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okay i’m gonna do two things in this video i’m gonna talk to you about how to become a dog trainer because a lot of people have asked about that and i’m gonna show you how to teach a bunch of dogs to wait at a door and then be released out of the door so if you have a multi-dog householder you work at a doggy daycare this is going to help you so we’re going to start with the door thing then get into how to become a good dog trainer not just a dog trainer you want to become a dog trainer go to a dog training school there’s a bunch of them out there online and become a dog trainer you want to be a good dog trainer a great dog trainer that’s completely different okay so we have a bunch of dogs they want to get out here’s what you’re going to do you’re going to go up to the door you’re going to block the door the door opening is not the release to fly out of a door everyone needs to know that even you guys with one dog at home the cue to to go out the door is your verbal cue it is not the door opening or your body moving it is a release out the door we need a unique release because you you you only want one dog to go at a time so you’re going to say the name and then a new cue let’s say uh uh go okay so that’s brumly i’m going to say brumley i’m going to make eye contact and point and say go that is that that is not a release for their dogs if i was to get to the door and go okay that’s a more general release they are all expected to go at that point so here we go get to the door first thing you do is block the door you can throw in a stay or a weight or whatever you want or a hand signal i’m going to say stay watch me i’m instantly blocking the door that’s the first step it is not giving cues the first step is the block they cannot go are they creeping yeah they’re a bunch of creepers these dudes wait stay i don’t really care guapo bodhi go bodie go see how i caught prince prince go connery gets pushed back because connery is a bull okay you’re gonna watch this now connery is like i’m gonna come late and just go there this guy’s been waiting patiently connery just decided to bull his way through brumly go luna go luna luna go charlie okay charlie not you charlie i know buddy i know that’s how you train cues okay connery moana okay the main thing in there was not the cue don’t get caught up on the queue the main thing in there was the block the release it’s an open door they chose to stay they all chose to stay then i one by one released them connery was over here and then he’s like i feel like going while a bunch of dogs have been waiting patiently then it was like a little weird battle because he’s so big he’s over 100 pounds i kind of pushed him back and then there’s water in the way but i had to kind of push him back over here now how you push a big dog like that guys is you take your fingers like this okay like this stiff fingers and you move them at the neck area i’ve never made a video about this i should this is the video i’m making and you move them at the neck area you don’t push them grabbing their collar was impossible right there it’s a push at the area where you can push them sometimes when it’s like to the side connery come here good boy i know then you can’t want to take and you want to go right under this bone this jaw bone and you move them like this he’s too big of a dog to move like this or like you want to this right here or this right here this is how a dog is moved it’s like the leash correction it’s down into the side moving him is also to the side pushing a dog backwards oh my gosh they’re he’s a beast this guy’s a beast does that make sense block the door release yourself when they go block them you saw me block charlie you also saw me block prince now prince was flying out the door i literally had to just grab his nose i didn’t grab him hard it was just to stop him then i pushed him back then he stayed then i released it’s a whole dance now that’s going to flow into how to become a dog trainer how do i get good at that and that wasn’t even like unbelievably special the special part of what you just saw was how i touched prince the special part of what you just saw was how i touched connery those touching the dogs in the right way that was the special part that’s going to get us into how to become a dog trainer so a lot of people in the comments ask about this here’s my list number one get around a bunch of dogs you want to be me you want to be caesar milan the difference between me caesar milan and some other dog trainers is dog numbers it’s just numbers of dogs i didn’t plan to be like this i never set out to there was just something organic that happened with a board and train program that you end up with 10 dogs here all the time after a couple years it’s 10 10 all the time and i’m just sitting here out here with dogs going i better figure out how to manage these dogs so people and these dogs don’t get hurt you get around a bunch of dogs you just you have to be around them you got to see him you got to figure out what works and what doesn’t work over and over and over again that’s how you’re going to that’s that’s on a number one on the list for a reason getting around a bunch of dogs okay number two is raise your dog from a puppy i learned so much from raising bosco what i did right what i did wrong and then i could go into a client’s house with that four-month-old dog that is those alligator those teeth and acting like an alligator and jumping on them all day because i went through it with my own dog i didn’t just go into people’s homes and act like i knew what it’s like raising a puppy i knew what it’s like raising a puppy you don’t have to raise 10 dogs raise one dog when you be when you want to become a dog trainer get a dog sometime around that time so that you go through the whole process that your clients are going through you’re kind of if you haven’t done that and you’re in people’s homes and you’re acting like you know what you’re talking about it’s kind of a fraud like you got to go it’s like trying to help someone with kids when you don’t have kids it it makes no sense having kids is such a on another level that if you don’t have kids you have no idea what it’s like if you don’t haven’t raised the dog you have