I’m just parling orders very slowly and I’m being really careful because I am really tired I’m not sure well I I slept okay but I did wake up a few times one of my uh peren the worst one of the worst per menopausal symptoms that I suffer from is night sweats I’m sure many of you will know what I’m talking about I yeah that’s the that’s the biggest thing I think at the moment it doesn’t bother me too much but obviously it wakes me up and it does make me tired and also last night Dad and I after the kids went to bed decided to watch goggle box and we were having a lovely time and we both had an extra glass wine and quite honestly I’m feeling it this morning I cannot handle my wine like I used to I feel it more the next day so I think it’s always it’s always that extra one isn’t it um and I I think that probably added to me not getting a good quality sleep so I’m just feeling a bit yawny and a bit jaded this morning so I’m having I’ve had a couple of Cups of Tea I’ve been up since like half 6 and I’m now having one of my favorite hot drinks which is just a hot a slice of lemon in hot water I really like it I find it really relaxing and tasty so I’m just waiting for that to cool down a bit and I’m going to continue with passing orders I can’t listen to audio books or anything whilst I’m doing this because I really need to concentrate uh and thank you basically if you’ve ordered over the last few days um one of the dodgy bag pins from either eBay which is raising money for the brain tumor charity or from Etsy thank you so much um it’s an absolute pleasure to sit here and pass up orders I love it I absolutely love doing it uh I’m just going to do it slowly this morning to make sure that my tired brain doesn’t make any silly mistakes my intention today was also to film a fulllength podcast but I’m actually going to take the decision not to do that this month uh because I don’t feel I have enough to share you’ve seen over the past few days that I’ve really just managed to do a bit of cross stitch and a little bit of work on one sock um and that’s not really a lot to share on my podcast I think I’d just be filming for the sake of filming uh even though I don’t really have anything much to share so I think I’m going to say here and I’ll put a community post up but I’m not going to film a June podcast um a a May wrap-up podcast um cuz I’ve got these Vlogs that are going up obviously and then I’ve got some really exciting stuff going on next weekend uh uh that I’ll be filming and sharing as well um so there’s going to be plenty of content from me without the need um for a podcast which wouldn’t have a lot of interesting stuff in it so do stay tuned because I’m doing something next weekend that I’m so nervous about and so excited about and I’ve got there’ll be lots to share uh and I’m going to continue these Vlogs until I think I said I was going to do it for a week so I think yeah I think it’s yeah Wednesday or Thursday I don’t know I’ll work it out as I go along I really shouldn’t talk when I’m feeling on I I I suspect I’m making very little sense I also went to renew my library books this morning and the websites down and I was like oh no cuz they’re due back I’m going to get fined but they given me an extra week cuz the website’s down so that worked out quite well okay it’s many hours later now what time is it it’s 4:00 I think when I last spoke to you it was about half 10 uh phoe’s gone to her friends after school just for a couple of hours pick her up at half 5 and then I’ll be making dinner for everybody because uh pH goes off to a football thing on a Monday evening it’s too late really to eat when she gets back but it’s quite nice cuz we eat dinner a bit earlier then everyone’s just got the rest of the evening to do what they want to do and I think I’m going to get into bed and watch some YouTube and relax and then have a very early night I’m waiting for my iPads charge up cuz stupidly I left it um on not on um I had I I turned off the lock screen for some reason and it ran out of battery so I need it to charge up so I can do my thumbnail for tonight’s Vlog and then I’m going to weigh and print the labels for all the orders no I’m going to weigh the orders and print the labels I’m not going to weigh the labels so I’m going to give myself an hour just to sit and do some cross stitch and listen to my audio book I am now listening to the mystery guest by n or what’s the author’s name n Pros uh I’ve been really enjoying it oops just press play uh I started listening to it after I finished TI lands by Philipa Gregory and uh it’s the second Molly made mystery the first one was called the the maid yeah and I really enjoyed it and it’s the same narrator and she does such a good job um so I’m going to stick that on and do a bit coost Stitch [Music] I’ve lost track of what I’ve been talking to you about uh we’ve had dinner it was lovely I made salmon and I did all the leftover vegetables and just heated them up uh from yesterday’s dinner and I did it with mashed potato I haven’t had mashed potato in ages and it was really yummy and the dishwash is on so I should probably move rooms and lilia’s gone to a friend’s house uh after college so she won’t be home till later and Donna’s taken Phoebe to uh football so I’m going to sit here on the sofa and do a bit of cross stitch for the next half hour to an hour and then I’m going to move upstairs to bed so I just had to pause the video for a second there whilst I unexpectedly sneezed yeah I’m going to sit here do a bit crost Stitch um listen to my audio book or watch some I might watch something uh ra at the dabbling hooks got a new video and I love Ra’s videos it looks like it’s a post craft fair one and there’s something about people talking about craft fairs that they’re either preparing for or have done that I just really really like so and yellow is a yell no re LEL is a a fellow lover of yellow that’s why I accidentally said yell rather than rub yeah I think I’ll do that I think I’ll watch her and do a bit cross stitch oh my goodness so hi hi it’s the cat not our cat next door’s cat she’s been asleep in our room all day and she’s now sitting on a shoe box tiny little shoe box just sitting on it the light’s gone uh so I sat down to watch well about an hour ago and then the doorbell went and it was my neighbor from a few doors down um dropping off a huge bunch of parsley she said I wonder if the chickens might like it it’s absolutely ginormous so I might trust that up and dangle it tomorrow Google it first just to make sure um to give them something to Peck at a little bit of enrichment activity yes you don’t like parsley I don’t think M you’re a cat so I don’t know where time has gone because it is now 10 8 oops you coming to say hello um the light is going and I have just been sitting here having a ground time so I’m going to flip the camera around hi oh you have a wash and show you what I’ve been doing now you can probably hear purring in the background oh look that is dark let me put my light on I have been working under my light but I turned it off in case it was too bright but I think we’re going to need it on let’s move the camera so we don’t get a shadow so here we go so this is the colors that I’ve sort of swapped out that I showed you earlier in the making Vlogs I’m really pleased with them so far yes do like them too do you uh so this is my the lightest one here it’s a kind of cream and then we’re moving into the very light brown and then I’ve got a slightly dark brown and then a very dark brown and it’s going to do the same coming down here as well but I’ve just been so enjoying it just what I needed I am getting quite tired now though and I did notice I was starting to make some uh silly little mistakes and had to undo a couple of bits I’m just going to finish this last few stitches on this heart yes hello hello what what oh I’m going to just fill this in and I’m going to put my pajamas on what do you want are you want to get on the cushion oh you just want attention and I’m going to go and sit in bed and do some knitting that’s what I’m going to do apologies if you can hear my tummy gurgling and I’m hoping dad might offer to go and pick up li so that I can just stay there hi [Music] …