3 Dog Training Exercises You Should Do EVERY DAY At Home!

obedience Training at home

Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈

if you want a perfectly behaved dog it’s not just about doing a little bit of training when you first get your puppy or first rescue your adult dog and then it’s done training happens every single day your dogs are learning every single day and it’s up to you whether your dogs are learning great things every day or are they learning terrible things every day so what can you do every single day with your dog to ensure that they’re the perfect Canine Companion that you’ve always dreamed of now if you want a perfect Canine Companion just like the queen Eileen here one thing that you should be doing every single day with your dog is structured feed-in times you should never leave food down on the floor for your dog for them to have free access to when they choose it is such a wasted opportunity for you to build a wonderful relationship with your dog build amazing communication with your dog and have your dog look up to you as their loving leader where everything amazing in life comes through you and for them to gain access to those things all they have to do is come to you look up to you so the widespread ramifications are ludicrous so what you should do instead of leaving food down is a structured feeding time give your dog what they were going to have in their bowl ask them to sit when they sit put the food on the floor but don’t let them have access to it straight away wait for them to be doing this where they’re looking up to you for guidance and Direction then when they are doing that you can break and let them have the food the next thing you should be doing with your dog is completely counterproductive to most people but let me explain because if you understand this I promise you you’re going to have massive amounts of success and that is to make sure that every single day you are ignoring your dog now I know that might seem a little bit cruel but I promise you it isn’t like why would you want to ignore your dog you love your dog so much but I promise you you do this because you love your dog you have to remember dogs are pack animals they want to be with you all the time but we don’t live lives like they would live where they are with their pack 24 7. we have work and friends and social lives so we leave them on their own and if you want your dog to be happy you have to teach them to be on their own you have to teach them that they can’t have access to you all of the time and if you’re not doing that proactively when it comes to leaving your dog because you need to go out you’re setting them up to fail the dogs in your life need to understand that they can’t have access to you and your attention all of the time you can do this by simply ignoring your dog every now and again but another great way that you can do it every day is make sure that you are crate training your dog and giving them time in their crates every single day alone to calm down decompress because you love your dogs you need to start teaching your dogs to learn to love being a alone don’t forget to hit that subscribe button we make multiple of these videos every single week to ensure that you have the dream Canine Companion you’ve always wanted now everybody knows good girl that you need to be walking your dog every single day but what I want to talk about yeah good girl Riley good he’s making sure that you’re walking your dog properly every single day now you don’t need an advanced leash handling course like this to teach your dog to walk properly but it doesn’t change the fact that you absolutely must teach your dog how to walk nicely and then be doing so every single day good Riley hop up yeah good lovely and what we mean by this is understanding that when we go out for a walk rightly hop up yes good is that you’re following me you’re following my guidance and Direction and the reason this is so important is because the vast majority of problem behaviors especially those that happen outside of the house happen because of terrible lead handling skills on the owner’s part aggression towards other dark reactivity towards anything pulling fear anxiety all stem from Bad lead handling skills on the part of the owner the way that you fix that is by every single day taking your dog for what I call a proper walk not a walk where the dog is pulling and there’s tension on the lead constantly but where you’re leading the walk and the dog is by your side following your guidance and Direction because if the dog is following your guidance and direction if the dog is always looking up to you they’re not worrying about other things they’re not worrying about the dog on the other side of the road they’re not worrying about the cyclist that’s about to ride past if they’re following your guidance and Direction they’re only worried about you and following you as their loving leader so you must every single day practice your dog walking on a loose lead because it is the single best and most efficient way to ensure that your dog constantly looks up to you for guidance and Direction and when you have a dog that trusts in your loving leadership you have a happier dog a Content dog a relaxed dog and most importantly for you a well-behaved dog that is a joy to spend your life with rather than a chore to spend your life with …

Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