no idea what raising a dog is like okay so you gotta get a puppy raise it from a puppy don’t go get a one-year-old rescue get a puppy get a rescue puppy eight weeks you gotta know those stages how hard is potty training how long does potty training really take okay you got to know that stuff read and watch a lot i read a lot of books when i started i read karen pr actually i read karen pryor’s don’t shoot the dog while i was in school i read that joel silverman book uh what color is your dog i read the cesar milan books i read the positive book reinforcement books i read them all and i had an open mind the whole time okay so you just have to read get more information doesn’t mean you’re going to use all positive reinforcement or you’re going to use all the monks of new skeet book you’re not that’s not going to be your method but you’re going to take from all of them and watch a lot of youtube videos but you have to read youtube is not a if you want to be a dog trainer not a substitute for reading a book there’s still something about reading a book okay all right start training your friends dogs do it for free you need to get your hands on leashes are you gonna do that uh uh while you’re watching much oh by the way how do you get around a bunch of dogs doggy daycare is the best go get a job at a doggy daycare you are so ready to train dogs if you have worked at a doggy daycare for a year how are you going to get your 10 000 hours in malcolm gladwell talks about 10 000 hours then you’re an expert 10 000 hours do you know how long 10 000 hours is a 40 hour a week job it’s years till you get your 10 000 hours i haven’t done the math it’s a long time the only way you’re going to get your dog numbers is doggy daycare dog parks i don’t know you’re going to go mill around at dog parks you could if you live rural and there’s no doggy daycares to get a job at it’s tough to get those dog numbers up doggy daycare would be or a trainer or a place that has a bunch of dogs okay something like that that’s the key that’s the key you’re gonna eventually end up like cesar milano myself if you worked at a doggy daycare i’ve i’ve i’ve i’m the trainer for a bunch of doggy daycares and i tell the employees i go you guys are doing awesome because they have to do awesome because the stakes are too high if they’re not awesome and so you they just eventually become awesome it’s just what happens it’s weird okay start training your friends dogs that’s the least if you work at that doggy daycare by the way be the volunteer guy who walks all the dogs out to the customers and work on your leash loosely walking skills at that point and walks the dogs back to the yard that’s where you’re going to get your loose leash walking numbers up you’ve got to get these numbers up how you going to do that that way and then you’re going to get your numbers up by training friends dogs maybe for free maybe you charge them whatever you need numbers you need numbers of dogs playing and you’re managing that then you need training numbers how are you going to get those training numbers you’re going to start charging people and you don’t have your numbers up you’re not that good you could that’s a lot of people start but you got to be kind of good when you start okay building a website social media that’s down the road when you’re better you know you could probably skip the website hey by the way social media i see a lot of instagram pages and i’m guilty of this sometimes they people don’t want pictures of dogs as much as you think it’s enough with the just the pictures of dogs they want to see you i don’t do it enough honestly my me and my staff but i should more they don’t just want dogs they want to see behind the scenes they want to see you they want to see you in action show your work on this social media okay they want to see you training you’re not going to get any clients from a picture of a cute little dog they don’t care it’s a cute picture doesn’t mean you’re a good dog trainer a dog training instagram has this stuff all the time all over it just pictures of dogs okay go anywhere when i first started i would drive anywhere i did a free consultation anywhere they would just drive to their house they’ll they’ll almost always choose you if you’re going over there for free to do a consultation they’ll choose you i didn’t charge gas mileage i hired a trainer later on and she was already a trainer and when i hired her and she charged gas to get to somebody’s house so it’d be let’s say 700 bucks and then she’d be like and the gas fee is this i get it i would do it now i wouldn’t do it when i start you need numbers you need to be in people’s homes you want to really make money later on you got to not make some money early on you’re not the greatest dog trainer in the world they’re not they’re not um just happy to have you there because you’re the greatest make it easy for them don’t charge a bunch of money do a consultation for free whatever okay so that is how to become a dog trainer in my opinion it’s a numbers game that’s the main thing you’ve got to do this stuff to become a great dog trainer good dog trainer is different this is great dog trainer stuff okay i can’t tell you how big this is how big this is that’s the two biggest things getting around a lot of dogs and then training a lot of dogs and raising your own dog i bring up bosco and prince to my clients all the time and i’m like here’s what i did with my dog all the time and here’s what didn’t work with my dog i’m like i don’t i haven’t walked my dogs enough i have this facility i didn’t go on enough walks with my dogs bosco especially would go on a walk and he’d be like just like we’re on a walk oh my god i’m so excited that’s because they didn’t walk enough so on someone’s home i’m like walk your dog a lot or your dog ain’t gonna be good at walking okay that’s the video waiting at gates how to become a good dog trainer you guys please subscribe to the channel at any time you can unsubscribe it takes two seconds to unsubscribe but if you like the content please hit that subscribe button it would be awesome i’ll keep making these videos also like and comment say anything you want in the comments i’ll try to get back to you that’s it …
Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