german shorthaired pointer Training
Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here ЁЯСИ
so do you want to teach your german short-haired pointer how to walk beautifully to heal on a loose lead by your side so that you could be the envy of everybody that sees you walking such a glorious dog well don’t worry that is exactly what we’re going to be talking about in today’s video [Music] welcome back to the fenrir gsp show if you are new here my name is will i’m a canine behaviorist and i’m the founder and ceo of fenrir k9 and this channel is dedicated to helping you learn everything you could ever possibly want to know about the glorious german shepherd pointers and then how to become a high-level canine leader that can raise perfect gsp companions so if you’re a lover of this breed or you’re just about to get your very first one then start that incredible journey by hitting that subscribe button and turning on the notification bell so you never miss a future german shorthand pointer video so with all that out the way let’s dive into today’s video and there’s a k-9 behavior it’s one of the most common problem behaviors that owners come to me really hoping that i can help them with is that they have a dog that is pulling so badly on a lead and when we’ve got a breed that’s as athletic and strong as a german short-haired pointer it turns the experience of walking a dog that should be the highlight of an owner’s day into something that is dreaded and a miserable experience now i’m very proud of our ability to be able to help owners overcome this problem however i would much prefer people get it right first time around so that they don’t have to go through the heartache of problem behaviors and it is expensive to get professional help to be able to come and unpick problem behaviors like i say i’d much rather help you now get it right first time round so let’s delve into it now german short head pointers are a pleasure to train young puppies are willing and eager to learn and it makes the joy the task of training heal with them an absolute joy to achieve and the way i do is i break it down into kind of like four main steps and that’s what we’re going to kind of go through today now in our perfect puppy program that you can find down in the description box below if you are interested we spend a lot of time showing you exactly the step-by-step guide of achieving this with your new german short head pointer but don’t worry we’re going to cover the overarching principles and overview of that in today’s video now with like i said we break it down into four steps and the first step is something that is quite a straightforward process but all we’re doing is teaching the dog that the concept of this verbal marker that we’re going to utilize being healed or whatever word you want to use means i want you by my left hand side walking nicely to heal and the way we teach that is using a law marker reinforcement process so a lure can be using a lure stick i like to use a nice bit of meat that smells lovely we can put it in front of the dog’s nose and we can lure them into the position that we want and we simply lure them to our left-hand side when they’re in the position that we want them to be we mark that position with heal and then we give them access to the food reward very straightforward we drill that in a distractionless environment over and over again and step by step one step at a time we’re able to teach the new puppy that this term heal means i want you on my left hand side and listening and looking up to me for guidance and direction once you’ve achieved that by drilling it over the space of a few days a couple of weeks however long it takes to really nail that down and with german short-haired pointers that process is usually a very quick one congratulations you have taught the foundation of how to get your dog to walk nicely to heal now the next step on from that is around adding in turns and steps into the process so we might stand on the sustained spot and we lure them into the heel position and we might turn 90 degrees low mark reinforce we might go back 180 degrees le mark reinforce 270 360 and we make it a really fun positive exciting game once we achieve that level of success and not only is it teaching our dog to walk nicely to heal but it’s also really rewarding for the dog they’re working with their leader it builds communication and it builds relationship it’s an excellent thing to do with your dog and we’re going to start those different turns in the different directions and then on top of that we are going to start to then layer in steps so we might be turning 90 180 270 and we might also be adding in one step forward two steps forward five steps forward back to two steps forward and every time we’re adding a turn a few steps a turn a few steps a turn a few steps and we build this up and again we teach it as a game and we do it in a distractionless environment and we get to a point where we can be turning in any direction and taking any amount of steps in a low distraction environment and the dog will stay on our left-hand side we mark it with the word and we reinforce it with nice food reward and again we have made a really fun game and we have now taught our dog that not only when i’m stood in once one position stood still i want you on my left hand side no matter where i’m going where i’m turning if you follow me stay on my left hand side look up to me for guidance and direction you are going to get reinforced you’re going to get rewarded and good things are going to happen then the next step from that is simply to add a lead to the process now we’re going to talk more later about how people fall into common difficulties when doing this approach but what we’re going to do is we’re going to add a lead and carry on doing exactly the same things what we want to do is make that transition seamless that when a lead is on and i ask for this heel position it doesn’t matter whether there’s a lead on or not this lead means nothing it’s just an extra layer of security and communication for us as your owner regardless of whether it’s on or not it doesn’t increase excitement we remain calm we stay on our left hand side and we’re moving you’re following me as the leader because i am in control of this situation that’s step three we build up on that we grow that and we practice it until it’s nicely nailed down then we move into step four which is simply adding the distraction level adding time adding distance and removing the amount that we’re marking and reinforcing the behavior we don’t want a four-year-old germa shepherd pointer that we’re having to lean down and give food treats to every few steps that’s pointless what we’re utilizing that reward for is to really build that rock solid foundation of understanding and then we’re gonna lean on our relationship and communication with our german short head pointer that is the expectation of them regardless of whether there’s food or not this isn’t a bribery relationship this is a leadership relationship i’ve made it a positive fun experience but i