Brotherly Love: Young Cancer Survivor Sells Her Book To Fund Cure

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Five and a half years ago CBS 3 introduced you to an 11-year-old little girl who wrote a Children’s book about her fight with Cancer now that Young author is a high school Junior Who’s thinking about college as iwitness news anchor Yuki Washington Shows us She’s selling that book to Raise Money for children like her thousands of children have heard her Story thanks to Two teachers Who helped her dream come true I like what you did with the baby we met Diana veg in 2010 finishing artwork for her book about her struggle with Cancer I don’t know that she If she realizes How many people it’s going to touch when Diana was nine she was diagnosed with leukemia after a year of treatment she went into remission Diana and two teachers Judy wilner and Melanie kinkner wrote a Children’s book about Diana being followed by the sun the sun when I’m when I’m sick it’s sad it gets sadder and then when I start to get better the sun starts to get a bigger smile those Doctors are really something obviously Cuz you know I’m here now Diana is 17 and still in remission she sold more than a thousand copies of the book How my son got its smile we had six seven months of a lot of great sales and book signings and fun stuff going on Do you like it honey now Judy and dianana are donating most of the book sale proceeds to the leukemia and lymphoma society Diana is competing Among nine other students to Raise the most money each dollar that they Raise a vote so the person with the most votes Um is named student of the year my mom decided I needed to go to the hospital a new kindle version of the book is on for $5 Judy is encouraging people to download it Thursday February 4th on world Cancer Day she calls it Diana day so I would love to say 100,000 people are going to buy this book I like to dream Diana wants to become a social worker for children in Cancer WS even better would be no Cancer WS at all I hope They can find a cure really from now until February 27th 80% of book sale proceeds will go to the leukemia and lymphoma society you can find out How to buy the book at I’ll see you tonight i’m UK Washington CBS 3 eyewitness news …