ways to train your dog
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in today’s video we are going to be teaching our dogs a deterrent so if you’re taking your dog out on a walk and maybe you don’t feel very comfortable in that neighborhood or wherever you are and you want to be able to give your dog an alert command let’s say you think somebody’s following you and you’re feeling nervous or uncomfortable about that you can give your dog a command that will make them act and appear to be aggressive even though they’re not and this is going to be a deterrent it’s not teaching our dog how to bite it’s not teaching our dog how to be aggressive it’s just teaching them to act a very specific way if we give them a command whether we use the command alert or we can say something like easy it doesn’t really matter as long as you have a word that’s going to let your dog know to act in an aggressive manner even though it’s not actual aggression let’s get started okay so if it’s your dog you’re going to be the one holding the leash but for this example since i’m going to be doing the training i’m going to have my friend rachel holding the leash for me so there’s a couple ways you can do it some people will keep it behind their back they’ll hold it on one side so they have it on their hips on each side and they’ll stand staggered so it gives them stability to support and maintain the position you want to try to be like a tree you want to keep the dog in one position as much as possible now of course when the dog’s pulling you might move a little bit but the idea is you want to stay as stationary as possible so rachel’s going to hold ari the first thing i want to do is i want to get ari excited i want to get her barking in order to get the toy now i’ve done this training with her before so she’s going to start barking right away your first step i also talk about this in my how to teach your dog to bark video we’re going to tease her with a toy when she gets excited i’m going to reward her with the toy i’m going to play with her for a moment we’re going to out we’re going to do that a couple times and then we’re going to move on to the next step okay so we have rachel she’s gonna come over here and hold the leash like i said as tight as you can you could have one on one side one on the other and ari’s gonna be pulling i’m gonna present the toy you’re gonna see she’s gonna start barking and she’s going to get very excited and then i’m going to reward her for that behavior you might have to tease your dog quite a bit in order to get them to bark but this is going to be the basic idea so i show her the toy she barks i move towards it boom i move i move i move good and then i reward her with the toy now i’m gonna play with her with the tug for a minute good girl very nice very good excellent good good job and you can slip it and let her have it kind of do a little victory lap if we wanted to but we’re not worried about that right now all right out no out good so that’s going to be the physical cue that’s going to get our dog to act or what’s going to appear to be aggressive even though it’s clearly play because we’re using a toy and we’re using our dog’s prey drive so now what we’re going to do is we’re going to add the command the command we’re going to use for ari will be easy so rachel’s going to say easy the moment after she says easy then i’m going to present the toy so the command is going to be easy all right so whenever you’re ready easy boom now i present the toy i could tease her a little bit give her the bite boom we play tug excellent work ari giving her a reward because the toy is more fun when they’re actively engaged with the human than when they’re by themselves at least that’s the way you want it to be all right good girl ari out nope good now the next step is going to be you’d want to bring your dog out and you’re going to have the other person hiding around a corner she’s going to have to say the command loud enough that i can hear it when i hear it that’s when i’m going to pop out from behind the corner of the wall so the idea is our dogs are going to think any time they hear the word easy someone’s going to come out and play with a toy and we’re going to do it in different locations and present it in different scenarios so our dog can become generalized to the training if you only do it in your backyard and then you try to tell your dog easy when you’re walking around or whatever command you choose your dog’s not going to act out that behavior because your dog’s not generalized yet so again step one we get them to bark and do the behavior that we want step two we introduce the command step three we hide and we have our person say the command in order to cue us to come out to do the correct behavior to get our dog to act the way we want them to oh good very good oh good excellent very nice ari good girl very good oh excellent nice ari out so i would continue to do this up until the point where the moment rachel says easy ari starts barking and getting excited before the person with the toy comes out so now the next step is we’re going to walk down the street and i’m going to let rachel know where to say the alert command and then i’m going to jump out out of nowhere and do the exact same thing we just did we’re going to do that in a couple different locations so you want to do this i’ve talked about this in some of my other videos to get a dog generalized you usually want to do around eight or more different locations so your dog understands that no matter what the situation is if you give this command your dog is going to do the correct behavior but we want to do it enough to where again they hear that command and they’re going where’s the toy it’s time to play and they start barking which can be a nice deterrent if you feel uncomfortable in a situation where you think there could be somebody who could present a threat to you this would help scare them off at least that’s the idea all right so let’s do the next step oh good girl let her bark stay in spot let her bark good good girl very good nice job excellent good girl are ya that’s my good girl that’s my good girl let’s get out and an attack good ari out taco cheeseburger attack and give her a win excellent work if you’re doing this type of training again you have to do this in multiple different environments and the idea is you say the command and your dog starts barking looking for the toy that’s going to come out you don’t want to let your dog pull you to the toy you want your dog to understand it’s the barking that brings the toy to your dog that’s what gives us that deterrent that we’re looking for easy good girl good girl good girl all right go ahead and reward her good good job ari very nice good and then go ahead and slip it let her have it alright excellent so if you guys noticed on that last one i said the command easy and she started barking before rachel came out and that’s what we want we want them doing the behavior before the human with the toy comes out and presents the toy to them that’s showing us that they know when they hear the command easy they think they’re going to be playing a game and they know that it’s the barking that brings the game to them which in the end looks like a really nice deterrent to somebody who could potentially be a bad guy i hope you guys enjoyed today’s video as always like subscribe hit that notification bell and i will see you guys in the next one you …
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