expect this from you and if i ask you to do it then i want you to do it so to achieve that we’re going to slowly but surely build up the distraction level we’ve done it inside no distractions then maybe we’ll go outside to a lower distraction environment like a garden nice and fenced in no other dogs no other people but we’re outdoors it layers up the distraction then we’ll maybe go to a park where there’s no other dogs quiet time then maybe we’ll do it out on a pavement where there’s a quiet pavement where there’s only a couple of cars coming then we start to go to slightly busier roads etc etc as the days go on as the weeks go on we slowly but surely layer up this approach until we can be walking through times square with our german short head pointer walking beautifully to heel next to us again this isn’t rocket science how we achieve it is actually quite straightforward what’s difficult is the level of commitment and dedication that it takes from owners i think this day and age far too many people want a quick fix solution they want to be able to take their dog to a puppy training course one morning a week for six weeks and think that that’s gonna get a perfectly trained dog unfortunately that has never and will never work it’s about putting in daily commitment and dedication to the task of having a perfect joy and shorthand pointer which will achieve that level of success so a few common pitfalls people fall into that i want to quickly talk about before we wrap this video up and that the first one is around lead association now as part of my perfect puppy program i recommend that we don’t use a lead at all until we’re utilizing it at this kind of more third stage of adding the lead into heel lead works i don’t want to cause any confusion now we do use the lead in our fenrir basic obedience program and the basic obedience drill but all we’re doing is teaching the dog to be comfortable having a lead put on and off him and it not causing them to freak out or causing him to get dead excited in any way other than that we save that lead until it’s time to be working on heal because we want that seamless transition of this lead means i want you on my left hand side walking nicely now where people often go wrong is that they’re working on that heel work without a lead that might take a couple of weeks a few weeks until we’re adding the lead to it and in that time they’re taking their dog out and socializing it and exercising it like they should but they’re using an extendable lead or using that same lead and the dog’s bouncing off the end of it they’re pulling in any in all directions getting dead excited and then suddenly it’s time to put the lead on and he’ll work and we cause confusion it’s like well i’ve just spent the last few weeks doing whatever i want on this lead and now you’re telling me that i can’t and i need to be here which one is it i don’t get it then people get frustrated with their dogs and things start to devolve quite quickly so i recommend not utilizing that lead that you’re going to be using for heel walking at all until we get to that stage now the problem with that is obviously we need to ensure safety if we’re socializing our dog if we’re exercising our dog if we’re in the wide world we want to ensure their safety and if we’re in a situation where we can’t guarantee 100 safety and we need to keep them on a lead then i recommend utilizing a long line lead or ideally even cheaper just a basic piece run of paracord that you can tie to the dog’s collar and then drop it on the floor that doesn’t necessarily make the dog think that it’s attached to a lead that will be what it’s like when we do communication through heel walk so it’s not kind of conflicting with our heel training they’ll forget that it’s there because it’s so light and it’s just trailing on the floor but in any god forbid situations where we need to get the dog back to us for their safety we can quickly pick it up and reel them back in and ensure safety and guarantee safety it also helps with kind of recoil work that you’ll be working on simultaneously alongside heel walk with your germa short head pointer now that’s kind of the common problem uh hopefully that’s enough of a quick tip to make sure you don’t fall down that common kind of issue another one is around people’s patience and setting their dog up to fail rather than setting them up to success it’s incredibly important now i am a balanced dog trainer i utilize a wide variety of different methodologies in training dogs especially when it comes to behavior rehabilitation and behavior modification now when we’re working with puppies i like to work with as positive only as humanly possible now to achieve that and to achieve high levels of success with a positive only methodology we have to be setting our dog up to success if we set them up for success and they show the desired behaviors then excellent we can reinforce and reward that desired behavior utilizing a positive only approach however if with heel work we set them up for failure we rush things we go too much too soon and the dog experiences failure one of two things is going to either happen first of all we’re going to either have to correct that failure and let them know no that isn’t what you should be doing this is what you should be doing and that might mean verbal correction or even physical correction which obviously if you follow in a positive only methodology that’s something that you don’t want to be doing and if you are following a positive only methodology and failure occurs because you set your dog up for failure and you don’t want to correct that bad behavior then that behavior is going to get ignored and that dog is going to have no consequence for that bad behavior which means that they don’t understand that it’s the wrong thing to do and if that kind of behavior is a self-rewarding behavior for the puppy especially like how pulling on a lead can be very self-rewarding for a puppy they’re not going to understand that that’s the wrong thing to do they’re going to enjoy doing it and because there was no consequence to that action they’re going to be doing that more so then we’re going to have to kind of really try and work hard to lure them back get them back into a heel position and then we’ve got a conflict of interest with the puppy going well what’s more interesting me pulling on the end of a lead because that’s really fun and i’m doing whatever i want or me going into this position because they’re luring me with a piece of meat either way it’s not necessarily a good thing and that can occur by setting our dog up for failure so we need to be patient and set our dogs up for success if we can achieve that then you will have a high level of success with your german shorthand pointer so i hope that was helpful if you enjoyed it give it a thumbs up subscribe if you are new here we’ve got two new german shorthand pointer videos coming to this channel every single week so i can’t wait to see you on the next episode of the fema gsp show …
Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here ЁЯСИ