Focal Dystonia Cure Book Part 2

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hello my name is ruth chiles some of you may have seen my previous videos or others may know me uh from the very successful work that i do with curing focal dystonia so if you’ve watched my previous videos you’ll know that i’m very excited at the moment because my book on how to cure focal dystonia is going to be released at the end of march of this year 2022 in today’s video i want to describe what i talk about in part two of the book so just to remind you part one is about the the physiological changes that happen in your brain that are to do with the survival part of the brain and how that puts your body into primordial survival movements which are exactly the same as the dystonic movements in part two i talk about more detail about well why is that happen to you i think this is important because if you have mem access to those memories that can really accelerate your so your um recovery and and the curing of this but um and even if you can’t remember it it doesn’t matter um but it’s actually i think very helpful to recognize where it comes from it gives us a context it really does help in our process of curing the focal dystonia so i talk about adverse events that’s where it comes from i i’m particular i’m very specific with this term because it because it includes many different aspects that we might misunderstand if we used any other term i talk about adverse events in general but there are some very very specific adverse events that i talk about in detail one of those is attachment early attachment breaks and lack of infant attunement which then often leads to um the trigger for the focal dystonia coming on as being another loss loss of a relationship breakup loss of a loved one i also talk about being educate having been educated or learning music within the oppress oppression learning model and describe that very very specifically and i mean if we wanted to give it very brief summary or overview it would be about using the neocortex to learn things that only the sub-cortex can learn and really control but i go into much more detail about what that is many of us our musical training has been like that as well as much of our other education then the third group that i include as well as the just the general adverse events which i talk about is are injuries or accidents to the body because the body also can sometimes really install that as a survival mode so that’s the third part of the book i talk about that in in a lot of detail so you can really understand that within yourself and you can understand what the survival mode feels like and really be able to recognize it and then just to remind you that the third part of the book then very practical neuroplastic exercises based on brain spotting that will actually enable you to resolve those changes in your brain and bring your brain back to complete normal functioning and therefore your body back to complete normal functioning so i’m so excited and i’ve really written this book with a lot of love to really serve you so thank you so much for listening today you …